And the new class is...

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Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
I bet the Necromancer will be reserved for the expansion, it just seems odd if he won't be included at all.

Anyway, the Wizard looks cool, the next character better be cooler though!

Blizzard has been thinking of that as well...

The wizard looks great, more or less like a sorceress back in the old days, but some more constuctive abilities. The chain lightning is going to be imba together with runes (as runes can give power boosts to spells). In this case it releases a nova around the shocked unit D:

I saw the same for the teleport spell. She could, by the help of runes, actually teleport, hacking and slashing monsters on the way. The video about this is straight from BlizzCon and can be watched at Youtube (amateur video cameras, but what the heck:p)

Hopefully Teleport will not be affected by the fcr, if they tend to have any, since it affects the graphical animations, and imbalancing...

Warlock looks the best so far, in my opinion. Maybe because I like magix and blood parties :D
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