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Ancient Protector Range Glitch? Help!

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Level 11
Feb 11, 2010
So I've stumbled upon an odd glitch... it seems that no matter how I edit the fields for the Ancient Protector (and the corrupted Ancient Protector, too) the range of its rooted attack remains 700! Editing the attack range field does absolutely nothing, unlike every other unit in the game (AFAIK).

How come I can't change the attack range for ancient protectors? What's wrong?

Rep for any who can help. Thanks in advance.
Level 11
Feb 11, 2010
You also need to increase the Combat - Acquistion range of your Ancient Protector. Change it to an amount equal to the range you want it to have and it will happen.

Fantastic! Tried it and it works. I guess that should have occurred to me, but when I saw the range in the tooltip listed as 700 I assumed it was glitching the actual range, rather than using the lower of the two values (acquisition/range). +rep for you.
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