I do not really know JASS that well, and wouldn't mind some help trying to figure this out... Thank you, and I was wondering if there is a easier way to doing this like in GUI to loop it to 50 balls instead of manually doing it? I want to do it in JASS of course, but just do not know how to loop it for JASS. I actually wanted to convert the sample trigger to GUI for easier use for me.
EDIT: How come one ball moves while the other stays in one spot?
constant function BouncyPeriod takes nothing returns real
return 0.01
function BouncyBallMove takes nothing returns nothing
local integer array vectors
local location stupid //required to get the terrainheight
local real h
local effect eff
// retrieve vector data from unit's custom value
set vectors[1]=GetUnitUserData(udg_BouncyBall)
set vectors[2]=R2I(VectorGetX(vectors[1]))
set vectors[3]=R2I(VectorGetY(vectors[1]))
set vectors[4]=R2I(VectorGetZ(vectors[1]))
// change the ball's position according to it's speed
call VectorAdd(vectors[2], vectors[3])
// change the balls speed by the gravity acceleration
call VectorAdd(vectors[3], vectors[4])
// get terrain height at the position of the ball
set stupid = Location(VectorGetX(vectors[2]), VectorGetY(vectors[2]))
set h = GetLocationZ(stupid)
call RemoveLocation(stupid)
set stupid = null
// verify terrain collision
if h >= VectorGetZ(vectors[2]) then
// get terrain normal vector
set vectors[5]=VectorGetTerrainNormal(VectorGetX(vectors[2]), VectorGetY(vectors[2]), 32.0)
// get the component of speed vector that is perpendicular to the terrain
set vectors[6]=VectorProjectVector(vectors[3], vectors[5])
// invert the ball's speed component that's perpendicular to terrain
call VectorScale(vectors[6], -2.0)
call VectorAdd(vectors[3], vectors[6])
// cleanup the temporary vectors
call VectorDestroy(vectors[5])
call VectorDestroy(vectors[6])
// add land effect
set eff = AddSpecialEffect("Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\ThunderClap\\ThunderClapCaster.mdl", VectorGetX(vectors[2]), VectorGetY(vectors[2]))
call DestroyEffect(eff)
// move the ball
call SetUnitX(udg_BouncyBall, VectorGetX(vectors[2]))
call SetUnitY(udg_BouncyBall, VectorGetY(vectors[2]))
call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_BouncyBall, VectorGetZ(vectors[2])-h, 0.0)
function BouncyBallCreate takes nothing returns nothing
local integer array vectors
local timer t
set udg_BouncyBall = CreateUnit(Player(0), 'ewsp', 0.0,0.0,0.0)
// make it possible to change the unit's flyheight
call UnitAddAbility(udg_BouncyBall, 'Amrf')
call UnitRemoveAbility(udg_BouncyBall, 'Amrf')
// create the unit's position vector
set vectors[1]=VectorCreate(0.0,0.0,100.0)
// create the unit's starting speed vector
set vectors[2]=VectorCreate(GetRandomReal(-100.0, 100.0)*BouncyPeriod(),GetRandomReal(-100.0, 100.0)*BouncyPeriod(),500.0*BouncyPeriod())
// create the gravity acceleration vector
set vectors[3]=VectorCreate(0.0, 0.0, -800.0*BouncyPeriod()*BouncyPeriod())
// to avoid having too many variables, we store these vectors into another vector
set vectors[4]=VectorCreate(I2R(vectors[1]), I2R(vectors[2]), I2R(vectors[3]))
call SetUnitUserData(udg_BouncyBall, vectors[4])
set t = CreateTimer()
call TimerStart(t, BouncyPeriod(), true, function BouncyBallMove )
function InitTrig_Bouncy_Ball takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Bouncy_Ball = CreateTrigger( )
call BouncyBallCreate()
constant function BouncyPeriod2 takes nothing returns real
return 0.01
function BouncyBallMove2 takes nothing returns nothing
local integer array vectors
local location stupid //required to get the terrainheight
local real h
local effect eff
// retrieve vector data from unit's custom value
set vectors[7]=GetUnitUserData(udg_BouncyBall2)
set vectors[8]=R2I(VectorGetX(vectors[7]))
set vectors[9]=R2I(VectorGetY(vectors[7]))
set vectors[10]=R2I(VectorGetZ(vectors[7]))
// change the ball's position according to it's speed
call VectorAdd(vectors[8], vectors[9])
// change the balls speed by the gravity acceleration
call VectorAdd(vectors[9], vectors[10])
// get terrain height at the position of the ball
set stupid = Location(VectorGetX(vectors[8]), VectorGetY(vectors[8]))
set h = GetLocationZ(stupid)
call RemoveLocation(stupid)
set stupid = null
// verify terrain collision
if h >= VectorGetZ(vectors[8]) then
// get terrain normal vector
set vectors[10]=VectorGetTerrainNormal(VectorGetX(vectors[8]), VectorGetY(vectors[8]), 32.0)
// get the component of speed vector that is perpendicular to the terrain
set vectors[12]=VectorProjectVector(vectors[9], vectors[11])
// invert the ball's speed component that's perpendicular to terrain
call VectorScale(vectors[12], -2.0)
call VectorAdd(vectors[9], vectors[12])
// cleanup the temporary vectors
call VectorDestroy(vectors[11])
call VectorDestroy(vectors[12])
// add land effect
set eff = AddSpecialEffect("Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\ThunderClap\\ThunderClapCaster.mdl", VectorGetX(vectors[8]), VectorGetY(vectors[8]))
call DestroyEffect(eff)
// move the ball
call SetUnitX(udg_BouncyBall2, VectorGetX(vectors[8]))
call SetUnitY(udg_BouncyBall2, VectorGetY(vectors[8]))
call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_BouncyBall2, VectorGetZ(vectors[8])-h, 0.0)
function BouncyBallCreate2 takes nothing returns nothing
local integer array vectors
local timer t
set udg_BouncyBall2 = CreateUnit(Player(0), 'ewsp', 0.0,0.0,0.0)
// make it possible to change the unit's flyheight
call UnitAddAbility(udg_BouncyBall2, 'Amrf')
call UnitRemoveAbility(udg_BouncyBall2, 'Amrf')
// create the unit's position vector
set vectors[7]=VectorCreate(0.0,0.0,100.0)
// create the unit's starting speed vector
set vectors[8]=VectorCreate(GetRandomReal(-100.0, 100.0)*BouncyPeriod2(),GetRandomReal(-100.0, 100.0)*BouncyPeriod2(),500.0*BouncyPeriod2())
// create the gravity acceleration vector
set vectors[9]=VectorCreate(0.0, 0.0, -800.0*BouncyPeriod2()*BouncyPeriod2())
// to avoid having too many variables, we store these vectors into another vector
set vectors[10]=VectorCreate(I2R(vectors[7]), I2R(vectors[8]), I2R(vectors[9]))
call SetUnitUserData(udg_BouncyBall, vectors[10])
set t = CreateTimer()
call TimerStart(t, BouncyPeriod2(), true, function BouncyBallMove2 )
function InitTrig_Bouncy_Ball_Copy takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Bouncy_Ball_Copy = CreateTrigger( )
call BouncyBallCreate2()
EDIT: How come one ball moves while the other stays in one spot?
constant function BouncyPeriod takes nothing returns real
return 0.01
function BouncyBallMove takes nothing returns nothing
local integer array vectors
local location stupid //required to get the terrainheight
local real h
local effect eff
// retrieve vector data from unit's custom value
set vectors[1]=GetUnitUserData(udg_BouncyBall)
set vectors[2]=R2I(VectorGetX(vectors[1]))
set vectors[3]=R2I(VectorGetY(vectors[1]))
set vectors[4]=R2I(VectorGetZ(vectors[1]))
// change the ball's position according to it's speed
call VectorAdd(vectors[2], vectors[3])
// change the balls speed by the gravity acceleration
call VectorAdd(vectors[3], vectors[4])
// get terrain height at the position of the ball
set stupid = Location(VectorGetX(vectors[2]), VectorGetY(vectors[2]))
set h = GetLocationZ(stupid)
call RemoveLocation(stupid)
set stupid = null
// verify terrain collision
if h >= VectorGetZ(vectors[2]) then
// get terrain normal vector
set vectors[5]=VectorGetTerrainNormal(VectorGetX(vectors[2]), VectorGetY(vectors[2]), 32.0)
// get the component of speed vector that is perpendicular to the terrain
set vectors[6]=VectorProjectVector(vectors[3], vectors[5])
// invert the ball's speed component that's perpendicular to terrain
call VectorScale(vectors[6], -2.0)
call VectorAdd(vectors[3], vectors[6])
// cleanup the temporary vectors
call VectorDestroy(vectors[5])
call VectorDestroy(vectors[6])
// add land effect
set eff = AddSpecialEffect("Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\ThunderClap\\ThunderClapCaster.mdl", VectorGetX(vectors[2]), VectorGetY(vectors[2]))
call DestroyEffect(eff)
// move the ball
call SetUnitX(udg_BouncyBall, VectorGetX(vectors[2]))
call SetUnitY(udg_BouncyBall, VectorGetY(vectors[2]))
call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_BouncyBall, VectorGetZ(vectors[2])-h, 0.0)
function BouncyBallCreate takes nothing returns nothing
local integer array vectors
local timer t
set udg_BouncyBall = CreateUnit(Player(0), 'ewsp', 0.0,0.0,0.0)
// make it possible to change the unit's flyheight
call UnitAddAbility(udg_BouncyBall, 'Amrf')
call UnitRemoveAbility(udg_BouncyBall, 'Amrf')
// create the unit's position vector
set vectors[1]=VectorCreate(0.0,0.0,100.0)
// create the unit's starting speed vector
set vectors[2]=VectorCreate(GetRandomReal(-100.0, 100.0)*BouncyPeriod(),GetRandomReal(-100.0, 100.0)*BouncyPeriod(),500.0*BouncyPeriod())
// create the gravity acceleration vector
set vectors[3]=VectorCreate(0.0, 0.0, -800.0*BouncyPeriod()*BouncyPeriod())
// to avoid having too many variables, we store these vectors into another vector
set vectors[4]=VectorCreate(I2R(vectors[1]), I2R(vectors[2]), I2R(vectors[3]))
call SetUnitUserData(udg_BouncyBall, vectors[4])
set t = CreateTimer()
call TimerStart(t, BouncyPeriod(), true, function BouncyBallMove )
function InitTrig_Bouncy_Ball takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Bouncy_Ball = CreateTrigger( )
call BouncyBallCreate()
constant function BouncyPeriod2 takes nothing returns real
return 0.01
function BouncyBallMove2 takes nothing returns nothing
local integer array vectors
local location stupid //required to get the terrainheight
local real h
local effect eff
// retrieve vector data from unit's custom value
set vectors[7]=GetUnitUserData(udg_BouncyBall2)
set vectors[8]=R2I(VectorGetX(vectors[7]))
set vectors[9]=R2I(VectorGetY(vectors[7]))
set vectors[10]=R2I(VectorGetZ(vectors[7]))
// change the ball's position according to it's speed
call VectorAdd(vectors[8], vectors[9])
// change the balls speed by the gravity acceleration
call VectorAdd(vectors[9], vectors[10])
// get terrain height at the position of the ball
set stupid = Location(VectorGetX(vectors[8]), VectorGetY(vectors[8]))
set h = GetLocationZ(stupid)
call RemoveLocation(stupid)
set stupid = null
// verify terrain collision
if h >= VectorGetZ(vectors[8]) then
// get terrain normal vector
set vectors[10]=VectorGetTerrainNormal(VectorGetX(vectors[8]), VectorGetY(vectors[8]), 32.0)
// get the component of speed vector that is perpendicular to the terrain
set vectors[12]=VectorProjectVector(vectors[9], vectors[11])
// invert the ball's speed component that's perpendicular to terrain
call VectorScale(vectors[12], -2.0)
call VectorAdd(vectors[9], vectors[12])
// cleanup the temporary vectors
call VectorDestroy(vectors[11])
call VectorDestroy(vectors[12])
// add land effect
set eff = AddSpecialEffect("Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\ThunderClap\\ThunderClapCaster.mdl", VectorGetX(vectors[8]), VectorGetY(vectors[8]))
call DestroyEffect(eff)
// move the ball
call SetUnitX(udg_BouncyBall2, VectorGetX(vectors[8]))
call SetUnitY(udg_BouncyBall2, VectorGetY(vectors[8]))
call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_BouncyBall2, VectorGetZ(vectors[8])-h, 0.0)
function BouncyBallCreate2 takes nothing returns nothing
local integer array vectors
local timer t
set udg_BouncyBall2 = CreateUnit(Player(0), 'ewsp', 0.0,0.0,0.0)
// make it possible to change the unit's flyheight
call UnitAddAbility(udg_BouncyBall2, 'Amrf')
call UnitRemoveAbility(udg_BouncyBall2, 'Amrf')
// create the unit's position vector
set vectors[7]=VectorCreate(0.0,0.0,100.0)
// create the unit's starting speed vector
set vectors[8]=VectorCreate(GetRandomReal(-100.0, 100.0)*BouncyPeriod2(),GetRandomReal(-100.0, 100.0)*BouncyPeriod2(),500.0*BouncyPeriod2())
// create the gravity acceleration vector
set vectors[9]=VectorCreate(0.0, 0.0, -800.0*BouncyPeriod2()*BouncyPeriod2())
// to avoid having too many variables, we store these vectors into another vector
set vectors[10]=VectorCreate(I2R(vectors[7]), I2R(vectors[8]), I2R(vectors[9]))
call SetUnitUserData(udg_BouncyBall, vectors[10])
set t = CreateTimer()
call TimerStart(t, BouncyPeriod2(), true, function BouncyBallMove2 )
function InitTrig_Bouncy_Ball_Copy takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Bouncy_Ball_Copy = CreateTrigger( )
call BouncyBallCreate2()
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