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Mini-boss Guide (v1.6e)

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Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
By Skasian

** Work in progress **
**Chp. 7 will not be started as it is an incomplete chapter**

This guide is intended to teach players how to find mini-bosses or make them appear.

This guide does not include Main Quest Bosses, Elite or Epic Bosses (although I may have included some due to them being commonly asked).

I intend on doing up a nice map to illustrate the locations if Aero would kindly give me an unprotected version to take images of

Table of Contents

  • [li]Chapter 1: {cc11}[/li]
    [li]Chapter 2: {cc22}[/li]
    [li]Chapter 3: {cc33}[/li]
    [li]Chapter 4: {cc44}[/li]
    [li]Chapter 5: {cc55}[/li]
    [li]Chapter 6: {cc66}[/li]
    [li]Chapter 7: {cc77}[/li]

[size=18pt]Chapter 1[/size] {cc11}

Habitat Spider Mother

  • [li]Requirements - None[/li]
    [li]Location - Pen in the south.[/li]
    [li]Other Notes - None[/li]
Orge Boss

  • [li]Requirements - None[/li]
    [li]Location - End of the Orge Caves, entrance is located on orge mountain, east of the main town.[/li]
    [li]Other Notes - Quest is bugged (Villagers cannot be saved) as of v1.6e.[/li]

  • [li]Requirements - Defeat 'Shadow Golem' in the main quest.[/li]
    [li]Location - Farm in the north east where you killed the worm-quest earlier.[/li]
    [li]Other Notes - None[/li]
Elder Quasch

  • [li]Requirements - Defeat 'Shadow Golem' in the main quest.[/li]
    [li]Location - South-east of your home on a small plateau where you killed the Quaschs.[/li]
    [li]Other Notes - None[/li]
Wuzz Shaman

  • [li]Requirements - Defeat 'Shadow Golem' in the main quest.[/li]
    [li]Location - On the little hill slightly south-east of your home.[/li]
    [li]Other Notes - None[/li]
Bandit Warlord

  • [li]Requirements - Defeat 'Shadow Golem' in the main quest.[/li]
    [li]Location - In the south-east near the road where you meet the caravan.[/li]
    [li]Other Noes - None[/li]
Assassin -

  • [li]Requirements - Defeat 'Shadow Golem' in the main quest.[/li]
    [li]Location - Located on the south side of orge mountain as you are walking along the road out of town.[/li]
    [li]Other Noes - None[/li]

[size=18pt]Chapter 2[/size] {cc22}


  • [li]Requirements - None[/li]
    [li]Location - In the mountains south-east of the army camp.[/li]
    [li]Other Notes - None[/li]

  • [li]Requirements - None[/li]
    [li]Location - In the mountains south-east of the eastern barbarian camp.[/li]
    [li]Other Notes - None[/li]

  • [li]Requirements - Spawns after taking the quest from Thom the Lieutenant in the center of the map[/li]
    [li]Location - North-eastern corner of the northern mountains.[/li]
    [li]Other Notes - None[/li]

  • [li]Requirements - None[/li]
    [li]Location - North-eastern corner of the northern mountains.[/li]
    [li]Other Notes - None[/li]
Tornder King

  • [li]Requirements - Kill all the Tornders (4).[/li]
    [li]Location - Spawns at the exit of the Tornder area located in the north-center of the northern mountains./li]
    • [li]Other Notes - None[/li]

  • [br]
    Wildboar Chieftain

    • [li]Requirements - Defeat 'Khutzi' and 'Nhutzi'.[/li]
      [li]Location - Valley leading into the army camp, center of the map.[/li]
      [li]Other Notes - None[/li]
    Fishthern Chieftain

    • [li]Requirements[/ b]- None[/li]
      [li]Location - Wetlands in the south-west corner of the map. South side of strong river.[/li]
      [li]Other Notes - None[/li]

    Momo Chieftain

    • [li]Requirements - Kill all the Momo's units in the northern mountains.[/li]
      [li]Location - Center of the mountains. At the 4-way crossroads take the south-west path till the end.[/li]
      [li]Other Notes - None[/li]
    Sand Scorpion King

    • [li]Requirements - Kill approximately 25 Sand Scorpions in the desert.[/li]
      [li]Location - Spawns wherever you kill the final required Sand Scorpion.[/li]
      [li]Other Notes - None[/li]
    Mighty Hydra

    • [li]Requirements - None[/li]
      [li]Location - West banks of strong river, north of the bridge[/li]
      [li]Other Notes - None[/li]

    [size=18pt]Chapter 3[/size] {cc33}

    Ice Berserk Troll

    • [li]Requirements - None[/li]
      [li]Location - Center of the map. Right-Left-Left-Right.[/li]
      [li]Other Notes - None[/li]

    [size=18pt]Chapter 4[/size] {cc44}

    Spider Queen

    • [li]Requirements - None[/li]
      [li]Location - East edge of the map, south of the cave entrance, directly east of the traveling merchant.[/li]
      [li]Other Notes - None[/li]
    Plagued Fishthern Boss

    • [li]Requirements - None[/li]
      [li]Location - North-east end of the river on the southern banks.[/li]
      [li]Other Notes - None[/li]

    • [li]Requirements - Complete the Rock Glyphs optional quest.[/li]
      [li]Location - South-west end of the river on the southern banks.[/li]
      [li]Other Notes - Rocks are located:

      [list type=decimal]
      [li]Center of map, east of magic orb.[/li]
      [li]East edge of map, on the edge of where the vine-floor starts under a tree.[/li]
      [li]The north-east corner of the map at the very tip.[/li]
      [li]North-west corner on the road where you started. Obscured by view of trees.[/li]
A Thing (Living Tree)

  • [li]Requirements - Collect all 10 yellow fairies.[/li]
    [li]Location - Center of the map in the alcove between the traveling merchant and the spider queen.[/li]
    [li]Other Notes - The fairies are located pretty much in every area of the map. There are NONE in the caves and NONE where you fight the main quest boss 'Slurgal'.[/li]
Carnivore x 2

  • [li]Requirements - None[/li]
    [li]Location - There are 2 of these, one is in the vine-field in the south-west corner, the other is in the vine-field in the north-east corner.[/li]
    [li]Other Notes - None[/li]

[size=18pt]Chapter 5[/size] {cc55}

Fishthern the Mighty

  • [li]Requirements - Meet Fradz[/li]
    [li]Location - South-west end of the river on the northern banks.[/li]
    [li]Other Notes - None[/li]
King Rock Elemental

  • [li]Requirements - Defeat all the Rock Elementals after the Magic Heart has been removed.[/li]
    [li]Location - Southern-most point of the Rock Elemental mountains near where the Fire Heart is.[/li]
    [li]Other Notes - None[/li]
Vampire Lords

  • [li]Requirements - Dig up the Basement Key located in the Rock Elementals mountain and enter the inn from the back door.[/li]
    [li]Location - Back door of the Inn.[/li]
    [li]Other Notes - Boss currently bugged in v1.6e[/li]
Doom Lord

  • [li]Requirements - Approach the plateau south of the main town twice to trigger the portal. Wait 1 hour and a notification will appear that the Doom Lord has arrived.[/li]
    [li]Location - The plateau south of the main town.[/li]
    [li]Other Notes - He teleports 3 times during the fight.
    [list type=decimal]
    [li]North bank of the river between troll forest and the main town.[/li]
    [li]South bank of the river between the bridge and the southern farms[/li]
    [li]South of the bridge along the road[/li]
Father Bear

  • [li]Requirements - None[/li]
    [li]Location - Enter his cave from the south side of the map, just east of George's farm.[/li]
    [li]Other Notes - None[/li]
Gargantuan River Turtle

  • [li]Requirements - None[/li]
    [li]Location - South-west end of the river on the south banks in the very corner of the map.[/li]
    [li]Other Notes - Swims to the opposite side for the river during battle.[/li]
Pumpkin King

  • [li]Requirements - None[/li]
    [li]Location - In George's Farm[/li]
    [li]Other Notes - Resurrects once after death.[/li]
Zombie Jack

  • [li]Requirements - Put the nearby 'Basic Flower' in front of Grave 1 located in the south-east corner of the map. Answer "Yes I did" when asked if you placed the flowers there.[/li]
    [li]Location - Grave 1 in the south-east corner graveyard.[/li]
    [li]Other Notes - None[/li]
Ghost Wolf

  • [li]Requirements - Kill approximately 25 Wolves (day or night)[/li]
    [li]Location - Along the main road, center north of the map. You will see a man talking about it when you click on him.[/li]
    [li]Other Notes - He is invisible, approach the area and he will attack you.[/li]

[size=18pt]Chapter 6[/size]

Chimto for pointing out various mistakes
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