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- Sep 21, 2015
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I will post here all the quests by chapter, but not the solution (you will have to work hard
i will redo the campaign, so sorry if it's not over on few days x) (without cheats it's harder >.< )
Btw, i can't make screen of the game, so if you've got questions, feel free to ask
Chapter 1:
-Cleaning a Field: this quest starts with the farmer at north-east; available at start so do it BEFORE boss (tip: after the end of the quest, click on the farmer one more time to get another item ).
-Fishthern Gang: This quest starts with with a woman who reside one the north side of the river so just follow it and you will find her; this quest is available at start so do it BEFORE the boss
-Elder golem: this quest starts with the soldier at north west of THE TOWN ( inside the town so ); it's available at start so do it BEFORE boss.
-Ogre Mountain: this quest starts automatically when you pass at south of the ogre mountain ( get out the town and use the road to the east ); available at start so do it BEFORE boss.
-Ormester: This quest is available only after the boss and if you've done the quest "cleaning a Field"; it starts with the same farmer as "Cleaning the field" ( care the Ormester got a skill that will one shot you if you don't evade so you better save before )
-Elite Quest (this fucking fish): This quest starts when you pass through the men that are guarding a cave on middle east of the map; available after you reach level 8, (but you should try to get level 10 and good stuff before to fight him )
-Epic Quest (damn, a monster that can heal): This quest is only available after the boss; you will need to speak to the clan at the north and to challenge their archimage ( it's probably the hardest quest in this map, be sure to save 1 time before the fight, and a lot during the map on another save )
That's all for chapter 1
Chapter 2:
-Nhutzi: you can start this quest by approaching the guard in front of the store in the first time you walk in ( east side, before the bridge ), this quest is available BEFORE the boss and allow you to save honor point xp
-Khutzi: this quest starts when you walk into the barbarian village at the north of the map ( just go north when you find the first village ), this quest is available BEFORE the boss and is similar to Nhutzi
-Voldro The Barbarian: you can get this quest from a soldier near your starting place(just follow the road at east of the town before the bridge) ; this soldier appears once you reach the town of the bridge, so BEFORE the boss
-A test From Archeon: this quest starts when you cross the road on archeon ( he is a the west side, between the boss zone and the west village ); this quest is available BEFORE the boss but big hydra might be hard to kill if you don't kill the smalls ones before (tips: after the quest, speak to Archeon 10 times and he will you give an item )
-Elite quest: this quest can be start on the Noctoriah's mausoleum , once you solved the obelisk puzzle (just return in the middle of the circle); i don't remember if it's available before boss, but i think it is, but care this boss is very hard.
-Epic quest: this quest can be launch once you reach the end of the temple ( open it by killing a guardian, and the other one before the first one ressurect ); it's available before the boss, but you better be very strong and save before you start it
Chapter 2 done!
Chapter 3:
before you start this chapter's quest, i will give you a tips: vendor appears at your starting point once you kill the monster which is at the bottom of the road that lead to the east border of the map.
Btw, you should do quest on this order for some reason explain later
-Elite quest: this quest starts when you enter the room of Anthanex, the ice esper. To reach it from the start: go east; go north on the first road you see, then go west on the first road you see once again, and finally follow this road until Anthanex; this quest is available BEFORE the boss, but be ready to suffer!!!
-Epic quest: this quest starts when you use the unknown ring that you found on killing one of the mob of the east road; it's available BEFORE the boss and result in 4 stage...
Some advice for those stages:
--> on the first stage, you can unlock the door when all circles got the same color, but you should do it for each color, who knows, you might get something
--> on the second stage, yellow is power! i can't explain exactly the way, but to unlock the path, you should start with going at east, and then to reach the end, you should try going at west.... and yeah, you can take items even if you are not exactly next to them (like this omega orb near the end... )
--> on the 3rd stage, killing golems open the path, but you should try to get them dead on the same time
--> and finally for last stage (the boss), you should use what you've got from the previous quest
Chapter of frozen hell done ^^
Chapter 4:
-Weapon Chest: This quest starts when you encounter the merchant and his wife just after the bridge and the 3 dragons slayers; it's available BEFORE boss so do it BEFORE boss
-Strange Stones: this quest starts when you take the orange stone of the ground; sorry it's really hard to give a location, so i will give you this link to Aeroblyctos videos of this quest x) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Akx-s3naeUM
-Elite quest: to start up this quest, you will need to collect 10 whisps ( click on them when they appear around you, but take care, they disappear quite fast too ); once it's done just follow the road after the bridge until you find an entrance in a sort of arena ( well it's not really hard to find^^ ) this quest is available BEFORE the boss
-Epic quest: you can only do this quest once the Elite quest is done; travel on the cave until the boss zone ( make a map on a paper or if you are too lazy, it's somewhere on this site
), it's available before the boss too 
Chapter 4 is over!
Chapter 5:
-Mail!: When you enter the town, 2 guys are speaking on the left, the quest starts when approach them; it's available BEFORE the boss and it's free xp and money
; this quest is available before the boss and before the bridge is repair
-Teleports: this quest starts when you go to the teleporter of the town; you can complete it at anytime, but didn't do it because 1 luck (what you can get from one of the teleporter ) is so much weaker than 1 greater ball, especially on late game
-Magic Heart: This quest starts when you approach the guys that is under the north-west farm; it's available at start but take care, i you kill all the elemental of the mountain, their king will appear (on the way before the quest item) and he is quite strong. Tip: he got an item to steal that you will need to craft "animal set"; this quest is available before the boss and before the bridge is repair
-Portal: you see the 4 synthesis craftmen? just a little more on their right, there is a way on a mountain; go until the end of this mountain twice to initiate the quest ( i don't remember when "the thing" get out of the portal, so you better check after each quest, or each development or each miniboss, including the hidden wolf on the end of the north road that will appear after you kill enough wolves ); i've initiate the quest at the begin and killed "the thing" after the boss because i forgot it (^^), but you might kill him before
-Kazas: when the bridge is repair, just follow the road to the south and the quest will appear after william and john speech ( the choice is up to you: john lied but killing the kazan can give good xp^^ ); so this quest is available BEFORE the boss and once the bridge is repair.
-Anatholo: when you go to the south after the bridge, you will see a road to the left which lead to john's house, don't go there. On the contrary, even if there is no road, there is a way at the left which will lead you to Anatholo; but he won't propose you the quest until your kill all the monsters on the garden/graveyard on the right! Once it's done go back and speak with him. This quest is available BEFORE the boss and once the bridge is repair.
-Pumpkin problem: After the bridge, go to the south-west until you reach a farm; the quest will be launch automatically; it's available after the bridge is repair and BEFORE the boss
-Elite quest: Once you met Thalloon, go back to speak to him and challenge him (care! he is pretty strong!!!); this quest is available before the boss and before the bridge is repair.
-Epic quest: After you've done all the quest ( even if i finished the 'portal" quest after this one x) ) go back o john's house ( a road on the left when you travel to the south after the bridge ) and john will give you the quest; after that you only have to find the cave ( follow the river, north east on the map
); this quest is available after others quest and after the boss.
Tip: once you killed the epic boss, go back on his arena and you will see an item on the north of his arena
( you will need it get something very usefull at john's house
And with that, we are done with the chapter 5
Chapter 6:
-Kar'Gath Generals: Once you enter to kar'gath for the first time, go just a little further on the left and approach the rebellion leader (it's on the north-east if you already moved away ); this quest is available BEFORE the boss so you might really do it before; it worth it
Cage: this quest is automatically launch when you pass a certain point; if you don't find this point, go to the north of the central road( the one the big guys pass one
) and take the 2nd road on the right when you go to the south; this quest is only available BEFORE the boss. CARE, ONCE THE QUEST IS LAUNCHED, YOU CAN'T ESCAPE UNTIL YOU KILL THE MINIBOSS
-Keys: You know where the rebellion leader is now (if not, look on the previous quest
) so you need to go just on his north and approach the drunken resident and ask him if he needs something; this quest is available before the boss, and it's pretty easy because unless you get the masterkey from previous chapter carft, you will need to find all the keys to fulfill this act 
-The forgotten ones: the only quest i had problem to find.... but i get it! I did it after all the others quest and after the boss, maybe it's possible to do it earlier but i'm not sure... so, you have to go the the place where the craftmen are( south-east ); once you approach the ghost in the middle he will teleport somewhere else... he is now just under the guy who sell gems ( full south, just a little on the west ); when you approach him again, the quest start.
-Elite quest: once you entered kargath, go back on the left fire zone and you will meet a man near the big red symbol; this quest is ONLY AVAILABLE BEFORE the boss ( the one after 4 generators are down ) so take care
-Elite quest: you will need to destroy all 8 generators; then go at the north-west and find the room with a LOT of skeleton, kill them, kill the 4 skeleton champion than spawn and finally go on the middle of the room...the quest will start! You can only launch the quest after you killed the boss, before it won't work.
End so, the most difficult chapter i played is now over
Chapter 7:
-Giant Statue: from the castle entrance, go to the left until you enter the lesser battle arena; then go speak to the man who is at the south of this arena; this quest is available BEFORE the boss, so at start
-Magic Garden: Teleport to the magic research and then on the right, the quest will start when you approach Varmath; this quest is available BEFORE the boss, so at start
-The Mystery Portal: Go to the south-east of the graveyard (south-east) and approach the archbishop; this quest is available BEFORE the boss, so at start
-The Maximilian: Go to the small market arena, which is just behind the magic research(teleporter), then go to the south-esat of this market and approach Galvork; this quest is available BEFORE the boss, so at start
-Holgro: Go to the south-east of the great market (middle south ) and approach Manzure; this quest is available BEFORE the boss, so at start
-A Secret Meeting: Go to south door of the map (bottom south of the map) then travel to the west until you find the unknow man, and the quest will start; this quest is available BEFORE the boss, so at start
-A medecine: Teleport to the Rodhni Pond and then go at north, you will find Travis who will give you the quest; this quest is available BEFORE the boss, so at start
-Elite quest: You have to go an the big arena which is under the lesser battle arena, the epic boss will wait in the middle and you will have to challenge him; the boss appeared before the boss, but most of the previous quest were already done ( execpt "a medecine") so still available BEFORE boss
-Epic quest: once you killed the boss, go the lesser battle area and then to the north; you will find a Alfred and he will give you the quest; this quest is only available AFTER the boss
Hum i think chapter 7 is over for now
Chapter 8:
-Otzi Horn: take the road at the north of your starting position, which lead to the west; you will meet Jakob the unter who will give you the quest; this quest is available at start so BEFORE the boss
-Icy Mountain: You just have to go on the bottom north of the starting road; you will meet Jakob the adventurer and he will give you the quest; this quest is available at start so BEFORE the boss
-Challenge: once you met with the 3 others dragons slayers, go at east and reach the troll village; then go at the north-east of this village, the troll shaman will give you the quest; this quest is available BEFORE the boss
FUCK IT, I'M DEAD AGAINST THOSE STUPID GOLEMS :...( (i'm in hardcore, gotta restart this chapter but i still don't get how to kill them... )
I will post here all the quests by chapter, but not the solution (you will have to work hard
i will redo the campaign, so sorry if it's not over on few days x) (without cheats it's harder >.< )
Btw, i can't make screen of the game, so if you've got questions, feel free to ask
Chapter 1:
-Cleaning a Field: this quest starts with the farmer at north-east; available at start so do it BEFORE boss (tip: after the end of the quest, click on the farmer one more time to get another item ).
-Fishthern Gang: This quest starts with with a woman who reside one the north side of the river so just follow it and you will find her; this quest is available at start so do it BEFORE the boss
-Elder golem: this quest starts with the soldier at north west of THE TOWN ( inside the town so ); it's available at start so do it BEFORE boss.
-Ogre Mountain: this quest starts automatically when you pass at south of the ogre mountain ( get out the town and use the road to the east ); available at start so do it BEFORE boss.
-Ormester: This quest is available only after the boss and if you've done the quest "cleaning a Field"; it starts with the same farmer as "Cleaning the field" ( care the Ormester got a skill that will one shot you if you don't evade so you better save before )
-Elite Quest (this fucking fish): This quest starts when you pass through the men that are guarding a cave on middle east of the map; available after you reach level 8, (but you should try to get level 10 and good stuff before to fight him )
-Epic Quest (damn, a monster that can heal): This quest is only available after the boss; you will need to speak to the clan at the north and to challenge their archimage ( it's probably the hardest quest in this map, be sure to save 1 time before the fight, and a lot during the map on another save )
That's all for chapter 1
Chapter 2:
-Nhutzi: you can start this quest by approaching the guard in front of the store in the first time you walk in ( east side, before the bridge ), this quest is available BEFORE the boss and allow you to save honor point xp
-Khutzi: this quest starts when you walk into the barbarian village at the north of the map ( just go north when you find the first village ), this quest is available BEFORE the boss and is similar to Nhutzi
-Voldro The Barbarian: you can get this quest from a soldier near your starting place(just follow the road at east of the town before the bridge) ; this soldier appears once you reach the town of the bridge, so BEFORE the boss
-A test From Archeon: this quest starts when you cross the road on archeon ( he is a the west side, between the boss zone and the west village ); this quest is available BEFORE the boss but big hydra might be hard to kill if you don't kill the smalls ones before (tips: after the quest, speak to Archeon 10 times and he will you give an item )
-Elite quest: this quest can be start on the Noctoriah's mausoleum , once you solved the obelisk puzzle (just return in the middle of the circle); i don't remember if it's available before boss, but i think it is, but care this boss is very hard.
-Epic quest: this quest can be launch once you reach the end of the temple ( open it by killing a guardian, and the other one before the first one ressurect ); it's available before the boss, but you better be very strong and save before you start it
Chapter 2 done!
Chapter 3:
before you start this chapter's quest, i will give you a tips: vendor appears at your starting point once you kill the monster which is at the bottom of the road that lead to the east border of the map.
Btw, you should do quest on this order for some reason explain later
-Elite quest: this quest starts when you enter the room of Anthanex, the ice esper. To reach it from the start: go east; go north on the first road you see, then go west on the first road you see once again, and finally follow this road until Anthanex; this quest is available BEFORE the boss, but be ready to suffer!!!
-Epic quest: this quest starts when you use the unknown ring that you found on killing one of the mob of the east road; it's available BEFORE the boss and result in 4 stage...
Some advice for those stages:
--> on the first stage, you can unlock the door when all circles got the same color, but you should do it for each color, who knows, you might get something
--> on the second stage, yellow is power! i can't explain exactly the way, but to unlock the path, you should start with going at east, and then to reach the end, you should try going at west.... and yeah, you can take items even if you are not exactly next to them (like this omega orb near the end... )
--> on the 3rd stage, killing golems open the path, but you should try to get them dead on the same time
--> and finally for last stage (the boss), you should use what you've got from the previous quest
Chapter of frozen hell done ^^
Chapter 4:
-Weapon Chest: This quest starts when you encounter the merchant and his wife just after the bridge and the 3 dragons slayers; it's available BEFORE boss so do it BEFORE boss
-Strange Stones: this quest starts when you take the orange stone of the ground; sorry it's really hard to give a location, so i will give you this link to Aeroblyctos videos of this quest x) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Akx-s3naeUM
-Elite quest: to start up this quest, you will need to collect 10 whisps ( click on them when they appear around you, but take care, they disappear quite fast too ); once it's done just follow the road after the bridge until you find an entrance in a sort of arena ( well it's not really hard to find^^ ) this quest is available BEFORE the boss
-Epic quest: you can only do this quest once the Elite quest is done; travel on the cave until the boss zone ( make a map on a paper or if you are too lazy, it's somewhere on this site
Chapter 4 is over!
Chapter 5:
-Mail!: When you enter the town, 2 guys are speaking on the left, the quest starts when approach them; it's available BEFORE the boss and it's free xp and money
-Teleports: this quest starts when you go to the teleporter of the town; you can complete it at anytime, but didn't do it because 1 luck (what you can get from one of the teleporter ) is so much weaker than 1 greater ball, especially on late game
-Magic Heart: This quest starts when you approach the guys that is under the north-west farm; it's available at start but take care, i you kill all the elemental of the mountain, their king will appear (on the way before the quest item) and he is quite strong. Tip: he got an item to steal that you will need to craft "animal set"; this quest is available before the boss and before the bridge is repair
-Portal: you see the 4 synthesis craftmen? just a little more on their right, there is a way on a mountain; go until the end of this mountain twice to initiate the quest ( i don't remember when "the thing" get out of the portal, so you better check after each quest, or each development or each miniboss, including the hidden wolf on the end of the north road that will appear after you kill enough wolves ); i've initiate the quest at the begin and killed "the thing" after the boss because i forgot it (^^), but you might kill him before
-Kazas: when the bridge is repair, just follow the road to the south and the quest will appear after william and john speech ( the choice is up to you: john lied but killing the kazan can give good xp^^ ); so this quest is available BEFORE the boss and once the bridge is repair.
-Anatholo: when you go to the south after the bridge, you will see a road to the left which lead to john's house, don't go there. On the contrary, even if there is no road, there is a way at the left which will lead you to Anatholo; but he won't propose you the quest until your kill all the monsters on the garden/graveyard on the right! Once it's done go back and speak with him. This quest is available BEFORE the boss and once the bridge is repair.
-Pumpkin problem: After the bridge, go to the south-west until you reach a farm; the quest will be launch automatically; it's available after the bridge is repair and BEFORE the boss
-Elite quest: Once you met Thalloon, go back to speak to him and challenge him (care! he is pretty strong!!!); this quest is available before the boss and before the bridge is repair.
-Epic quest: After you've done all the quest ( even if i finished the 'portal" quest after this one x) ) go back o john's house ( a road on the left when you travel to the south after the bridge ) and john will give you the quest; after that you only have to find the cave ( follow the river, north east on the map
Tip: once you killed the epic boss, go back on his arena and you will see an item on the north of his arena
And with that, we are done with the chapter 5
Chapter 6:
-Kar'Gath Generals: Once you enter to kar'gath for the first time, go just a little further on the left and approach the rebellion leader (it's on the north-east if you already moved away ); this quest is available BEFORE the boss so you might really do it before; it worth it
Cage: this quest is automatically launch when you pass a certain point; if you don't find this point, go to the north of the central road( the one the big guys pass one
-Keys: You know where the rebellion leader is now (if not, look on the previous quest
-The forgotten ones: the only quest i had problem to find.... but i get it! I did it after all the others quest and after the boss, maybe it's possible to do it earlier but i'm not sure... so, you have to go the the place where the craftmen are( south-east ); once you approach the ghost in the middle he will teleport somewhere else... he is now just under the guy who sell gems ( full south, just a little on the west ); when you approach him again, the quest start.
-Elite quest: once you entered kargath, go back on the left fire zone and you will meet a man near the big red symbol; this quest is ONLY AVAILABLE BEFORE the boss ( the one after 4 generators are down ) so take care
-Elite quest: you will need to destroy all 8 generators; then go at the north-west and find the room with a LOT of skeleton, kill them, kill the 4 skeleton champion than spawn and finally go on the middle of the room...the quest will start! You can only launch the quest after you killed the boss, before it won't work.
End so, the most difficult chapter i played is now over
Chapter 7:
-Giant Statue: from the castle entrance, go to the left until you enter the lesser battle arena; then go speak to the man who is at the south of this arena; this quest is available BEFORE the boss, so at start
-Magic Garden: Teleport to the magic research and then on the right, the quest will start when you approach Varmath; this quest is available BEFORE the boss, so at start
-The Mystery Portal: Go to the south-east of the graveyard (south-east) and approach the archbishop; this quest is available BEFORE the boss, so at start
-The Maximilian: Go to the small market arena, which is just behind the magic research(teleporter), then go to the south-esat of this market and approach Galvork; this quest is available BEFORE the boss, so at start
-Holgro: Go to the south-east of the great market (middle south ) and approach Manzure; this quest is available BEFORE the boss, so at start
-A Secret Meeting: Go to south door of the map (bottom south of the map) then travel to the west until you find the unknow man, and the quest will start; this quest is available BEFORE the boss, so at start
-A medecine: Teleport to the Rodhni Pond and then go at north, you will find Travis who will give you the quest; this quest is available BEFORE the boss, so at start
-Elite quest: You have to go an the big arena which is under the lesser battle arena, the epic boss will wait in the middle and you will have to challenge him; the boss appeared before the boss, but most of the previous quest were already done ( execpt "a medecine") so still available BEFORE boss
-Epic quest: once you killed the boss, go the lesser battle area and then to the north; you will find a Alfred and he will give you the quest; this quest is only available AFTER the boss
Hum i think chapter 7 is over for now
Chapter 8:
-Otzi Horn: take the road at the north of your starting position, which lead to the west; you will meet Jakob the unter who will give you the quest; this quest is available at start so BEFORE the boss
-Icy Mountain: You just have to go on the bottom north of the starting road; you will meet Jakob the adventurer and he will give you the quest; this quest is available at start so BEFORE the boss
-Challenge: once you met with the 3 others dragons slayers, go at east and reach the troll village; then go at the north-east of this village, the troll shaman will give you the quest; this quest is available BEFORE the boss
FUCK IT, I'M DEAD AGAINST THOSE STUPID GOLEMS :...( (i'm in hardcore, gotta restart this chapter but i still don't get how to kill them... )
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