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Archer Spells

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Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
I need some help with triggers for an Archer Hero.

Ability 1 - Swift Shot
A swift shot which deals 5x Agility damage to an enemy target and generates 1 Combo Point (max 5). Combo Points lasts until Archer dies or uses a finnishing move.

Ability 2 - Piercing Shot
A shot which pierces the enemy target dealing damage per combo point.

1 CP: Agility x2 damage
2 CP: Agility x4.5 damage
3 CP: Agility x7.5 damage
4 CP: Agility x11 damage
5 CP: Agility x15 damage

Now the damage value is not important, I can change it into the right values. Combo Points can be shown as a number of 1-5 over the Archer. If it has no combo points there should be no number.

If possible, shade out Piercing Shot if Archer has no Combo Points so it cant be casted (not a must but would be grateful for it).

Thanks in advance for the help :)
Level 11
Jul 7, 2010
  • Set SP_Error = Not enough combo points!
Error message when you don't have enough combo points.

  • Set SP_Set_Damage[1] = 2.00
SP_Set_Damage[Combo Points] x Unit agility.

Type -cp in game to check how many 'Combo Points' you currently have.

IF you cast Piercing Shot without any 'Combo Points' it will show an error message and cancel the spell.


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Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
alright, thanks alot m8, ill check it out :D

EDIT: I found one issue, the target takes damage directly (before the missile has reached it), is this something that could be fixed? Otherwise it worked perfectly :)
Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
But it will always be off depending on the range you cast it at, if melee damage will be delayed if I set it like a 0.5 sec delay or something :/ isnt there a way to check when projectile hits the target?
Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
ok, ill try and see if I can fix in any of the missile systems in the spell section and make it work somehow. Thanks for the help :)
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