An RPG concept idea

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Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
You start as a second-in-command that is working on projects that will stear the medival human race in the town of southwood in a brand new direction. To start off, you are given quests by the chief researcher to find materials to create buildings or power machines. While you are on his last quest, the undead, after learning of the breakthrough, kill all of the researchers. When you arrive, you mourn over the death but decide to keep going with the project in your direction. The options are:

You begin working with metal and electricity. Your hero turns into an engineer and the humans eventually ally with the goblins. Quests from then focous on mining, forging and generating power. Humans in the city begin using motorised equipment, the scout towers will turn into bomb towers and the town hall is turned into a forge.

You begin harnessing holy power into everyday objects to turn them into items of great use. Your hero turns into a Worshipper and the humans eventually ally with the elves. Quests from then on are directed by what the god wants. Priests are added to the city, the scout towers are turned into arcane towers and the town hall is replaced by a cathedral.

You begin allowing humans to govern themselves, and experiment with the less expensive way of using primal technology and sacrificial techniques. Your hero turns into a barbarian and the humans eventually ally with the orcs. Quests from then are steered towards killing things or pillaging encampments. Humans will then randomly attack each other, the scout towers are turned into orcish watch towers and the town hall is replaced by a stronghold.

The path you chose changes the path through the rpg, but each will end in taking revenge on the undead for what will be known as the 'southwood massacre'.

An important part is that after each quest, a change will happen in the city. For instance, after you have completed a modernisation quest to kill an iron golem to collect Iron for an invention, you can create goblin shredders. A spiritualism quest might be 'create an altar to the light' which would make some citizens become priests. A Barbarianism quest could be pillage a magnataur camp, which would give you magnataur hide armour.

What do you think of the concept?
Level 7
Aug 29, 2007
Hm.. This could turn out quite good. Are you planning to put this map into production?
Level 7
Aug 29, 2007
If you ever run in to problems I'll be happy to try helping you out. I would really like this project to become a reality :thumbs_up:
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