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Acathla Mission 2 pack?

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Level 7
Sep 24, 2008
While I'm not sure if this is the right forum, I was wondering if anyone was able to acquire the Acathla Mission 2 Pack before it was taken offf abriko's site. If so, would you mind posting the contents, as it was not banned, simply removed due to space issues (his website couldn't store it anymore.)
Level 7
Sep 24, 2008
Bump....I hope this doesn't cause any issues, I just wan't to make sure people can see my thread (not very many people have the pack.) My appologies
Level 7
Sep 24, 2008
Nope. I dont even know what it is.
go to www.acathla.com. Download marines assault version 2.5, play it, and obsess over it's glory and pure awesomeness. There were two packs, pack two having the best models, but pack 2 was removed due to space issues. I am currently emailing abriko to see if he can send my pack 2, but otherwise there is no way to acquire it, other than asking around.
Level 2
Dec 9, 2008
I contacted Abriko a few weeks ago and apparently he's on vacation. Because he is away from his computer, he can't re-release his models. He did tell me, however, that he plans to release a bigger and much better pack when he gets home in December. So now you have something to look forward to during Christmas. (This probably means he'll be releasing
his models from him newest map. YAY!)
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