[Defense / Survival] Attack Of The Lunatics (AOTL)

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Level 5
Apr 13, 2008
Map Info:

AOTL is a hero seige map where you must defend the king and battle forward to destroy the enemies base.
Destroying the buildings stop their unit production. The town is actually being raided by insane orcs
and undeads, you have to go to the heart of their base and find out what is causing them to be aggressive
and insane and destroy that source. This game requires teamwork and roles such as healer, damager and support
are extremely essential.


Pot system: potions are stored in spellbooks so that more items can be used.

1)Upgrade Troops system: anyone can upgrade the alliances troops and anyone can donate money to the alliance or stop their unit production as it costs money.

2)Boss spells: bosses have unique spells to make the gameplay hard. Spells are dodgeable.

3)Unique spells: Heroes and even (some) enemy creeps all have custom made spells that are unique and are scaled based on stats

4)The spells are also stat based to make the spells applicable in late game.

5)Anyone can also use the King to defend

Screenshots :

Image Description:
Engineer gameplay


Image Description:
Wendigo gameplay



Special Thanks:

Frankster - Wizard and Archer Maiden
JesusHipster - Soul Armour
UgoUgo - Toxic Field
JetFangInferno - Holy Bomb
DCrimson - BlessingArrow
Norinrad - Runical Holy Aura
Illidan(Evil)X - GDI Titan
Kofi_Banan - Vulcan
SD_Ryoko - Lotus
Tranquil - Wizard
General Frank - Fel Orc Rampager
Callahan - Orbital Strike

PeeKay - Mystic Potion
GooS - Red Potions and Blue Potion
Mc ! - Frost Claws
Arcsol - Frozen Wave
Nudl9 - PegasusBoots2
Blaxor - Boots
Coinblin - Restoration

Unit Indexer system - Magtheridon96b
Aquaform Field - STRIKER21
StackNSplit System - Dangerb0y
Shock Explosion (Boss Spell) - Vladadamm
Maelstrom - Almia
Orb Of Fire (BOSS) - calex3
Eruption and Splitting FireBall and Demonic Ball - jakeZinc (AWESOME SPELLS)
Knockback System - T. D. W.
Damage Detection System - looking_for_help aka eey
Unexpected Charge: Paladon
Demonic Ball: jakeZinc
Beam: king_nelu

  • Engineer's healing tower
  • Revival System
  • Training Spawn
  • Engineer now has Attribute Bonus ability
  • Engineer's tower not taking any damage from boss
  • Spirit of Frost damage gain from spells and removed movespeed gain
  • King is now changed to Arcane Vault to stop regeneration
  • Engineer repair bot is now improved
  • Delayed invasion time
  • Increased AoE and Damage of FIrelord's Spells

  • Hide of The Leviathan (Item)
  • Battle Flag (Item)
  • Moonstaff (Item)
  • Magic Trinket (Item)
  • Beam (Voodoo Lunatic Boss Spell)
  • Engineer's healing tower
  • Bear Bash Ability
  • Disruptor now being able to be bought
  • Engineer's tower not taking any damage from boss
  • Spirit of Frost damage gain from spells and removed movespeed gain
  • Reduced Path of lights AOE from 200 to 165
  • Warsong Battle Drums now affect buildings
  • Ancient Relic loses all damage upon death but now has 25% attackspeed bonus
  • Death now reduces gold of hero.
  • Mana and Life Drain scrolls are more powerful now.
  • Lonely companion now has a shorter cooldown.
  • Shackles now deal much more damage.
  • Field Of Devastation damage is decreased.
  • Increased respawn time.
  • Fortification ability added.
  • Bounty of enemy units has been altered.
  • Alliance guard towers now have lower health.

  • Rogue Assasin (Hero)
  • Divine Shield can only be used on allies and now costs mana
  • Battle Flag now does not drop upon death and is fixed
  • Reduced Path of lights AOE from 200 to 165
  • Giant Skeleton Warrior, Burning Archers and BloodFiend have undergone damage boosts and other buffs.
  • Archer's agilty per level is decreased from 3.00 to 2.80.
  • Blink cooldown increased to 45 seconds.
  • Talisman of Spell Resistance is now stronger.
  • Nerfed Strafe.

  • Kobold Tunneler (Hero)
  • Crippling Shroud (Item)
  • Demon's Fist (Item)
  • Stone Of Gaia (Item)
  • Circle Of Blessing's Damage.
  • Talisman of Spell Resistance's Description.
  • Increased Frost Bolt's Cooldown by 1 and decreased its damage scaling. Decreased Priest's path of light scaling. Decreased orb of disruption's cooldown by 1.
  • Tidal Weed's price.
  • Reorganised recipe items.
  • Take out fountain of health and mana when there are 3 or more players in normal and hard mode (Cause im evil lol).
  • Redid the whole revival system thing you now only have 3 lifes, but you can buy more lifes.
  • Changed Mask Of Death.

Author's notes:
This map is actually a remake of a map that i made when i was only 7, that time i had a dream of being a game programmer i just wanted to complete and remake this map so badly cause warcraft is my childhood.
So please help me i would greatly appreciate it! If you have any ideas of boss spells, item ideas, hero ideas do let me know! Thanks ^^
Oh and i really appreciate you guys downloading and trying out the map as well as giving your personal comments! Thanks! Would also like to hear your opinions about the new changes added to the game!

[Map Description Template Created by -Kobas-
Find more here: Map Description - Templates


  • AOTL ver 0.46.w3x
    3.4 MB · Views: 51
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Level 3
Nov 22, 2014
I downloaded and played it a few times.

I like the fast gameplay, and some of the skills look neat.
I have played it with the mountain king and the lightning dude. The second most certainly had a more pleasant gameplay. Seems like melee heroes have a rough time.

A few minor things I encountered:
-Battle Call tooltip has some unclear information in it´s tooltip about how much armor is aqcuired.
-Sheild of Might (might be supposed Shield of Might) has no disabled icon.
-Hyper Coin is in both lvl 3 shop as lvl 4 shop.
-I don´t understand what Level of [x] increases per [x] Intelligence means
-Lightning Field is a button, but it's a passive.
-It would be useful if there where hotkeys on buying tomes.

Upgrading your sides units requires you to step into a circle of power, it took me a while to find it, and it's inconvinient to go in there with so much action in the map.
Maybe it is possible to change this to a building in which you can produce some dummy units/upgrades?

I got a fatal error after a while, saying something like memory can not be written, it was at a moment I wasn't doing any specific skill or something, i just went back to the Heal fountains.

Well, anyway, good luck fine-tuning the map. :)
Level 15
Aug 14, 2007

Remove control of king and make aura level up automatically.

Reduce amount of stacked effects to improve load time
Boss appears after you hit level 10
Butcher, instantly hook you to him upon vision.
Butcher can devour lunatics to heal (death pact?)
Butcher has lifesteal
Killing players steals their strength by 5.

Level 5
Apr 13, 2008
So the Butcher is a boss idea? I think there are enough bosses already though but maybe the abominations in the game will all have hook on hard mode! Which is pretty insane! Anyways I forgot to upload the latest version here!

Boss spell ideas for lightning shaman, blademaster, ogre lord and last boss will be greatly appreciated. Preferable make the spells dodgeable and can be countered :D:D
Level 15
Aug 14, 2007

Lightning Shaman
- Chain Lightning, hits nearby heroes, bounces back and forth every 0.3 second (team work based to counter)
- Lightning Blast, blast a line of huge electrical pulse that damage and stuns. (counter to separated hero)

- Critical Hit, Chance on attack to instantly kill a hero. (1% may be?)
- Berserk, gains maximum attack and movement speed for a few seconds. (May be make this trigger if 3 hero surround him?)

Ogre Lord
- Bash Strike, Slams and bashes all targets in an area infront.
- Anger, Casting a spell increases armor and damage for 20 seconds.

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