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Attachment Points

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Level 1
Aug 28, 2006
I've been trying to make some more advanced units and abilites using the attachment points. i have noticed previously some of the efffects that you can have from the DOTA characters eg. Lina Inverse, Kel'thuzard, and I would like to know if there is a tool or if someone can give me a list of some of the attachment points on units.
Level 1
Aug 28, 2006
Thanks for the site but from visiting it I would like to find out how to add certain parts of another units body as the lich with wings grabbed my attention, and it doesn't explain how to do that.
Level 1
Aug 28, 2006
if you mean by importing new models but it doesn't say how to actually tear the wings of off the dreadlord say and place them on something else.
Level 1
Aug 28, 2006
I would make a model of the wings and more but I don't know if the file format that I use can be converted as I haven't come across its like before (p3d). If someone knows of a converter for this type of file I would be very greatful as there are already a few done models which would be released.
Level 4
Jan 14, 2006
Eleandor said:
ring of protction =/= ability

His point is that he can't take off the dreadlords wings and put them on e.g. the lich. That's logical as those wings are part of the dreadlord model...

omg! but you can download the wings frome this site as an modle! and then just attach the wings to an ability then use that ability on an item or give the hero that ability so the hero will have those wings on him! if you dont understand so READ the page on the linked site.
Level 1
Aug 28, 2006
When I went to the site where you could download the model it said that it was cleaning up and there were no downloads or anything posted there yet but would be restored in awhile.
Level 4
Jan 14, 2006
you know... i have that site as my homepage and i havnt seen any thing of that. but just refresh the site (re enter the site) and se if it works.

elles its just to dl the moddle, zip it, open the import manager and import it, save the map and then adding the new imported file to an 1:item ability(if it shuld be attached to an item) or to an 2:eek:rdinary ability. then choice a item( if you did nr1) or just add the ability to the hero. to attach to CHEST then add 1 string called chest and then change the attatchments points to 1
Level 4
Jan 14, 2006
thats the correct link for the place.

it stands like this on the site:
Using an Ability
Now I need to make a dummy ability to create the models effect. For this I am going to use Armor Bonus +1. Thats because this ability does not show an icon on the hero, and its very simple to change.

Give the ability a new name.
Change the armor bonus to 0, so it doesn't do anything.
Change the 'Art - Target' field to your new model file.
Change the 'Art - Target Attachment Point 1' and add the point where you want the weapon. Mine will say 'left' and 'hand' in two different strings, but in the same field.
Change the 'Art - Target Attachments' to the number of points you added. Mine will say '1'.
Change 'Item Ability' to false, so we can add it to a unit.


Your done! Now add the ability to the unit who will use the weapon. Here is my new Dreadlord, with his bloody sword.

Attaching to Items
Heres a real cool way to associate weapons with items.
Instead of a unit ability, leave the ability we made before an ITEM ability.
Add the ability to the item you wish, instead of the unit.
When the unit aquires the item, the effect will automatically appear! And of course, when the unit drops the item, the effect dissapears. Of course, you can use this method for any attachment, spell effect, or import model.

Look through the majority of the units in your map. If most have a free left hand, attach the model to that side.

You can even use the model for the items default model, so it looks like the model when it is lying on the ground. I have found that swords do not look that great on the ground, because they are two-dimensional.

Using a Trigger
You can also just use a trigger to attach a model or special effect. Just use this trigger action.
Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the left hand of (Triggering unit) using Sword1.mdx

Known Attachment Points
Attachment Point Names:
overhead (floats over the unit's head, but doesn't sway with)
head (sways with the unit's animation)
chest (also good for wings)
origin (usually at the base of a unit's feet)
weapon (for heroes)
sprite (for buildings)
medium (for buildings)
large (for buildings)

Attachment Point Modifiers:
mount (for mounted units)
rear (for quadrupeds)
first (for buildings)
second (for buildings)
third (for buildings)
fourth (for buildings)
fifth (for buildings)
sixth (for buildings)
rallypoint (for buildings)
Level 1
Aug 28, 2006
I've read the whole thing before and i'm saying

There are a lot of models at these websites.
Campaign Creations
Please also see our links section.

that the links www.wc3sear.ch, Campaign Creations lead to a website which has been formatted and their still trying to get everything up and running again.
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