17:54, 25th Sep 2008
Hawkwing: Not enough freehand.
Hawkwing: Not enough freehand.
(9 ratings)
compair it with the original D: this is censored versionSupreme Imba Pwnage!
I love that skin! 5/5.
I have a friend here at the Hive that makes imba skins...Omg! You could tell me some skins tricks...
Good job once again, Friky.
In the rulez you cannot post pornographic content
Look at her !
She has eyeballs, Cyan eyeballs but you can see the eyeballs only in the portrait... you haven't seen them probably because you forgot to test it ingameShe needs eye balls, that's shure...
Sexy and well done, nice!
Please add her eye balls! Blue eyeballs
Well, it is kinda, I was lookin' at the picture but, it's made by me, and most of ideas are from me, what's wrong with that?Game Babes - - Play your life!
this is the art work i am talking that this model is based on O_O
adding cape and change of hair gets you out of copy rights trouble(?)
there are no eyeballs for a reason i would guess...since its a sorceress its there to make it look like she has power, or like her eyes are glowing
Works fine in-game, but on an artistic level the skin is rather blurry and the color-scheme seems unfinished. It's also a lot of recolor, I'd love to see some mroe freehand and less smudge.
Misha, you are a moron. Everything he said is right. However, for wc3, it is fine.
I beg you a pardon? A lot of recolor? That must be some mistake... only face used recoloringIt's also a lot of recolor, I'd love to see some mroe freehand and less smudge.