Vengeancekael: Private Message
Date: 2012/Feb/04 10:18:22
Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials
Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section
Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object editor, overall WE issues): WE Help Zone
Comment: I suggest you look at Kobas's suggestions:
Date: 2012/Feb/04 10:18:22
Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials
Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section
Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object editor, overall WE issues): WE Help Zone
Comment: I suggest you look at Kobas's suggestions:
Admin Contact - Resource Moderation - RulesMap is huge without reason, it can be shaped differently.
There can be over 500 units on the map (when all players play), this will lag like hell for those with slow connection.
I suggest reduced number of units and increase stats or limit them somehow.