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AimWars V2.0

AimWars V2.0 just got released!


>>>>> Heroes <<<<<

-Remade her Subability [Chilling Snake].
-Remade Eza'nal's ultimate[Cold Desolate].

-Improved his ultimate's impact size to 150 AoE, also the birds size, and increased its speed to 1000.
-Increased his Orb-able damage [25==>40].
-Increased the affection area of his subability [175==>225].
-Casting the Ultimate no longer deals instant damage, just the birds-hit damage.
-New Effect for his subability.

-Reworked the mechanism of launching his Ultimate.

-Changed Kenzar's orbable missle's splashing angle.
-His Ultimate now will apply 1 second stun to all units inside the ring upon cast.

-Improved his casting animation (cast backswing and point).
-Improved his ultimate's damage from 50-130 to 80-120.

-Remade her Ultimate [Wind Evasion].
-Remade her Sub-ability [Hauling].
-Increased the AoE of her orbable from 50 to 70
-Increased her size a bit.

-Remade his ultimate mechanism and renamed it to [Arcane Rain].
-Reduced the damage of Arcane Rain to 20-60.
-Remade his Sub-ability [Mystical Sphere].

-Her Orb-able will no longer scatter after hitting map edge OR self-destroying.
-Her Sub-ability no longer deals damage.
-Rescaled her Sub-ability moving distance from a constant 900 to [800/1000/1200/1400/1600].
-Renamed her ultimate into Shadowy Orbs, and reduced its missile count to 14, and its hit radius to 85.

-Redesigned her Sub-ability to Crescent Beam.
-Increased Crescent Beam's cooldown to 9 seconds.
-Renamed her Ultimate to [Blades Whirlwind].

-Increased his orbable damage to 43.
-Remade his Sub-ability [Thunder Strike].

>>>New Chaos-Themed Hero [Morpheteus].

>>>>> Items <<<<<

-Increased Ward's HP to 100, and it only takes damage from missiles.
-Increased Ward's gold cost to 25.
-Reduced Ward's duration to 45 second.
-Reduced Wand's duration to 9 seconds
-Increased Blink Sphere's cooldown to 10 seconds.
-Removed the Absorption Staff from the game.
-Removed the Magical Shield.
-Remade Potion of Invulnerability ==> [Potion of Shifting](also changed its command to [-a shf xxx]).
-Added auto-casting item command for Magic Wand [-a mgk xxx].
-All Supportive items no longer have charges.

>>>>> GamePlay <<<<<

-New Mode [Castle Siege].
-Disabled CTF mode.
-Applied the winter theme.
-Lowered the speed of most orbable missiles to 1500.
-All Shields ([A] spell) now have special model for each hero.
-Changed Energy Burst's damage type [Pure ==> Magic].
-Energy Burst's damage cap decreased from 60+(10* hero's lvl) to 30+(5* hero's lvl)
-Remade The Experience Gaining system [now it is based on spells hitting, not units killing].
-Removed the following items: 'Reveal' , 'Healing Salve' , 'Dust of Invisibility' and 'Refreshing Light' .
-Disabled the SpellBook shop.
-All heroes ultimate's cooldown increased [25==>40 seconds].
-Reworked the terrain in Death Match - Teams field.
-New path on FFA arena at the right near the map edge.
-Reworked Runes system making them only HEAL and MANA runes.
-Decreased MagicBall cooldown to 1 seconds.
-Increased buff duration of the Dark Orb [2==>6].
-Increased slow duration of the Cold Orb [1/2/3==>3/4/5].
-Increased Poison Orb damage [5/10/15==>10/20/30].
-New Model for MagicBall.
-Removed the Magical shield (the mana points-damage reduction) and applied mana for item usage.
-Added the mysterious Obelisks again to the map field that shows the color of the owning team/player.
-Adjusted the cooldown indicator model for the abilities, making it clearer for long time cooldowns.
-Removed gem and gold's extra from the game.

>>>>> BugsFix <<<<<
-Fixed the spawning bug in DTM mode.
-Fixed a bug with Storm's ultimate from not triggering while using QWER hotkeys.

Aim, Wars, Magical, Bid for Power, FrostSnake, Magic, Sorcery, missiles, missile, cast, spells

AimWars V2.0 (Map)

Date: 14:01:57 28-Sep-11 Map Moderator: -Kobas- Map Status: Approved 3/5 Contact map moderator: Visitor Message / Private Message! Useful Links: Got any Requests (Terrain, resources, spells, systems, loading screens...)? Make a thread in the...
Can I suggest request forum and tutorial section (You have links above.) for things like:
Unique Icons for your spells, hero attributes.
Terrain tutorials
Also fix/improve description.

Improve terrain and fix those icons etc and I will rate your map 4/5 or maybe even 5/5.
Btw good job and have a nice day.
Resource status: Approved!
Level 4
May 30, 2009
*I have a talented friend that wants to make me a loading screen, but sth happened there and interrupted the plan, but it still in mind.
*and the Icons, If I need to fix the icons, then I need someone to make me new icons to really fit the map.
*The description is slowly gets improved version by version :D

thanks for Approving :D
Level 4
Feb 27, 2011
We're planning quite a few things for 1.9. Some of which include:
-loading screen
-quick showcase/tutorial/strategy for each hero and mod

Though the map will be delayed quite a lot most likely.
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Level 4
May 30, 2009
good job and keep it up.
1 question , what's the use of mana (magic armor) ?

it blocks the damage taken by magics (not MagicBall or Orb-Able missile), so it start counting the mana then the HP

EX: u have taken 50 magic damage, and u have 30 MAP (Magical Armor Point), so u will have 0 MAP and take 20 damage at ur HP.
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Level 4
Nov 11, 2009
I thought this map is pretty good except for a couple things. First off there is a bug where pink will spawn in the other teams base in team death match. Also, I think that the only ability that is useful in endgame is the orbable missile because it is the only one I saw that was affected by the damage upgrades. Very well made, looking forward to new heroes and items soon!
Level 4
May 30, 2009
thanks Naman for playing...and about the bug....can plz provide me with a replay?
The Damage and AoE upgrades are for the Orb-able missile only....we may remove the upgrades to balance the map more.
If u would like join a tournament .....gather 2 more teammates and make a team (check this link)
Level 4
Feb 27, 2011
The new version will be out later today or tomorrow. So stay tuned :)
Here's a sneak peak at the new hero!

Edit: tomorrow morning will be the final release date. Mod.. prepare to give this a 5/5 because you'll shit bricks after trying the addicting gameplay of the new version:vw_love:
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Level 7
Jun 19, 2011

I haven't actually tried your map yet but it sounds good. My computer is currently having trouble downloading stuff so no more interesting and useful comments from me :(.

But it's a good idea, anyway. But I have one thing to say that might be helpful ... in your description you have the words, "This was just released" (probably not exact, but anyway...) and then later you've got this massive list of updates, changelogs and stuff. Lol, not a real problem but hey, I've got to make some use of my non-downloading account :).