Another Question From: Is it possible? Series

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Level 18
Feb 28, 2009
Welcome everybody to our show: is it possible?
Our winner will gain +rep.

And today`s question is:
Is it possible to place MORE THAN 2 doodad at the same location?
For example to put at least 2 runes at the same spot. I cannot do it even with shift...
Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
I say YES!

Is it possible to place MORE THAN 2 doodad at the same location?
For example to put at least 2 runes at the same spot. I cannot do it even with shift...

But you forgot to make sense. "place MORE THAN 2 doodad"... and then "put at least 2 runes". More than 2 is not the same as at least 2 - it is more. Is there a puzzle in that question?
But anyway, if what you mean is not what you say, and you want to make sense, I'd say yes. You can take pathing off. You can give one a ground pathing texture and the other an air pathing texture. Or you can give 'em the pathing texture from mushrooms, shrub, and many other doodads.
I prefer the mushrooms pathing texture. And you can do the very same with destructibles btw. And units. And items if you please. And two hamsters, in the real world, but that would be sick.
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