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[General] Change campaign 3D background model and campaign name after completing a map//mission

Level 27
Dec 3, 2020
So I was wondering if there is a way of changing the 3D background model of a custom campaign after completing a certain mission.
For example I want to combine Exodus of the Horde and The Invasion of Kalimdor into one campaign. I would like the background screen to be that orc holding a torch for the 5 tutorial missions and after completing the final tutorial mission, the background model to change to that grunt standing in Kalimdor.
Probably the way to do it is to set the initial background to the tutorial one and then change it after each mission, so after completing missions 1, 2, 3 and 4 to set it to the tutorial background (in case the player decides to replay those missions even though let's say he is on the Grommash missions) and to set the background to the Invasion of Kalimdor one after the player completes any other mission apart from the aforementioned ones.

And obviously I would also like to be able to change the name of the campaign, following the same logic.

I need this for patch 1.29.2 but if it only is possible with Reforged (or 1.31) , I won't mind.