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Arena Tournament Realm

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Level 1
Feb 26, 2008
Hey! I looked around and checked to see if anyone post this and I'm pretty sure no one has, but please correct me if I'm wrong.

Well, Blizzard has announced (for a while) that there is going to be an Arena Tournament Realm where there will be a tournament to win cash in the 3v3 brackets. You can make any hero u want and get it instant leveled to 70 and any items you want, so it's all about skill. I think it costs some money to sign up, but I think it's totally worth it.

Is anyone planning to join this? Right now it's up on the PTR realm but not on normal servers.


Hope it's okay to link stuff, that's the news for it
Actually, no. You've got a few days to plan what are you going to equip from the list of given items on worldofwarcraft.com/wow-europe.com, not including season 3, but including full Season 2, number of raid items and other accessories. Once you get on the realm, in your starting zone you'll find loads of gear vendors.

The PTR is free for everybody.
Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
That's clearly one of the most false statements I have ever seen. WoW gear only makes a noticeable difference in high gaps between you and your opponent, skill level plays a huge role in PvP. To players with a 1 tier difference in gear will still leave a huge gap in skill(although I agree, proper speccing is important as well).

DotA is probably one of the most skill entailing custom games on wc3, I am not talking about public games where immature 13-year olds leave after being first blooded, I mean real dota where all players understand the fundamentals and team-work skills required to succeed.
Level 22
May 11, 2004
Both dota and Wow pvp suffer horribly from imbalances.

A rogue stunlocks a player from 100% to 0% without them even getting a chance to move (unless they have some sort of cooldown they can pop to get out of it for .001 seconds until the next mace stun comes around), using every interrupt to prevent them from casting any spells and completely removing thier ability to play the class....or priests that can mana burn 12k mana in seconds and make mana-dependant classes usless off the bat...and lets not forget the fav lock strategy ofn dot-fear-life drain-dead, where they can take out a player without them even being allowed to get an attack off....thats skill? More like a class imbalances to me.

Some dota heroes are horribly imbalanced as well.....aoe spells that 1 shot clusters of heroes while others have ultimate spells that hardly do any damage....some that can stealth around and kill a player in 2 seconds while others cant go toe to toe with anything....c'mon.
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Both dota and Wow pvp suffer horribly from imbalances.

A rogue stunlocks a player from 100% to 0% without them even getting a chance to move (unless they have some sort of cooldown they can pop to get out of it for .001 seconds)

Blink, Insignia of the Alliance/Horde, any ability that I don't know of?

And yes, Steal Life - Soul Link is the most overpowered build ever.
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