I lol'd at this topic and everyone's over-reactive responses.
Plots against either candidate have been stopped. Just because it's Obama, shitheads are making it out to be a humongous deal. Oh hai, remember when Regan was shot? Oops. Oh hai remember the assassination attempts against President H.W. Bush? And I'M SURE there have been thwarted attempts against G.W. Bush.
Holy Shit there are still racists in the world? Shit, we might as well just give up.
I'll go through the more "funny responses":
.. LOL.. The U.N. is NOT run by the U.S. In fact most Americans (or at least ones I know) don't even want the U.N to be on U.S. soil.
He won't, he's a politician.
You get some Vaseline, rub it all around your ass-crack. Then you shove a plastique up your ass, and press the button that says "Boom".
lol. We're evil; we're going to sneak into your home at night, rape your women and kill your children. Beware.
On that same thought one could say that about any nation... Take.. oh.. I dunno.. PAKISTAN! What about the "assassination" of Benazir Bhutto? Let's completely discredit that entire nation because some radical assholes do something wrong. Hmm.