When unit is using item
Item being manipulated equals to (your item)
Add (danage bonus skill bassed on Attack Bonus from claws of attack) Skill to triggering unit
Not sure that will work but you can try it... you can add <Remove Damage Bonus(from another weapon) skill from triggering unit>
Er, I don't think that it will fail. But I think it will leak if he removes the item the bonus is still there so...
I usually do the (note not trigger):
I just change the Claws of attack (and damage to X) and name it like AK-47, then add some attachment points.
But if you want trigger I think I can.
EVENT - Unit Carries Item
CONDITION - Unit Carry = Hero
Item Carried X = TRUE
ACTION- Create 1 Damage(Dummy) to the Region(Far) with ...
SET DUMMY= Last Created Unit
SET CARRY = Hero Manipulating Item
IF - CARRY is Dying unit = False
Item Carried X = False
THEN - Turn on Checker
Turn off Checker
EVENT - Every 0.05 second
ACTION - Turn on Carrying the Item (checking Condition)
Note: Make the unit has the skill (Aura Damage)
The Aura Damage is just modified Trueshot Aura.
Er. Seems long but I think it will work.