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[AOS] - What do you think about this idea?

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Level 6
Feb 18, 2005
So, after a long breack i no have finaly restarted WC3-Mapping and this is going to be my first project scince a while.

So, as the topic already says this is going to be an AOS type and i have already rethought and refited the whole concept something about 4 times, but i am confifdent that this idea is going to be nearly unchanged until my first release...

But back to topic: i want to ask you for two things:
- critic at my idea and ideas for improvments
- help at realising this ideas

Ok, but to give you something to critisize i have first to tell you what i've already planend and here you are:

On my AOS there will be an amont of teams, limited by the number of players playing. ( plus one CPU for each team to control the creeps -> i do not want this to become a foodman-frenzy ) So there will be a max of 6 Teams.
The player may ally at there liking and may even choose wich race they want to take. ( at the beginning i want to races: humans and undead )

You may have realized that this does not at all soudn like an AOS-map, but let me continue before making up your mind about this.

Each player that wants to make an new ally will receve an item to construct the main-building of his force. Within this bulding he, and all members of his ally, will be able to buy other buildings for creeps and defence and such. those may be build within a certain range of the main-building.
An ally has lost as soon as it's main-building, hero-respawn-building and all heroes of this force are either killed or destroyed.
As you may have noticed, heroes do not respawn fully automatically, but with the "help" of a building.
They will ( slowly ) respan if there is a main-building, but the respawn will be much fastened with every "respawn"-building you buy...
So, but i'll now continue to the nearly more important part: the creeps
the creeps contain the key to winning, because they are nearly as strong as a hero will be and because they will level as well as heroes do. in fact they are heroes themselves, but are not able to buy abilities. This brings me to the next important thing: the abilities
These will be spilted into three different kinds of abilities.
First there are those you can choose at the beginning ( like "Wizzardry" wich allows you to learn spells )
You can have only one of those and it will unchangeable affect the way your hero will evolve during the game.
Then, secondly there are the normal abilities wich you buy with wood ( you'll gain 1 wood per level AND 1 skill point. The skill-point is the only way to increase your attributes, except from the 40 ones you may spend at the beginning to increase your attributes. Your attributes are all 1 at the beginning. ^^ ) You may buy up to 4 of these but you have to fulfill certain conditions for each of them ( like having certain attributes or ahaving reached a certain level ).
Then, third, there are spells. You may buy these as thought they are abilities but they will all be "wrtitten" within your spellboock ( you'll get a spellbook if you choose "Wizzadry" at the beginning ) so you have to use them through a dialog in wich they are sortet by theme ( like death, elements or such ).

You'll even be able to upgrade your creeps and some of your buildings.

After all i only have to add one more thing:
the whole thing will be very low ( in conditions of hp, mp and such ) and it's quite easy to die becaouse of this. ( 1 HP/Str, Int increases only the mana regeneration, wizzadry increases the capacity, 35 HP are the basic life for all units including creeps but nor buildings of course ^^ but even they will get Exp. and levels to display the improvments of their crews )

Now i ask you to tell me anything you want to be improved in this idea anythign you want to be changed and if you want to helpt me, what you are good at ( i prefer doing the triggers for the engine to anything else ^^ )
I hope i haven#t bored you with this long post but more likely made it yound interesting to you ^^
Level 6
Feb 18, 2005
No, you won't be able to control the creeps.
I'm sorry i have mixed it up a little, but i'll try again ^^ i hope that it is much clearer this time...

- Alliances may be founded at the beginning of the game.
- Each player may decide to participate in the ally of his choice.
- All Units ( and Fighting Buildings ) can improve themselves ( level up )
- the hp, mp and damage level is much lower than in normal wc3 ( 50 hp are average )
- Player choose a race at the beginnign of the game ( Undead or Human )
- Player may choose either to create an ally or to participate in one. If one founds one, he will receive an item to create a "main-building". These mainbuildings may only be placed on certain places ( this is to prevent them from beeing unfair or to close to each other ^^ )
- Players can choose on initial ability wich will effect the whole game ( like "wizzadry", the ability to obtain mana and learn spells )
- Players can buy abilities for wood ( they gain one wood per level )
- Wizzards can buy spells for wood, the obtained spells will be written into the heroes spellbook
- player-heroes do revive slowly, butr with increasing speed for each Altar build by his/her ally
- creeps can level as well as player-heroes do
- creeps are as strong as heroes
- creeps are ALL controled by an CPU
- creeps are trained by buildings wich can be bought at the "main-building" of your own ally
- buildigns may only be buildin a certain range to ones main-building
- items may only be carried "logically" ( you do only have two hands, one torso and such -> so you can only wear one armor and two ona-hand-weapons )
- basic items may be bought at a market ( a buildign your ally may build )
- items may be combined with the "tinker"-ability -> so make shure to work as a team

i hope this made it more easy to understand. I do also hope that there are a few out there to help me at:
- terain
- heroes ( heroes do not have spells at the beginning ^^ mind this fact please )
- creeps & buildings
- items
- spells ( everyone doing the spells should talk to me about his ideas very carefully. i want this map to be semi-realistic within a world I have imagined )

I will do the engine and everything no one else wants to do...
Level 6
Feb 18, 2005
I truly wouldn't bother getting some comments on this idea. Even if they are not to me liking or i do not agree with them.

@ ElfWarfare
sry, but i do not agree with this.
It'll not lag.
normal melee game:
12 player á 3 heroes + x creeps ~ 36 heroes + 240 units ( at least ^^ )
my game
6 teams
1 hero per player = 6 heroes
~5 heroes per cpu/team = ~30 heroes
summ sumarum : 36 heroes plus ~24 buildings...

you see it'll lag a lot less than a big melee game.
But i think the mistake you've made is that you haven't read all of it. There is a part where i wrote that i want to make this map "smal" in means of hp, mp, dmg, gold, xp and, last but not least, ammount of units...
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