Animate my legoman:)

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Level 8
Dec 10, 2007
At my school we have started to work in AutoDesk Viz 2008 (3dsmax), and our first project was to create a simple man.

So I decided to create a legoman. And for fun I've animated him with:
"Stand 1, Stand 2, Attack 1, Attack 2, Walk, Death" Animations,
and exported him to a wc3 model.

Im not the best animator and if you look at the model animations they sucks.
So I would be glad if someone would reanimate this model for me, so I/we can upload it in the model section.

Post here or pm me, and I will send you the model in .max format.

(ps, sorry the ugly face hehe, I will reskin it if the model will be uploaded here)


  • legomann.jpg
    26.8 KB · Views: 326
  • Legoman.MDX
    50.5 KB · Views: 105
  • LegoSkin.blp
    171.8 KB · Views: 174
Level 19
Jun 16, 2007
At my school we have started to work in AutoDesk Viz 2008 (3dsmax), and our first project was to create a simple man.

So I decided to create a legoman. And for fun I've animated him with:
"Stand 1, Stand 2, Attack 1, Attack 2, Walk, Death" Animations,
and exported him to a wc3 model.

Im not the best animator and if you look at the model animations they sucks.
So I would be glad if someone would reanimate this model for me, so I/we can upload it in the model section.

Post here or pm me, and I will send you the model in .max format.

(ps, sorry the ugly face hehe, I will reskin it if the model will be uploaded here)

I'm sorry but i've seen this model before on a site.
Level 9
Jul 20, 2005
Robot, you're not exactly one to be talking man...
your whole dbz map is made up of ripped models.

anyways, yes, it's possible that he didn't make it, but you gotta back your statements man.

.KC, if you want, it wouldn't hurt to look up a War3 units bones and then try to create your own skeleton with the same bone names and do an animation transfer.
Level 19
Jun 16, 2007
Robot, you're not exactly one to be talking man...
your whole dbz map is made up of ripped models.

anyways, yes, it's possible that he didn't make it, but you gotta back your statements man.

.KC, if you want, it wouldn't hurt to look up a War3 units bones and then try to create your own skeleton with the same bone names and do an animation transfer.

Yes but do you see me asking people to animate my rips ??

looks similar to this one



Level 8
Dec 10, 2007
Maybe it looks similar because every legomen is identical. I've tried to make him looks so identical to a legoman as I could. (I think everyone does that)

And do you think I would pay 18$ for a model to upload it here?

And if you look closer you can see the head, hands and arms looks different.

I have animated him. But im not that good to animated so I wont upload him in the model section with such bad animations, unless someone want to reanimate him.

PS: I looked at this picture when I moddeled him. 2007/LEGOMAN.gif

.KC, if you want, it wouldn't hurt to look up a War3 units bones and then try to create your own skeleton with the same bone names and do an animation transfer.
No that wont work, because a warcraft model have a more human skeleton, than a legoman have.
The legoman can only move his legs and arms forward and backwards.
Level 3
Jul 18, 2007
hmm.. I have seen this legoman before too.. I SAW .KC MAKE IT!!
We go in the same class, so i saw him make it.
Didn't steal it from anywhere..
Level 13
Dec 3, 2005
Unless you can prove w/o a doubt that he stole it then leave him alone. No reason stirring up trouble everytime two models are similar.

Plus I mean...It's lego's...It's not like there's gonna be enormous differences between them.

KC you should animate him yourself. Hone your skillz. If they're not good enough try and again. Then again. Then again. Then Stop. Hammer time. Then Again.
Stolen? This model? Don't let me laugh. Lego models are the very easy to make due to their blocky appearance. This can be done in 5 minutes (if we don't count the animation) and you don't even be a pro.

robot-dude, you mean this model? XD

And animating this model would be pointless, it's too simple to have use in warcraft.



Level 8
Dec 10, 2007
Never say never :p

You never(lol) know...It could be added into a "pimp my lego," map or something.

Wc3 Mappers are quite creative...

Right:thumbs_up: Actually I got the idea to export it to warcraft from Pyritie's campaign. Because he used lego block and action men as toy. So maybe he could use it in the next version as a mini game:grin:
Level 9
May 2, 2007
I think it would be a great idea to animate this lego man. I mean, it's pretty dam stiff so not much hassle and like someone said "Pimp my legoman" would be possible!
Whilst your waiting for an animator I suggest you work on some lego accessories like little lego gunas - ya know?

Anyway, Your my hero :)
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