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ATD Version: You.

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Level 18
Nov 1, 2006
February 4, 2008


I have decided that for the next version of Against the Darkness, which will probably be the last for a little while, I would like the new additions, updates, and changes to be decided in part by the people who play the game. That's right, what goes in this version is up to YOU. I will try my best to implement the better ideas into the map, but there are a few that I will automatically say no to (like adding new 'Evil' Heroes).

Here are some ideas to get you started:
  • Changing ability cooldowns
  • Changing abilities in general
  • Adding new abilities
  • Adding a new Death Hunter (with a full set of abilities)
  • Adding new areas to the map
  • Changing/Updating/Adding new Quests
  • New Game Modes ideas

And whatever else you can think of! Make this YOUR version, and make it the best of Against the Darkness yet! Post your ideas in this thread.
Level 2
Nov 25, 2006
New hero idea!

Indeed. Eeeeeexxxxxcellllenttt.

Er, Nite, be last for the little while? What would that mean? Is it going to be temporarily discontinued?

I would say, like, NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes. Btw, do we send those ideas via PM or type at forum? And about the Death Hunter Hero, must it be humanlike, that you can't choose other model rather than humanoid ones? Kthxbai.
Level 18
Nov 1, 2006
Infestation(Game Mode):
One of the hunters has made a pack with the death hunter
Find and kill him before he and the death hunter open the poatal

(oh and i made my avatar a aborocorss because they are a sign of hope)

I think you mean Death Knight... and why would it be called infestation? It needs a new name, but it could be interesting. What type of Hero would the allied Death Hunter be? Would it be as strong as the Death Knight? Details por favor!

Also, cool avatar. ::Shoots the Albatross:: :D
Level 2
Nov 25, 2006
Exorcism(Game Mode):
A reversed doom version! Basically, DH's begin with level 3(or 4, maybe) level, and a special (quite small, but sufficient) base (all buildings are Architecht based. The location? It's up to you, NiTe.), and some troops inside the base. Buildings, units and defenses are not fully upgraded, but there are some White Magic Defense System and Gatling Guns to begin with, so it's quite safe.
Now, the Doom countdown applies for the DK instead. The DH's are hiring special Exorcist to detect the DK so DH could assasinate him, but it takes time to channel the spell. That's the countdown for him. If time runs out, a special attack force will be given to each DHs, and the DK will be permanently visible.
But! If DK survived the survival timer, He will be able to open the doom portal, calling the demons everywhere. As the DH has anticipated his move, another reinforcement squad will appear, also like, everywhere. And it's an all out war from now on. DK is able to hire extra troops from the portal, will the DH has their equivalent. Their normal (beggining) base will be removed, and instead, an HQ is build and they're guarded with 2 special bodyguards (slightly weaker than the 2 bringer of Dooms guarding portal.) and Holy FIre Tower (Arcane Tower model) which is as powerful as the Nether Wards.
If the portal is destroyed or DK killed, DK is defeated
If the primary HQ or DH's are eliminated, they're also defeated.

Oh and btw, if it's limited to humanoid creatures, then, the ideas are...
-Outcast Warden [Akama Model]
-Pyrorider [Orc Warchief model]
-Commander [Blood Mage model]

Details to come. And NiTe's agreement.

Comments please! Need balancing.
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Level 18
Nov 1, 2006
I like the idea from the beginning, but the end definitely needs work. Also, the Death Knights goal would be to destroy the Technology Center in the Death Hunters starting base?

I just had an idea. What if in this mode there was an item that could be bought at the Technology Center which allows a Death Hunters to begin summoning the "Exorcist" (name is subject to change) at a target location. The summoning takes 90 seconds and after 30 seconds it's location is picked up by the Death Knight and pings for him on the map. Then he has 60 seconds to get to the location and destroy the summoning altar/stone/whatever. For each one destroyed the Death Knight receives gold and XP, so it is a risk to just go around planting them all the time or you risk feeding the DK.

If the "Exorcist" is summoned then the Death Knight is basically done with (the idea is that it would be VERY strong, but player controlled so the person could have a chance to screw up completely.) It could have an ability called Exorcise where it would be an ability similar to Life Drain but that slows the DK and drains HP/Mana until the Death Knight is killed. The ability can be countered however by running out of range or stunning the Exorcist. If the Death Knight is completely Exorcised or killed then the Death Hunters would win. The Death Knight would win by destroying the Technology Center (buildings would be buffed a little in this mode, and the Death Knight's hit points would also be buffed.)
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Level 2
Nov 25, 2006
Well, i think your idea is far more....agreeable. All hail NiTe. How if the Exorcist die? Would you lose the game?

For infestation, the DK's ally should be receiving more experience, perhaps?

Hero Ideas
Outcast Warden
A melee agility hero. Unlike Frozen Archer, he's not as frail as her. As a Draenei Outcast, he has a natural talent of invisibility. Which is useful in late game and surviving the Death Knight. Quite so.
The warden cuts the enemy with both weapons at ready, dealing double
damage on the next attack.

2. Shadow Dodge [PASSIVE]
If the Warden is attacked, there's a chance that his Draenei sense will
kick in and turns the Warden invisible for a short moment. Whenever,
wherever the Warden is invisible, the next attack will deal bonus damage if
he strike from the target's back. Bonus damage stacks with Twinblade.

3. Fear of the Dark [ACTIVE-AREA EFFECT]
Removes any source of light from the target area, blinding and deals
overtime damage to units inside the area. If it's nighttime, this skill will also
slow the affected units.

4. Impaired Judgement [ULTIMATE-PASSIVE]
The Warden's opinion is usually being disagreed as he's an Outcast, so he
sharpen his skill to kill the criminal by himself. Gains permanent invisibility
with a 10 second blending time. Every further kills will give him
5*[monster level] of gold and experience.

A melee Strength hero that has less health than Hunter or Engineer, but has more Intelligence to spam spell with. Basically, it's quite a battlemage, but less attacking, more casting. Not as frail as the Spell Breaker guy, so, in higher level, it has a higher chance of survival.
1. Flameride [ACTIVE]
Targets an area/unit. The Pyrorider will rush towards the target area/unit, dealing
damage to any unit upon impact. Upon reaching the area/unit, the Pyrorider will
flare up, dealing damage to enemies around him. Also creates a fire path behind the
Pyrorider that deals minor damage.

2. Shielding Flames [PASSIVE]
This skill gives the Pyrorider a chance to fully reflect (mark my words. Fully. Reflect.)
a melee attack directed towards him. Also increases armor.

3. Firewave [ACTIVE]
Creates a cone of fire that deals overtime damage to enemy units hit(no initial
damage) and also stuns the enemy on direct hit.

4. Embodiment of Fire [ULTIMATE]
As the disciple of Fire, the Pyrorider is able to summon a celestial being of flames
froms the sky. Drops a meteor from above, dealing AOE damage and stunning units
at the target area. Creates an invulnerable, controllable Adeptus Pyrae, a great fire
spirit (Model: Firelord) that has a rapid splash attack with high damage, but with no
homing projectile. The Pyrorider MUST CHANNEL this spell until Adeptus Pyrae expires
to maintain connection!!!

A melee intelligence hero that needs more micro than more macro. His stats: INT>STR>AGI. Has probably the same health as tha' Doctor, but has a special ability to control troops. And summon troops.
Targets an area or a unit, causing all allied units to attack the target with
bonus speed and damage, but render them uncontrollable for 5 seconds.

1. Aerial Bombardment [ACTIVE-AREA]
Calls upon an aerial reinforcement to bombard a certain area, dealing damage.
Calls between 3 of these reinforcement, giving each a special effect (randomized)
Gryphon Riders and Chimaeras: Thor's Judgement-Slows the whole area
Flying Machines and Zeppelins: Naphtha Storm-Deals damage overtime
Faerie Dragons and Dragonhawk Riders: Hexpulsion-Stuns the area.

2. Ground Reinforcement [ACTIVE-AREA EFFECT]
Summons a special squad of Elite Death Hunter Apprentice, each has its own skills.
As this skill is upgraded, the troops will be more powerful, gain more ability and more
troops will be summoned. Troops are permanent, gives corpse and destroyed by
Level 1: Summons a melee Defender, a tank with Taunt[LVL2] and Stomp [LVL3]
Level 2: Summons a ranged Ranger, a damage dealer with Critical Strike,
Ensnare[LVL3] and Searing Arrows [LVL4]
Level 3: Summons a ranged Sage with Frost Bolt, Entangling Roots, Flame Strike and
Starfall [LVL4]
Level 4: Summons a Paladin with Holy Light, Devotion Aura, Holy Fire (Permanent
Immolation) and Ressurection

3. Command Aura [PASSIVE]
Enhances the battle effectiveness of units nearby.
If a unit attacks, it has a chance to increase its speed for a duration.
If a unit being attacked, it has a chance to increase armor for a duration.
If a unit casts a spell, it has a chance to increase mana regeneration for a while.
If a unit reaches critical health, it has a chance to increase health regeneration.

4. Full Scale War [ACTIVE-GLOBAL] (Subject to editing for NiTe if it's wrong/imba)
Declares a full scale war towards the Death Knight, rendering all skills any allies cast
uses no mana. Aerial Bombardment will have no cooldown and Battleplaned units will
be controllable. Lasts [i-don't-knowi-t's-up-to-NiTe] seconds.

Pls give comment especially about the commander. I don't think it'll do the trick.

That's all NiTe. Thanks for giving chance!
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Level 15
Jun 28, 2007
I like the idea from the beginning, but the end definitely needs work. Also, the Death Knights goal would be to destroy the Technology Center in the Death Hunters starting base?

I just had an idea. What if in this mode there was an item that could be bought at the Technology Center which allows a Death Hunters to begin summoning the "Exorcist" (name is subject to change) at a target location. The summoning takes 90 seconds and after 30 seconds it's location is picked up by the Death Knight and pings for him on the map. Then he has 60 seconds to get to the location and destroy the summoning altar/stone/whatever. For each one destroyed the Death Knight receives gold and XP, so it is a risk to just go around planting them all the time or you risk feeding the DK.

If the "Exorcist" is summoned then the Death Knight is basically done with (the idea is that it would be VERY strong, but player controlled so the person could have a chance to screw up completely.) It could have an ability called Exorcise where it would be an ability similar to Life Drain but that slows the DK and drains HP/Mana until the Death Knight is killed. The ability can be countered however by running out of range or stunning the Exorcist. If the Death Knight is completely Exorcised or killed then the Death Hunters would win. The Death Knight would win by destroying the Technology Center (buildings would be buffed a little in this mode, and the Death Knight's hit points would also be buffed.)

thats a good idea

back to infestion ya we should change the name

but the evil one will look the same but have a spell book with some bonouses (ie backstab tripwire)
Level 2
Nov 25, 2006
No comment about both other heroes? Nah. It's up to you btw. You're the one who gives chance.

IMO, the Aerial Bombardment should give an effect like this;
-The flying units fade in from some direction from the target, facing the same way as the Commander, moving straight
-They drop the bomb
-They fade out the other way, still moving straight.

Maybe. As for the Pyrorider's final skill, the concept's like a combined Inferno and Tornado together. Both controlling a super unit, but combining the channeling and area stun damage together.

Maybe Infestation should be changed into 'Death Pact' or 'Betrayal', Hm? Btw, how if anybody knows about the traitor and decided to attack early? But in ATD we're unable to attack an ally. Confusing. Is the traitor going to be revealed after Doom? How if the traitor is revealed and started to be attacked before Doom?
Level 11
Sep 1, 2006
Felt like i had to get some idea out so here we go:


A low-ranged intelligence caster that uses the power of her mind to pound her enemies into submission, she is good with a group vs single targets, INT>AGI>STR
Mind Trap (couldnt think of a name)
The psychic takes a portion of the targets mind and binds it in place for the duration of the channeling (4 seconds?) During this time the target is unable to move or cast spells (but can still use items, if that's possible).
Mana Tap
(i really couldn't think of a name here)
The psychic unconsciously can find the magic within an enemy, and neutralize it, every time she attacks she has a 20\30\40% (level) chance to burn XX mana.
Psychic Shear (yes im bad at names)
[Active AoE]
Reaching into the minds of those around her, the psychic unleashes a torrent of violent mental energies, dealing XX\XX\XX damage to all enemies in an area, and stunning for 1 second.
4. Fury of the Mind [ultimate]
A master of the conscious mind, the psychic is able to completely ravage the mind of the target, dealing 200[couldn't think of a proper balanced damage] damage and paralyze (cripple) the target for 5[or 10] seconds.

Quickly drawn up hero idea, and i couldn't think of an ultimate, this is one of my first hero ideas for a game, so meh.
Level 11
Sep 1, 2006
But yeah, i didn't really have any ideas for an ultimate, without making it redundant. As for mana drain, i couldnt' decide, just mana drain, or feedback, and it would have to be VERY good at high levels because it would be useless on DK when he has 3k mana and is level 6 for instance.
Level 2
Nov 25, 2006
A low-ranged intelligence caster that uses the power of her mind to pound her enemies into submission, she is good with a group vs single targets, INT>AGI>STR
Mind Trap (couldnt think of a name)
The psychic takes a portion of the targets mind and binds it in place for the duration of the channeling (4 seconds?) During this time the target is unable to move or cast spells (but can still use items, if that's possible).
Mana Tap
(i really couldn't think of a name here)
The psychic unconsciously can find the magic within an enemy, and neutralize it, every time she attacks she has a 20\30\40% (level) chance to burn XX mana.
Psychic Shear (yes im bad at names)
[Active AoE]
Reaching into the minds of those around her, the psychic unleashes a torrent of violent mental energies, dealing XX\XX\XX damage to all enemies in an area, and stunning for 1 second.
4. Fury of the Mind [ultimate]
A master of the conscious mind, the psychic is able to completely ravage the mind of the target, dealing 200[couldn't think of a proper balanced damage] damage and paralyze (cripple) the target for 5[or 10] seconds.

Oh woah. Psychic Hero. I like
I rather like if the name could be Psion. Rather like a pro Psychic.

Low ranged attacking? Looks like another Elven Spellbreaker to me. What model is it going to use? (IMHO, the hero should have a longer range of attack, balancing with a lower STR and higher AGI.)
For Mind Trap, is the target still able to do attack? (IMHO, if it's about mind-gripping, then maybe the target's attack rate and movement rate could be slowed and has a chance to miss. Holding the target into place could give a perfect chance to kill the DK with just full house.)
200 is balanced for a DK :D Srsly, About Mind Shear, is it like War Stomp or more like Inferno(targetable)? I rather like Inferno as if the Psychic is under heavy fire, she could save her ass by stunning the attackers around her and she could use this ability to support at another condition.
IMO Feedback is better as DK would be low in mana near permanently, rather than the chance-dependent Mana Burn. Both sync with the Psychic's fast attack speed though(considering that secondary stat is AGI, not STR).

NiTe, just asking your opinion, is my heroes balanced or buffed enough for AtD? I wonder if it's too imba or nerfed, then it'lll be like, Aw Man.
P.S: I edited my previous post.
P.S.S: If anybody had better idea for Command Aura, i would be honored to change.
Level 18
Nov 1, 2006
Keep the ideas coming, and keep working on making them better. I also would like to hear balancing suggestions. I think that AtD Version: YOU will be the final version that I will release... EVER. So it would be in my interest to make it the best.

Here are some helpful ideas for suggestions:

Changing some of the special effect art that is given from items.
Changing item specs/stats/abilities
Adding new items
Adding/Changing/Fixing/Balancing Abilities
Adding new Quests
.........and the list goes on!
Level 2
Nov 25, 2006
Wait. Nite is leaving us? But, why? Is this version going to be finished at all?

You can just give it to one of a pro mapmaker at hive and let them continue the project, but still, carefully, to retain the steps that you take and still making it an "ATD" map. THen again, why not continue?
Level 8
Dec 1, 2006
What NiTe said is true.He is 18 years old he can't keep on with Warcraft.
But,if the final version has no bugs and nothing to get changed,why make a new one?

I don't see why someone should quit warcraft because he is old enough to drive, drink or whatsoever. If you haven't got the time to play cause your girlfriend or college or family obligations and stuff that's another thing, and of course you'll choose that over a game. Or perhaps the game has grown dull to you. Nonetheless you shouldn't stop playing warcraft cause you are 19, hell I'm 20 and still I always come back to this damn game. Changes are good from time to time, right now I'm playing Overlord, but that's not really the issue here. Only warcraft gives it's player control over all of the possibilities of the game.

NiTe, I wish you all the best of this world, you have made a great map.
Level 18
Nov 1, 2006
If you haven't got the time to play cause your girlfriend or college or family obligations... perhaps the game has grown dull to you.

These are the exact reasons. I have always come back to Warcraft III after quitting, but alas I think this is my final stand. I have been playing off and on since 2003 when it was released in the U.S. and now the community is beginning to lose many people, so there goes the motivation to continue mapmaking.

Thank you for the compliment and I hope you will continue to play Against the Darkness once the map is handed over to Dr Super Good and PurplePoot.
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