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Animate Dead and Adding Abilities

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Level 6
May 1, 2009
The Hero I'm creating can "animate dead" corpses, when risen they have an infinite duration, but to balance that, I want them to receive the abilitiy "Rotten Flesh" which is a reverse hardened skin (increasing melee damage taken by 21).

  • Events
  • A Unit Spawns a Summoned Unit
  • Conditions
  • ((Summoned Unit) has a specific buff Animate Dead) Equal to True
  • Actions
  • Unit - Add Rotten Flesh to (Summoned Unit)
However... I've tested this trigger, using different actions (pause unit, make unit invulnerable, etc.) and I know it works and detects the summoned unit...

But I can't seem to add an ability to animated dead units. Is this hardcoded or something? I mean, the units don't retain their abilities when you summon them normally, but why can't you add abilities to them? Is there a work around for this?

Or is it simply these units "have" the ability but I just can't see it? It's passive, so I don't have to have it cast-able...
Level 6
May 1, 2009
I tried this

If (summoned unit) has Rotten Flesh equal to true then game- display DEBUG for 5 seconds else do nothing

And to double check I had the game give the animated units 'evasion 100%' and 'evenomed weapons' neither passive ability showed it was working, obviously cluing to the fact that the units did not receive the abilities.

Of course I could give my hero a resurrection spell and have the game tint the units so they're that red color... but I can't make a trigger that will remove the unit's abilities (well removing abilities could be done, but it would be painstaking) or mana pool. Sigh, I suppose I'll have to scrap this idea.


Also just tested 'remove buff animate dead from unit' as an action - it makes the ghouls no longer red, but abilities still can't be added.

After that, I tested this trigger using resurrection instead - the trigger worked fine and the units received the abilities. Of course, the only problems with this are the units also retain their old abilities.

Thinking about it, I think I have a solution. I'll make it so when animate dead is casted, the summoned units will receive a permanent faerie fire debuff.
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