Hi, I am trying to make my map to Warcraft III (obviously) and I have a little problem. 
What I need to do is: I have a hero, let's just call him "Hero" and a building, let's call it "Barracks". I want to train units in Barracks, but allow training of only those units, that Hero has enough level to train.
For example, I have let's say "Soldier", who can be trained on Hero level 1, and then "Archer", who can be trained on level 2. I need the training of Archer to be disabled until Hero reaches level 2.
I hope y'all understand what I am trying to say, and I will always love you if you could help me with this. I litteraly have no idea how to make this work.
Thank you, if just for reading, and thank you more for suggestions!

What I need to do is: I have a hero, let's just call him "Hero" and a building, let's call it "Barracks". I want to train units in Barracks, but allow training of only those units, that Hero has enough level to train.

I hope y'all understand what I am trying to say, and I will always love you if you could help me with this. I litteraly have no idea how to make this work.

Thank you, if just for reading, and thank you more for suggestions!