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wont let me upgrade after i train

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Level 7
Feb 14, 2008
i have a barracks. i have taken away all tech-tree requirements. and made a barracks2 for it to upgrade to. but after i train one unit, it wont let me upgrade. if i dont train a unit i can upgrade. but it wont let me upgrade the barracks from 1-2 unless i DONT train. why is this? if it has to do anything with triggers i use this trigger.

Unit- A unit Finishes training a unit
Unit - Order Triggering unit to train/upgrade to a (unit-type of (Trained Unit))

i have several different barracks (techlines). but for some reason only one of them refuse to upgrade after i train a unit.

why on earth is this happening?!
Level 7
Feb 14, 2008
it wont let me send it in a PM. so ill put it here. im not afraid of it being stolen, this is just kinda a resource file for my map. when my friend is done with thje terrain im gonna copy and paste and work on it. if u plan on changing it yourself plz tell me what u did. or tell me what to do so i can do it.


  • set of triggers for my map.w3x
    236.9 KB · Views: 50
Level 17
Apr 11, 2007
I see your problem already, you have a trigger so that when you train one unit, it starts to train again, but even if you cancel the unit building, the building is still being forced to try and make that unit, therefore rendering upgrades useless.

May I instead suggest a second building called a Cloning VAT based on C&C RA2?
Level 7
Feb 14, 2008
whats a Cloning VAT?

thanks anyway. ill get rid of the trigger its not that importantn.

or actually would it fix the problem if i added a "wait for 5sec" action before that one? that way the person has time to click the upgrade button?
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