[Solved] About the Mechanical Critter

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Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
what can I do to only summon a "sheep" critter instead of summoning random critters? I look at its default ability but the only thing I found is this "Data - Number of Units Created" which doesn't even make a good account to what I'm looking for.

Also, I understood that this ability works when you toggle the critter's "Editor - Tilesets". so what I did was I remove every critters editor tileset and left the sheep's tileset in my specified terrain.

so is their any other cleaner way to make this instead of thrashing the whole critter list? anyone can help I appreciate it, thank you :)
Level 37
Mar 6, 2006
  • Untitled Trigger 029
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Mechanical Critter
    • Actions
      • Countdown Timer - Start timer as a One-shot timer that will expire in 30.00 seconds
      • Trigger - Turn on Untitled Trigger 034 <gen>
  • Untitled Trigger 034
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Spawns a summoned unit
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
      • Game - Display to Player Group - Player 1 (Red) the text: (String((Elapsed time for timer)))
      • Countdown Timer - Pause timer
      • Unit - Replace (Summoned unit) with a Raccoon using The old unit's relative life and mana
You can remove the timer stuff. Elapsed time will display 0.000 seconds, so there is very little change that a wrong unit would be replaced. The second trigger should be initially off.
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