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Advanced Building Icon Resources

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Level 4
Jul 4, 2009
I actually just have a quick question, pertaining to something I found in the "Game Interface" editor screen.

Under the lists of interface Icons, they list "Icon - Command - Advanced Structure" with the Icon Path ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNAdvStruct.blp

...but to my knowledge none of the races use any button besides "Build" - Basic Structures. (Although i have yet to play the campaign or all 4 races completely, so it may be used) Why is this listed in the Game interface if there is no way to use it in the editor/triggers? Is there a way to activate the Advanced Build Icon on, say... a peasent or peon?

Ive seen in this forum that there are ways to trigger a second page (however glicthy it may be) so you can build more than the normal 11 Buildings. So, Im not asking how to do that, Im asking if anyone knows how to utilize the built in Adv Building feature, that Blizzard must have added at some point and removed.
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