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Active WC3 Clans and Groups

Level 2
Aug 8, 2017
Me and my buddies play daily, Clan Wolf Pack, based on Azeroth Server in USA mostly.
Just custom games/minigames.
Clan name- WOLF PACK
Clan ID- WP
Level 3
Jan 25, 2016
Could you add to the description that we are on Northrend, we play 4v4 AT's every 2-3 days, custom Melee and Altered Melee and we enjoy a lot of hiveworkshop fun maps as well. Thank you!
PS: We are all friendly and always have space in clan for nice, active people, and we have a secure channelbot.
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Level 3
Dec 19, 2015
There are two AUS/NZ clans alive on us.west. Clan PASS - Custom Game/Mini-Game Clan & Clan AUS - DotA Clan.
Level 1
Dec 14, 2015
Are any of these clans still active? I tried joining the channels for 24/7 and Wolf Pack today and no one was there... Actually I don't even know if I got the channel names right, because the exact names aren't listed in this guide.

Anyway, I'd love to join a group of people who play regularly. Down for some custom games and normal 4v4s. I'd especially like to try Ability Draft!
Level 1
Dec 14, 2015
Yes, Clan TwGB on US East (among many others) is still active. We play Island Troll Tribes, you should come play with us if you're interested! Some people in the clan also play other customs too.
Cool, I might check you guys out. I'm interested in finding out what other clans are active too though. It seems like this list in the OP is no longer useful, since all of the links are dead and there's no way to see which of them are actually active or not. How do you go about finding active clans on Azeroth or Northrend?
Level 1
Dec 14, 2015
Clan WP is active, but we just use discord and coordinate our games typically, since a lot of us play other games too. Also, most of us are on by like 10:00-11:30 PM US Central time or later, unless it's a weekend.
Can you link y'all's discord? I might come hang out.
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Level 7
Jul 15, 2016
@geoffrey Well that's a result from when Blizzard removed all the clans on BNet. Seems they havent fixed the URL pages yet (probably never will)
So any of the clans old&new links dont work.
So just gota /who Clan XXXX ingame and on right server if you wanna check them.

I personally miss to see the login date from that clan pages tho :p



Level 2
Jun 26, 2013
Clan UoS is still very much active. We focus on RTS Custom Maps but a lot of times we just play random maps like RunGayRun, IceGliders, Mafia and just whatever. We use Discord, Teamspeak and have a forum of our own, so we don't use the in game clan chat at all.
Level 27
Jul 26, 2008
Clan Aus (Australia/ South East Asia/ East Asia clan) plays everyday for 3-4 hours at night on Australian time. We welcome anyone, we play very regularly (we all basically just play war3). PM me if interested :)
Clan iOg is #1 in solo ladder, and super active with a decent banjo ball team too. Visit clan-iog.com for clan info, youtube, discord, and details on clan tournaments. We have hosting and host come custom games from THW. We would love to see Hive members stop in and game with us. We are mostly a ladder clan, but we would probable be willing to test out some really nice mini-games and altered melee maps if they are in advanced beta stages or better. GL HF.
Level 1
Jul 30, 2017
hey everyone
im new in playing war3 online
is there a clan on northrend (eu) for new players? or is there a page or something where i can find players for custom games or players who wont rekt me in 5 mins?
Level 1
Jan 29, 2018
Looks like the majority of players online now adays are on europe! there are active players playing 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3, 4vs4. I am from the us@west and if you are just getting back into warcraft 3 please going on the europe server. That is where the majority of players play now. Now i myself is looking for a clan to join so if any of you lovely creatures and point me in the right direction, I would be much obliged. Thanks boy
Level 6
Mar 28, 2007
Clan 1uk1 is an active Dutch clan created in 2004. We are mostly a ladder clan with active in-house tournaments, clanwars and leagues. You can always visit our channel!