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America: The Bloody Divide

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Deleted member 139377


Deleted member 139377

In my spare time I am going to be making a new American civil war map.


If you are, please stop there, just please, I don't feel like listening to someone who will not actually give constructive opinions on a game.

Creators: Me, Myself, and I. Great blokes they are. Sexy, too.
Goals: Take over the North/South with the North/South and reunite the United States of America/Confederation of America

Features- At A Glance
- A wide range of realistic units, and aspects to the game.
-Two players only, yep, thats right, I am making a map that is intended to be straight up north versus south, though I will add in a few modes to expand upon this, allowing for nations such as France, Indians, Spain, and Great Britain.
-The remaining slots can be occupied as the power holders of each side, they determine elections, and whatnot, aswell as represent the army. One of them can be elected president to help run the country every time they all agree by typing -Election.
In the absence of these players, elections are no longer possible, though unit elections may yet be added.
-"Epic size", in order to make this map as overly powerful as possible, there will be relatively few fast fast units. Infact, the base speed for units will be 40, and the size of the units themselves, very small, with 1 collision. The camera is close up, but has the option to zoom out to nearly 6000 'feet'. I believe by doing this it will add much to a game made for two players in an epic battle.
-OpenSource; yep, after the release, I will allow the community to contact me at any time, and as long as they publicly agree to sign a contract in our forum that they have permission to modify it, they can do whatever they want with it, aside from give it out. The only requirement will be your word.
-Cease fire systems, as well as other diplomatic abilities.
-Unit limits; oh no, not unit limits! Yes unit limits, I don't like the limitations of food on a game, so why not use a simple trigger instead?
-Large item tree for Hero based combat, though not as centralized, hero's will play their part.
-90% guaranteed terrain accuracy. :p...
-City and resource based economy. Cities bring in gold, while resources(Coal mines, and whatnot) bring in lumber. Gold represents the US dollar, and Lumber represents supplies, building materials, etc.
-Spies, and assassins.
-Presidents, and election systems(This may be added much later on, even after it's release, if I can't make it work well myself.)
-Naval combat that isn't utter crap. Yep. Transport ships, well, weren't really many back than, and most ships just carried troops. So it shall be done that way.
-Famous iron ships, etc.
This is a basic overview of the map. I should be able to get it up and running soon.

Other information.
-Base speed of 40
-Base range of 140
-All around collision size of 1
-Line of sight 350
-Base attack strength(Land)20 damage, with 60 percent chance to miss. But can kill on the first hit.(Sea) Varies by the boat itself, and due to splash damage, 0 percent chance to miss, and 10 percent chance to kill on hit.

You may be wandering, "Y SO LOW ATTACK LULZ?" It's because that is the health of all of the basic land units. The balancing is more based on armor, and evasion than shear out the buttock power.

Elections, to avoid the risk of crashing every 15-20 minutes, will be determined by two players.

Before I state them, here are the Players list.

Red-United States of America
Pink-Elector/Presidential candidate.
Gray-Presidential candidate.
Dark Green-Presidential candidate.
Brown-Presidential candidate.

Blue-Confederate States of America
Teal- Elector/Presidential candidate.
Purple- Presidential candidate.
Yellow- Presidential candidate.
Green- Presidential candidate.

Now, they all have the ability to mess things up, as they can veto and election within 30 seconds of the Elector passing the vote.
The president has quite a nice bit of power, as well as receiving income himself, has full unit control over the player who owns all of the units in the north or south.

As well as all research facilities are directed towards him, and anything he researches in his term in office, will be seen by a trigger and transported over to the Unit owning player.
The president also is represented in the game via a hero unit. The other delegates represented by a downgraded version of that hero unit.

More to be added in time.

Other information can be given at any time, just ask.
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Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
-"Epic size", in order to make this map as overly powerful as possible, there will be relatively few fast fast units. Infact, the base speed for units will be 40, and the size of the units themselves, very small, with 1 collision. The camera is close up, but has the option to zoom out to nearly 6000 'feet'. I believe by doing this it will add much to a game made for two players in an epic battle.

The only downside of epic battles is that you can't have more then 100 units at the same time.
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