Another Question from: is it possible? Series

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Level 14
Mar 4, 2009
No, I am almost positive the only way of doing this is removing the ability, and then adding it back.

Yes and i think this question is very stupid,"Is it possible to reset ONE ability cooldown without playing into removing/adding rest of abilities? "

it is like you say is it possible to remove unit without action - remove unit :hohum:

if you need it to work on a hero just set integer = level of your ability for your unit,remove and add ability,set level of added ability to integer

its solved and there is no need to find another way...

BTW there are some things that you could post (i guess)

how to get value for

gold/lumber of something (not solved on good way)
damage of some unit
armor of some unit
damage of some spell
color of unit (not so important but it would be good)

remove icons attack/stop/patrol/hold position...
patrol/hold position (not solved on good way)

there is a custom script to get gold/lumber value but i cant make it work
its something like

GetTotalGoldCost (GetUnitTypeled(GetTriggerUnit())
Level 18
Feb 28, 2009
^^ If I`ll get any other stupid ideas, where I know how to do thing, but I`m looking for easier way.

ALiEN95 said:
damage of some unit
This cannot be checked. You can play into math, but there will be a lot of work, and this will have3 to be done for every unit, so there`s no sense.
damage of some spell
There was one way, which I don`t remember at all, but there was a lot of fu***ng with it too.
Level 14
Mar 4, 2009
i could get value for damage of spell

but i need function with issued order


unit is ordered targeting an object

order (ordered unit) to <correct issued order of ordered unit> on (dummy unit)

dummy unit would count damage value,he would take 100% spell damage

so i i need to do is when unit is oredred to cast chain lightning to do that on dummy unit instead the targeted one

the problem is that there is a lot more spells accept chain lightning
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