Was object of the last wish list.
This also.
I do not get it. You can set a unit's flying height after you have added and removed 'Amrf' once. The ability is not required to stay on this unit.
Flags for using cast point animation time and back swing and parallel cast.
Also object of the last wish list. But you should consider that this overlaps with unit orders, therefore decide what has to be prioritized/whether the other event is fired or in which order events take place.
What's the problem with existing solutions there?
I do not get it.
Shall work how? The computer won't know what to do in your map. I actually consider the standard ai as a nuisance because it gets into conflict with what you want to realize.
Why? Global variables from GUI are scopeless and should be recognizable. Also, most likely, for a (v)Jass user there is no point cooperating with GUI.
Already in last wish list.
There is not even an AddUnitBuff-function. Buffs are extensions of abilities, inherit behaviors of it and you can see the level of a buff in tooltip. It derives from the ability level.
The wish list shall contain key features that really help mapmakers in a lot of ways. We also proposed SetUnitState/AddUnitState but only because the current solutions for them are very inconvenient and have to be explained to every newbie. Things like sorting an array are easy to write, therefore would only boost performance. So the question is whether this is really a problem at this point to users.
1. yes just under that u can mean to more thing, mainly my problems was the angle setting
2. ofc u can set after add/remove crow form, but u also go over the cliffs, what normally way not allowed, i mean add/remove ability to unit with foot mov type, then this unit type after this bug cant be reseted again to normal foot mov type, he will act like flying unit later too just maybe with 0 height but still flying unit.
lets see example floor systems, there u must do crow form bug but then damn annoying when u go back to ground then still ur movement type not resetted, example that system what is on thehelper they solved with bear form trick (add bear form, order, remove) but u wanna do bear for for each unit type on map only for reset his movement type to default? another solution was make a dummy clone, hide original and add crown bugg to dummy but that also could be easier with simple SetUnitMoveType function, what atm not exist
(floor system: when have multiple floor, and u can go on&under the floors not like when u cant go over under the bridges )
3. about channel and backswing, correct me if it is wrong but u must set it on unit in object editor but then its applied if unit want cast different abilities no? what if i want ability what isnt instant and ability what instant same time? that few instant ability is a annoying limit
4. solution about getpathable? maybe the unit creating way what is the best way not faster than a native getpathable function (what not exist)
5. if u watched witchery advanced camera system in spell section then u understand what i mean (still Nest unit creation system instead item creation is more accurate and work better, just could be nice a native instead this tricks)
6."The computer won't know what to do in your map" - then neutral hostile player trolls why can use bloodlust and heal and etc? only thing what missing is seeking enemy but casting, ordering work with there def abilitites,no?
7. coz easily who not vjasser like me
8. but removeability function exist where u remove the buff like a normal ability, also if u have aura harder to check the ability level, coz problem is "whos aura applied on me" question, if have more aura. Yeah Nest also made a solution to this if u dont use default aura but could be nice with a single native function call
9. a newbie cant do array ordering system if he want order his multiboard by highest kills to lowest kills (example)