I just can't get the Add Charge Trigger to work properly...
I tried all possibilities, but it just won't charge the mines... This Trigger does however add Charges to the RaynorTossGrenade - though for this to work i had to copy the Trigger from the original Campaign map, if I set the value RaynorTossGrenade it just didn't work aswell.
I just can't get the Add Charge Trigger to work properly...
if ((UnitGetType(EventUnit()) == "PickupMines")) {
UnitAbilityAddChargeUsed(EventUnitTargetUnit(), "VultureSpiderMines", "Abil/VultureSpiderMines", -1.0);
UnitAddChargeUsed(EventUnitTargetUnit(), "VultureSpiderMines", -2.0);
UnitAddChargeUsed(EventUnitTargetUnit(), "RaynorTossGrenade", -1.0);
UnitAddChargeUsed(EventUnitTargetUnit(), "\"VultureSpiderMines\"", -1.0);
UnitAddChargeUsed(EventUnitTargetUnit(), "VultureSpiderMines", -1.0);