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A Spell request

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Level 5
Dec 23, 2007
I have been trying for a very long time to make this spell.
its Similar to the beast masters wild axes but cant seem to get it 100%

Basicly what i want is a spell the sends a dummy unit that is a Shuriken like thing that travels to the targeted point and then returns back to the caster

mine is this...
A unit begins casting an ability
Ability being cast equal to Shuriken toss
Set ShurikenPoint point of ability being cast
Unit-Creat 1 shuriken dummy for owner of casting unit at postion of casting unit
Set shurkenunit last created unit
Unit-order Shurikenunit to move to ShurikenPoint
wait 2 seconds
Unit-order shuriken unit to move to postion of casting unit
wait 2 seconds
Unit-Remove shurikenunit from game

thats the best i can do and was woundering if any1 could help me make it do what i want because if the caster moves it still travels to the point where the caster was and if u taget a closer area it sits in that space of a second or so.

so can any1 out there help me it would be very very usefull.
Level 5
Dec 23, 2007
errr like the spell breakers attack and damages all units within 100aoe of it.

also could some tell me how you make something have a - effect like an aura that -5 armor or -hp regen
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Level 5
Dec 23, 2007
hmmm very funny i must say but i cant use jass at all dnt even understand it and do u know how to do the -stats thing?
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