Abilities selection system

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Level 9
Feb 20, 2014
Hi everyone.
I want the player to select the spells he wants when the game starts.
(The hero doesn't have any spells when the game starts)

I created building which sells items then remove them so it's ok.
But I tried the actions 'unit : add ability" and "hero : learn skill"

Unit : add ability it adds the ability to the hero but when I level up I can't upgrade it
Hero : learn skill It doesn't work because I need to have unspent skill point

Tell me if you don't understand my problem.
Level 8
Oct 3, 2008
Are the abilities you're trying to add proper Hero abilities?

Hmm, apparently there's no innate way of doing it. You could always give the hero four dummy hero skills that are invisible, and then use triggers to level up your actual abilities.
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Level 44
Feb 27, 2007
Doesn't using UnitMakeAbilityPermanent() on hero abilities added with triggers allow them to be leveled with the hero skill menu?
Hero : learn skill It doesn't work because I need to have unspent skill point
There is also the Hero - Modify skill points action that you can use to give the hero back skill points after being forced to use them. Or give the hero skill points just before using the Learn Skill action so you actually have points to use. Maybe I don't understand the issue with this.
Level 8
Oct 3, 2008
So I fiddled around with this a bit. The main thing that still annoys me about it is that the order of your abilities on the command card depends on the order you learn them in, but it's a working system right now. You give the dummy channel abilities that are learnable, but are invisible, to your units and use triggers to add / level the picked abilities.


  • Ability Selection.w3x
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Level 13
Jul 15, 2007
If you are adept the the editor, and don't mind the 5 hero level ability restriction, you can use Engineering Upgrade to add Hero Abilities to a hero (this means the hero can level them up like a normal hero would).

The fullest version of an abilities selection system I have seen uses this method, and even sets the command card and hotkeys up intelligently (1st Q, 2nd W, 3rd E, 4th R). Though it requires a massive investment in creating the object data required and confident knowledge in the trigger editor. Just letting you know such a solution is possible.
Level 8
Oct 3, 2008
You could make the one I made do the buttons correctly by making multiple versions of each ability with the right hotkey / command card position. How would you implement it with Engineering Upgrade out of curiosity?
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