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[JASS] Arrays problem

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Hi guys, here I am again. This time i need help with the reward system for my map.
It basically creates a well ordered army in a square battle position. But I have a trouble. My arrays don't work.

//creates a row of 4 melee dwarfs
//local integer counter = 0
//local unit array m //it ill store the melee dwarfs

            exitwhen (counter == 4)
            set m[counter] = CreateUnit(c, 'h00B', x, y, 270.00)
            call UnitApplyTimedLife(CreateUnit(c, 'h01B', x, y, 0.00),'BTLF',1.00)
            call SetUnitInvulnerable(m[counter], true)
            call SetUnitMoveSpeed( m[counter], ( GetUnitDefaultMoveSpeed(m[counter])/2))
            set x = x + 95
            set counter = counter + 1
        set counter = 0
        set y = 4545.0
        set x = -6160.0
        //orders this created row to move forwards
            exitwhen (counter == 4)
            call IssuePointOrder(m[counter], "move", x, y)
            set x = x + 95
            set counter = counter + 1
        call TriggerSleepAction(0.75)
        //creates a second row of melee dwarfs
        set counter = 5
        set x = -6160.0
        set y = 5335.5
            exitwhen (counter == 9)
            set m[counter] = CreateUnit(c, 'h00B', x, y, 270.00)
            call UnitApplyTimedLife(CreateUnit(c, 'h01B', x, y, 0.00),'BTLF',1.00)
            call SetUnitInvulnerable(m[counter], true)
            call SetUnitMoveSpeed( m[counter], ( GetUnitDefaultMoveSpeed(m[counter])/2))
            set x = x + 95
            set counter = counter + 1
        //orders the second row to move forwards
        set counter = 5
        set y = 4635.0
        set x = -6160.0
            exitwhen (counter == 9)
            call IssuePointOrder(m[counter], "move", x, y)
            set x = x + 95
            set counter = counter + 1
As you can see, it creates 4 melee dwarfs warriors. Then orders their row to move 95 meters forwards.
After that creates a second row of units. And there is the problem. The unit are created, but they don't seem to get the order. They just don't move forward. Can you guys tell me why ?
Level 6
Jun 30, 2006
Also, I would set x and y equal to the position of the first dwarf that's created and never change them. After that, use everything as relative. GetUnitX(r[counter-1])+95 kind of thing. This way if you decide to change where they are spawned, you change those initial settings and thats' all.
Blue, That would take more time for the computer to read. This code I am talking about is huge, you have only seen a little portion of the code.

Also, leaving array spots not used is a waste of memory, which is very important for my map at this stage. I can't afford having much leaks or others.

Anyway, Do you guys know how I can turn the collision path off for a unit ?
Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
You can just use something like this so your "moving forward" will not be stuck into one place (the x,y you specified):

    set angle = GetUnitFacing(m[counter]) * bj_DEGTORAD
    set x = GetUnitX(m[counter]) + 100 * Cos(angle)
    set y = GetUnitY(m[counter]) + 100 * Sin(angle)
    call IssuePointOrder(m[counter], "move", x, y)

This will order them to move 100 to where they are faced.
Thx wolf, but I actually don't need that. That is far to complicated to use in the code.

Anyway, that collision thing was just what I needed, thx. +rep.

Now I have a problem trying to optimize this part of the code:

function Second_Seq_Effects takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit eff1
    local unit eff2
    local unit eff3
    local unit eff4
    local unit eff5
    local unit eff6
    local unit eff7
    local unit eff8
    local unit eff9
    local unit eff10
    local unit eff11
    local unit eff12
    set eff1 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 5335.5, 0.00)
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff1, "stand second")
    set eff2 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 5335.5, 0.00)
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff2, "stand second")
    set eff3 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 5135.5, 0.00)
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff3, "stand second")
    set eff4 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 5135.5, 0.00)
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff4, "stand second")
    set eff5 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 4935.5, 0.00)
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff5, "stand second")
    set eff6 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 4935.5, 0.00)
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff6, "stand second")
    set eff7 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 4735.5, 0.00)
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff7, "stand second")
    set eff8 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 4735.5, 0.00)
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff8, "stand second")
    set eff9 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 4535.5, 0.00)
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff9, "stand second")
    set eff10 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 4535.5, 0.00)
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff10, "stand second")
    set eff11 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 4335.5, 0.00)
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff11, "stand second")
    set eff12 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 4335.5, 0.00)
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff12, "stand second")
    call TriggerSleepAction(3.0)
    call KillUnit(eff1)
    call KillUnit(eff2)
    call KillUnit(eff3)
    call KillUnit(eff4)
    call KillUnit(eff5)
    call KillUnit(eff6)
    call KillUnit(eff7)
    call KillUnit(eff8)
    call KillUnit(eff9)
    call KillUnit(eff10)
    call KillUnit(eff11)
    call KillUnit(eff12)
    set eff1 = null
    set eff2 = null
    set eff3 = null
    set eff4 = null
    set eff5 = null
    set eff6 = null
    set eff7 = null
    set eff8 = null
    set eff9 = null
    set eff10 = null
    set eff11 = null
    set eff12 = null

I am trying to use a loop, but I just can't find the correct formulae.
Each time the loop rounds, i set "y = y - 200".
My way didn't work.
I also tried to use arrays, but the result was not good enough.

Can you guys help me ?
Level 6
Jun 30, 2006
Edit: The server when down as I was editing this post, now fixed
First off, when you declare a local variable, you can assign it a value. So your code can already be more efficient like this:
function Second_Seq_Effects takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit eff1 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 5335.5, 0.00)
    local unit eff2 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 5335.5, 0.00)
    local unit eff3 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 5135.5, 0.00)
    local unit eff4 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 5135.5, 0.00)
    local unit eff5 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 4935.5, 0.00)
    local unit eff6 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 4935.5, 0.00)
    local unit eff7 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 4735.5, 0.00)
    local unit eff8 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 4735.5, 0.00)
    local unit eff9 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 4535.5, 0.00)
    local unit eff10 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 4535.5, 0.00)
    local unit eff11 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 4335.5, 0.00)
    local unit eff12 = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 4335.5, 0.00)
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff1, "stand second")
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff2, "stand second")
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff3, "stand second")
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff4, "stand second")
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff5, "stand second")
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff6, "stand second")
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff7, "stand second")
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff8, "stand second")
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff9, "stand second")
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff10, "stand second")
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff11, "stand second")
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff12, "stand second")
    call TriggerSleepAction(3.0)
    call KillUnit(eff1)
    call KillUnit(eff2)
    call KillUnit(eff3)
    call KillUnit(eff4)
    call KillUnit(eff5)
    call KillUnit(eff6)
    call KillUnit(eff7)
    call KillUnit(eff8)
    call KillUnit(eff9)
    call KillUnit(eff10)
    call KillUnit(eff11)
    call KillUnit(eff12)
    set eff1 = null
    set eff2 = null
    set eff3 = null
    set eff4 = null
    set eff5 = null
    set eff6 = null
    set eff7 = null
    set eff8 = null
    set eff9 = null
    set eff10 = null
    set eff11 = null
    set eff12 = null

Second, this desperately needs to use arrays. Whenever you have large amount of data, you need someway to effectively organize it:
function Second_Seq_Effects takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit array eff
    set eff[0] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 5335.5, 0.00)
    set eff[1] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 5335.5, 0.00)
    set eff[2] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 5135.5, 0.00)
    set eff[3] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 5135.5, 0.00)
    set eff[4] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 4935.5, 0.00)
    set eff[5] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 4935.5, 0.00)
    set eff[6] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 4735.5, 0.00)
    set eff[7] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 4735.5, 0.00)
    set eff[8] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 4535.5, 0.00)
    set eff[9] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 4535.5, 0.00)
    set eff[10] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 4335.5, 0.00)
    set eff[11] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 4335.5, 0.00)
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff[0], "stand second")
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff[1], "stand second")
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff[2], "stand second")
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff[3], "stand second")
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff[4], "stand second")
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff[5], "stand second")
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff[6], "stand second")
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff[7], "stand second")
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff[8], "stand second")
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff[9], "stand second")
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff[10], "stand second")
    call SetUnitAnimation(eff[11], "stand second")
    call TriggerSleepAction(3.0)
    call KillUnit(eff[0])
    call KillUnit(eff[1])
    call KillUnit(eff[2])
    call KillUnit(eff[3])
    call KillUnit(eff[4])
    call KillUnit(eff[5])
    call KillUnit(eff[6])
    call KillUnit(eff[7])
    call KillUnit(eff[8])
    call KillUnit(eff[9])
    call KillUnit(eff[10])
    call KillUnit(eff[11])
    set eff[0] = null
    set eff[1] = null
    set eff[2] = null
    set eff[3] = null
    set eff[4] = null
    set eff[5] = null
    set eff[6] = null
    set eff[7] = null
    set eff[8] = null
    set eff[9]  = null
    set eff[10] = null
    set eff[11] = null

What's the point of organized data if you can't automate code? Hence:
function Second_Seq_Effects takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer i // i is almost always the counter
    local unit array eff
    set eff[0] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 5335.5, 0.00)
    set eff[1] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 5335.5, 0.00)
    set eff[2] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 5135.5, 0.00)
    set eff[3] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 5135.5, 0.00)
    set eff[4] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 4935.5, 0.00)
    set eff[5] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 4935.5, 0.00)
    set eff[6] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 4735.5, 0.00)
    set eff[7] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 4735.5, 0.00)
    set eff[8] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 4535.5, 0.00)
    set eff[9] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 4535.5, 0.00)
    set eff[10] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 4335.5, 0.00)
    set eff[11] = CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 4335.5, 0.00)
        exitwhen i>11
        call SetUnitAnimation(eff[i], "stand second")
        set i = i + 1
    call TriggerSleepAction(3.0)
    set i=0
        exitwhen i>11
        call KillUnit(eff[i])
        set eff[i] = null
        set i = i + 1
Something to consider would be using groups:
function Second_Seq_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    call SetUnitAnimation(GetEnumUnit(), "stand second")
    call TriggerSleepAction(3.0)
    call KillUnit(GetEnumUnit())
function Second_Seq_Effects takes nothing returns nothing
    local group g = CreateGroup()
    call GroupAddUnit(g,CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 5335.5, 0.00))
    call GroupAddUnit(g,CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 5335.5, 0.00))
    call GroupAddUnit(g,CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 5135.5, 0.00))
    call GroupAddUnit(g,CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 5135.5, 0.00))
    call GroupAddUnit(g,CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 4935.5, 0.00))
    call GroupAddUnit(g,CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 4935.5, 0.00))
    call GroupAddUnit(g,CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 4735.5, 0.00))
    call GroupAddUnit(g,CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 4735.5, 0.00))
    call GroupAddUnit(g,CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 4535.5, 0.00))
    call GroupAddUnit(g,CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 4535.5, 0.00))
    call GroupAddUnit(g,CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -6260.0, 4335.5, 0.00))
    call GroupAddUnit(g,CreateUnit(Player(5),'h01N', -5775.5, 4335.5, 0.00))
    call ForGroup(g, function Second_Seq_Actions)
    call DestroyGroup(g)
    set g = null
Last edited:
Mmmm i had somethinf in mind like:
function Second_Seq_Effects takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer counter = 0
    local real array x
    local real y
    local unit array ef
    local player p = Player(5)
    set x[0] = -6260.0
    set x[1] = -5775.5
    set y = 5335.5
        exitwhen (counter == 20)
        set ef[counter] = CreateUnit(p,'h01N', x[0], y, 0.00)
        call SetUnitAnimation(ef[counter], "stand second")
        set ef[counter + 1] = CreateUnit(p,'h01N', x[1], y, 0.00)
        call SetUnitAnimation(ef[counter + 1], "stand second")
        set y = 2 - 200
        set counter = counter + 2
    call TriggerSleepAction(3.0)
    set counter = 0
        exitwhen (counter == 10)
        call KillUnit(ef[counter])
        set ef[counter] = null
    set p = null

But when i tested it didn't work ... do you know why ?
Oh and thx for all the codes =P however groups will be an answer, they will make the game lag like hell (I think), so loops are kinda better here.
Level 6
Jun 30, 2006
They won't lag the game, but because the forums keeping temporarily going down, I didnt' get a chance to remove the groups code. I had forgotten that waits/sleeps in a ForGroup will crash the thread. So they don't work anyways.

Helping you with each part like this is kind of... I don't know the word. My point is that I can give you better code if you post the whole trigger and then I can keep that in mind while coding each part. I mean, we might get all done and you will post the trigger and I might go... "Oh no... you went about this all wrong." I don't want that to happen. Could you please post the whole trigger?

Edit: By the way, I think for this to work well you will HAVE to use a handle system... and if we use a handle system, might as well be a fast one since you are so concerned about speed. Which means we can't use Handle Vars.
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WOooOW. Thx but I won't post the entire code. It would be huge, and besides, it's still not complete yet.
But I know what I am asking. This is a function that is called in separate. So, optimizing it won't affect the other codes, it will only optimize this section of the code (which is what I want).

Also the system is likely to suffer future changes in the future, so i must understand it 100 %.
Anyway, The other codes are all optimized by me (I use loops and arrays with no probs with them).
My only problem is this section of the code.

Also, the system worked perfectly in past without any Handle system, so I believe they are not needed now. I am just making a major optimization of the code.
I can still post it here, but it won't help. Also I am still testing a section of it (this one).

Anyway, can you tell me what is wrong with my optimization loop ?? whay doesn't it work ?
Level 6
Jun 30, 2006
I think that set y = 2 - 200 should probably be set y = y - 200. Also, on your second loop you never increment the counter, mate. That means you need a set counter = counter + 2 after you do set ef[counter] = null

I'm don't know if anyone has told you this, but sleeps/waits are inaccurate. Plus, you can't always use them. Using them in certain places results in a crash of the game. That means that you should use timers. If you use timers, you will need to have a handle system to send data from place to place.
MMM crap.
Well the real code has those problems you pointed fixed. I just posted here incorrectly. And it still doesn't work. CAn you tell me why ?

Mmm, I know that sleeps can't be used with groups, but in this case, I don't see the problem ...
Anyway, perhaps using timers wouldn't be as bad as you say ...
I will post here a version of the trigger soon, but be warned, it has more than 400 code lines, all done by me.
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Level 6
Jun 30, 2006
You can't use the sleep. I just tested this one my map:
function Second_Seq_Effects takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer i = 0
    local real array x
    local real y=GetUnitY(GetTriggerUnit()) 
    local player p = Player(0)
    local unit array u
    set x[0]=GetUnitX(GetTriggerUnit())
    set x[1]=GetUnitX(GetTriggerUnit())+484.5
        exitwhen (i > 19)
        set u[i] = CreateUnit(p,'hpea', x[0], y, 0.00)
        set u[i + 1] = CreateUnit(p,'hpea', x[1], y, 0.00)
        call SetUnitAnimation(u[i], "stand second")
        call SetUnitAnimation(u[i + 1], "stand second")
        set y = y - 200
        set i = i + 2
    call TriggerSleepAction(3.0)
        exitwhen (i < 0)
        call KillUnit(u[i])
        set u[i] = null
        set i = i-1
    set p = null

And it works IF the sleep isn't there. Otherwise, the peasants don't get deleted.

If you would, just attach the map and say which trigger it is.
Edit: Do you wanna MSN over this? broshizzledizzle [@t] hotmail [d0t] com
Mmm MSN ... well I can't attach the map. I would risk losing 2-3 years of hard work all alone.
I can give you the codes however.

About the MSN, I will soon create a new acc, which will remain public for those I trust. You can eventually be added, but under the condition of not telling any personal information about yourself (or me) that may compromise our privacy.

Sorry about this, but I always have this rules with everyone from the internet (it's not for me, it's actually for them, but anyway).

Btw, thx for telling me that =) I am now using you code =)
News soon =)
Level 6
Jun 30, 2006
Lol, I only use MSN for talking to people I don't know. I'm not a big fan of MSN, but a lot of people have it.

I guess attaching it would leave it open to public, but how about mailing it to my MSN?
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