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Ancient Protector bugged?

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Level 6
Feb 6, 2008
It seems to be that the Ancient Protector (and possibly all the other ancients) is buggy in the World Editor.

When I create a new unit based off of the Ancient Protector, everything works normally.

I downloaded a skin for the Ancient Protector and renamed it. I used WC3 Model Editor to export the Ancient Protector's model as a new name as well, then used MDX Pather to redirect the new Ancient Protector's model to the downloaded skin. When I edit the Ancient Protector to use the exported model (with downloaded skin), the rooted form doesn't turn when it attacks. Is there a solution to this?

I've tried changing Data - Rooted Turning to True, but this causes the entire model to rotate when it aims aside. The real Ancient Protector only rotates the top body. I'm confused as to why my "new" Ancient Protector doesn't do this when it is in fact the same base model. I'm guessing this also applies to all the other Ancients - the roots of their model stay in place while their upper bodies rotate.

tl;dr: I used the Ancient Protector's model with a custom skin and now the top of its body isn't rotating when it throws rocks.
Level 6
Feb 6, 2008
I don't think so, Kala. There's no Uproot ability - merely an uproot "half" of the Root ability. Plus, that doesn't seem to be related to this issue.

Here's a test-map to show you what I am referring to. Credits for the skin go to Iyzz_Fryzz. I used War3 Model Editor to export the Ancient Protector model. I renamed the exported model to DemonTreant - no edits made. I used Mdx Pather to redirect the exported model to use the downloaded skin. I imported both into the map. I tweaked the sight range and hp regen of the Ancients for testing purposes, but no other edits have been made to the unit or abilities.


  • Ancient rotate test.w3m
    228.7 KB · Views: 110
Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
It's a model bug, try to overwrite the exiting treant protector, it still can rotate, the mdx pather have a bug, i think, i'll get to edit it, the portrait still can be used, but the model isn't
Edit: can't get it to work, seems it can't be done
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