Well, regular heroes are not good choice, let me tell you example.
Allright, you got few imba heroes (talking about PvP which only matters), few fine, and few really bad.
Muradin, Blademaster, Warden, Illidan, Lich, Paladin, and Cenarius are imba heroes, more or less
-Blood Mage is rather a support class, meaning it's not good for solo, which is not needed in AoS, since there will be much team play for a well game.
-Archmage is not so good either, once you cast blizzard, enemy Hero can move out of the region, wasted spell. Briliance Aura is not needed, hence other spells are not good. Water Elemental is the only good spell, but it's also not that useful. I better not say anything about his Ulti, which sux hard.
Now let me tell you few bad heroes. For example:
-Crypt Lord: Carrion beetles, suck, the passive ability sux against range, and impale doesn't deal huge damage. Stunning all creeps is not needed. Ulti is ok, overall, hero sux, especially against range units
-Priestess of The Moon: Well, she only got huge attack, cannot use Lifesteal or any other buffs, and yet no stun/slow at all. Ulti is somewhat ok, but needs to be more powerful in order to be "ulti".
Blood Mage
Able to combo with stunners, and trappers, works well
Blizzard - Instead of the Hero cast the Blizzard, we can order Dummy to cast the Blizzard for him so he can walk around after casting the spell for like 0.30 second, after that, Hided Dummy Unit will do the work
Brilliance Aura - Can REALLY helps teammates' to supply Mana over Fighter/Tanker Heroes
Summon Water Elemental - Can be modified to suit the map's surrounding (HP, Armors and maybe some Passive/Active skills), can summon up to 2 per summon, lasts for 30~45 seconds, cooldown is 70 seconds
I agree on his ulti, sucks... egg.
Crypt Lord
Carrion Beetles - Can push/scouts/harass and even help his owner for farm for them, same like Water Elemental, everything needs to be changed Armor, HP and some skills too
Spiked Carapace - Well, you don't want ALL heroes' skills to be imbalance, right ? So there must be some downside, okay ?
Impale - Stuns up to 2.25 seconds (modified) in a straight line, what more do you want ?
Locust Swarm - Useful indeed in a massive fight
Searing Arrows - Useful for early farming tools, bonus damage up to 60 (modified)
Scout - Very, very useful for scouting or ambushing nearby enemies, useful to put in Neutral Creep (farming location)
Trueshot Aura - Supports members alike
Starfall - Yes, it needs to be changed, maybe that "Starfall Stand" only lasts for 3~5 seconds, dealing 120 damage per second
All you need to do is to be creative and imaginative on how to adapt yourself