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Level 2
Oct 13, 2004
Hey, I'm new here.

First q: What does AOS and DOTA stand for ? :D

Second q: I tried an "Extreme AOS" map, where there are four teams, one in each corner, each player would have one hero he could control, and the units produced at base would be sent to default areas by the computer on his team. Also, when killing heroes, you gain "Extremeness", like "gold", only this you use to purchase extreme items from vendors around the map. My q's are these, where do I find other maps like this? and where do I go to find a tutorial on making AOS maps? (like this one..)

Third q: Why does no-one make the computer able to play these maps, so people can team up on the computer, or play alongside with one.. I think it would be weird if it wasn't possible, and one thing me and my mates enjoy the most, is co-op play. This is a q for both AOS and DOTA maps.

-Regards, SunSeth
Level 2
Oct 11, 2004
AoS means "Aeon of Strife", derived from the original Starcraft map that first displayed the crucial gameplay elements(sans leveling and items obviously).
DotA means "Defense of the Ancients." The original DotA was for RoC and made by Eul, though the current variety, the much-maligned DotA Allstars, is made by Guinsoo. I personally don't have a very high opinion of it.
As for comps controlling heroes? They're largely designed for melee, and often function poorly in custom enviroments. However, EotA(Eve of the Apocalypse) DOES allow for computer controlled heroes that are somewhat competent, but they are ultimately nothing compared to a human player.
As for other AoSes? There are alot, including DotA Allstars, Eternal Conflict, EotA, Tides of Blood, and my personal favorite Lord of China, amoung others.
Level 16
Sep 3, 2004
DotA is horrible. The heroes are all rigged in ways, with precariously high rates and utterly impeccable levels of power. There is no balance, and n00bs who don't see quality and are so addicted to the concept of once they get the GOD item they are unstoppable will be an imcompetent asshole when they die as a result of a tower, say "This is gay. I got killed by a tower" and leave because THEY ARE BRAINLESS! I like ToB simply because it remains balanced throughout, until a crucial and decisive victory, items are balanced, and the load time is pretty short. EotA and DotA have precariously long load times due to unoptimization and whatnot in the map. Guinsoo is an idiot and need to learn how to actually make a map before giving something like items 100 attack and creating godlike heroes... what a n00b
Level 22
May 11, 2004
Dota and AoS essentially follow that same concept- comp controlled spawned armies and player controlled heroes to assist them. AoS was the first of its kind and everything else just sort of spawned from there. SO when somone says a "ToB-sytle map" It should really say a "AoS-style map" but thats just my personal opinion.

Personally I love AoS-style maps....provided that they are done right and not ripped by people who dont know what they are doing.
Level 10
Jul 2, 2004
it IS possible to make aos adapted AIs, but its much too troublesome and a little harder than the average map making, also, there are many aos lying around, jus that most of them are rigged and stupid, thus left alone after small amounts of playing. btw, extreme aos is a stupid map... its much too simple, and the creator tinks its a work of art *pukes* and dota is far too crude and rigged too.... eota is by far the best aos, too bad u dont see it often nowadays
Level 2
Oct 13, 2004
So, where to find these other AOS-maps

Where do I go to find these maps: Eternal Conflict, EotA, Tides of Blood, Lord of China ?

And can you recommend to me, a good site where I can find guides to making AOS maps (maps where the comp controls the units, and the play controls the hero, or maybe the computer also controls 1 or 2 heros..) ?
Level 2
Oct 11, 2004
Lord of China? I think I posted the latest version here....but otherwise...you'd have to find me hosting it. My bnet account is the same as my username here, and I almost always use Lord of China>dota(prolly should be amended to allstars). So yeah....I'm practically(nearly literally) the only person who hosts it at this point...but I love it...and, by the way, it's not my map...
Level 4
Oct 1, 2004
Any of u guys noticed you cant open DoTa in map editor i believe the guys (who are complete idiots) who made the map put a protection patch on it. I also think that dota alstars is ver over rated IT'S JUST NOT AS FUN AS THE GUYS WHO MADE IT THINK!!! i give it a 0/10000000 but yes i play it... but i hate it anyway. Also the characters u can use are very unbalanced. And the custom ones look like they were made by a 2 year old :twisted: . And i would make a very better one WITH GOOD CUSTOM MODS and good triggers that work correctly with the game play. I have observed a lot of games (yeah thats right observed because i always get like 3 levels behind everyone else) and no what natural game play is like. I have downloaded a version that is never played because it exclusivly the clan version (which for some reason i could dl) and i have realized that the triggers especially the one thats spawns special units that u guys think is according to point totals is actually timed, u here that TIMED! :shock: but if made correctly it could be made so that it is triggered by a point total on the leader board.

I wrote a lot didnt I?
Level 16
Sep 3, 2004
Yeah. The heroes have no actual roles in the game. In ym current project, Most heroes have a range of 23-39 area at lower levels and about 60 in higher levels, Excluding one hero who was modified for balance. It's based off my hero contest hero, which had very low attack which starts around 10 then goes to 30 at highest level, only because he can utterly thwart pushes and annihilate and kill single units with things like Time Stop, Critical Hit, and Bind, which utterly make him powerful in terms of his spells.

DotA, some heroes are just fucking strong, like 70 damage at level 3. Then, all they do is set everything the editor allows, being to stupid to realize you can break limits w/o WEU, try to set everything to 999999, and end up only at something around 1000. I would flame Guinsoo to death if I could, make a better map than him, and prove all those idiots who download the utterly trigger-leaked, 2 megs DotA, get their asses whipped by a hacker or get killed by a noob, and then try again by hosting a game that says, "SOMEONE HOST DOTA BGH PLZZZ!!!" then I whisper them, DotA is overrated and sucks. Play something like Kingdom Purge or ToB. They cannot comprehend balance and think that if they get whipped by a tower they think THOSE are overpowered, say, "This is gay" and leave
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