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Unit Pathing Detection

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Currently this spell does not detect obstacles or changes in cliff height so ground units can end up in the middle of trees or in deep water.

//*  Created by Archmage Owenalacaster
//*  Allows units with the specified buff to knockback enemies.
//*  requires: -SmoothMovSys
//*            -ProjSys
//*            -BoolexprUtils
//*            -GroupUtils
//*            -TimerUtils
scope RepellingField initializer Init
        private constant integer BUFF_ID     = 'BM07'
        private constant real MANA_PER_KNOCK =    1.0
        private constant real TIMER_INTERVAL =    0.2
        private constant real KNOCK_RANGE    =  700.0
        private constant real KNOCK_MAX_DIST =  800.0
        private constant real KNOCK_SPEED    =  700.0
        private constant real KNOCK_HEIGHT   =    0.0
        private constant string KNOCK_FX     = "Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\SpellShieldAmulet\\SpellShieldCaster.mdl"
        private constant string KNOCK_ATTACH = "origin"
//                       END OF CALIBRATION SECTION
        private constant string STOP = "stop"
        private group    RepelGroup  = CreateGroup()
        private boolexpr RepelFilter = null
        private boolexpr RepelEffect = null
        private unit     RepelUnit   = null
    private function RepelFilterCond takes nothing returns boolean
        return GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetFilterUnit(),BUFF_ID) >= 1
    private function RepelEffectCond takes nothing returns boolean
        local unit u = GetFilterUnit()
        if IsUnitEnemy(u,GetOwningPlayer(RepelUnit)) and GetWidgetLife(u) > 0.405 and GetUnitState(RepelUnit,UNIT_STATE_MANA) >= MANA_PER_KNOCK and GetUnitMoveSpeed(u) > 0 and not(IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) or IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_SNARED) or IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE) or IsUnitProjectile(u)) then
            call SetUnitState(RepelUnit,UNIT_STATE_MANA,GetUnitState(RepelUnit,UNIT_STATE_MANA) - MANA_PER_KNOCK)
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(KNOCK_FX,u,KNOCK_ATTACH))
            call KnockBack(u,KNOCK_MAX_DIST-GetUnitsDist(RepelUnit,u),GetUnitsAngle(RepelUnit,u),KNOCK_HEIGHT,KNOCK_SPEED,function Null,function Null,false)
            call IssueImmediateOrder(u,STOP)
        set u = null
        return false
    private function RepelEnemies takes nothing returns nothing
        set RepelUnit = GetEnumUnit()
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(ENUM_GROUP,GetUnitX(RepelUnit),GetUnitY(RepelUnit),KNOCK_RANGE,RepelEffect)
        set RepelUnit = null
    private function TimerAction takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer index = 0
            call GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(RepelGroup,Player(index),RepelFilter)
            call ForGroup(RepelGroup,function RepelEnemies)
            call GroupClear(RepelGroup)
            set index = index + 1
            exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        call TimerStart(NewTimer(),TIMER_INTERVAL,true,function TimerAction)
        set RepelFilter = Condition(function RepelFilterCond)
        set RepelEffect = Condition(function RepelEffectCond)

library TimerUtils initializer init
//* TimerUtils (red+blue+orange flavors for 1.24b+)
//* ----------
//*  To implement it , create a custom text trigger called TimerUtils
//* and paste the contents of this script there.
//*  To copy from a map to another, copy the trigger holding this
//* library to your map.
//* (requires vJass)   More scripts: htt://www.wc3c.net
//* For your timer needs:
//*  * Attaching
//*  * Recycling (with double-free protection)
//* set t=NewTimer()      : Get a timer (alternative to CreateTimer)
//* ReleaseTimer(t)       : Relese a timer (alt to DestroyTimer)
//* SetTimerData(t,2)     : Attach value 2 to timer
//* GetTimerData(t)       : Get the timer's value.
//*                         You can assume a timer's value is 0
//*                         after NewTimer.
//* Multi-flavor:
//*    Set USE_HASH_TABLE to true if you don't want to complicate your life.
//* If you like speed and giberish try learning about the other flavors.

        //How to tweak timer utils:
        // USE_HASH_TABLE = true  (new blue)
        //  * SAFEST
        //  * SLOWEST (though hash tables are kind of fast)
        // USE_HASH_TABLE = false, USE_FLEXIBLE_OFFSET = true  (orange)
        //  * kinda safe (except there is a limit in the number of timers)
        //  * ALMOST FAST
        // USE_HASH_TABLE = false, USE_FLEXIBLE_OFFSET = false (red)
        //  * THE FASTEST (though is only  faster than the previous method
        //                  after using the optimizer on the map)
        //  * THE LEAST SAFE ( you may have to tweak OFSSET manually for it to
        //                     work)
        private constant boolean USE_HASH_TABLE      = true
        private constant boolean USE_FLEXIBLE_OFFSET = false

        private constant integer OFFSET     = 0x100000
        private          integer VOFFSET    = OFFSET
        //Timers to preload at map init:
        private constant integer QUANTITY   = 256
        //Changing this  to something big will allow you to keep recycling
        // timers even when there are already AN INCREDIBLE AMOUNT of timers in
        // the stack. But it will make things far slower so that's probably a bad idea...
        private constant integer ARRAY_SIZE = 8190


        private integer array data[ARRAY_SIZE]
        private hashtable     ht

    //It is dependent on jasshelper's recent inlining optimization in order to perform correctly.
    function SetTimerData takes timer t, integer value returns nothing
        static if(USE_HASH_TABLE) then
            // new blue
            call SaveInteger(ht,0,GetHandleId(t), value)
        elseif (USE_FLEXIBLE_OFFSET) then
            // orange
            static if (DEBUG_MODE) then
                if(GetHandleId(t)-VOFFSET<0) then
                    call BJDebugMsg("SetTimerData: Wrong handle id, only use SetTimerData on timers created by NewTimer")
            set data[GetHandleId(t)-VOFFSET]=value
            // new red
            static if (DEBUG_MODE) then
                if(GetHandleId(t)-OFFSET<0) then
                    call BJDebugMsg("SetTimerData: Wrong handle id, only use SetTimerData on timers created by NewTimer")
            set data[GetHandleId(t)-OFFSET]=value

    function GetTimerData takes timer t returns integer
        static if(USE_HASH_TABLE) then
            // new blue
            return LoadInteger(ht,0,GetHandleId(t) )
        elseif (USE_FLEXIBLE_OFFSET) then
            // orange
            static if (DEBUG_MODE) then
                if(GetHandleId(t)-VOFFSET<0) then
                    call BJDebugMsg("SetTimerData: Wrong handle id, only use SetTimerData on timers created by NewTimer")
            return data[GetHandleId(t)-VOFFSET]
            // new red
            static if (DEBUG_MODE) then
                if(GetHandleId(t)-OFFSET<0) then
                    call BJDebugMsg("SetTimerData: Wrong handle id, only use SetTimerData on timers created by NewTimer")
            return data[GetHandleId(t)-OFFSET]

        private timer array tT[ARRAY_SIZE]
        private integer tN = 0
        private constant integer HELD=0x28829022
        //use a totally random number here, the more improbable someone uses it, the better.

    function NewTimer takes nothing returns timer
        if (tN==0) then
            //If this happens then the QUANTITY rule has already been broken, try to fix the
            // issue, else fail.
            debug call BJDebugMsg("NewTimer: Warning, Exceeding TimerUtils_QUANTITY, make sure all timers are getting recycled correctly")
            static if( not USE_HASH_TABLE) then
                debug call BJDebugMsg("In case of errors, please increase it accordingly, or set TimerUtils_USE_HASH_TABLE to true")
                set tT[0]=CreateTimer()
                static if( USE_FLEXIBLE_OFFSET) then
                    if (GetHandleId(tT[0])-VOFFSET<0) or (GetHandleId(tT[0])-VOFFSET>=ARRAY_SIZE) then
                        //all right, couldn't fix it
                        call BJDebugMsg("NewTimer: Unable to allocate a timer, you should probably set TimerUtils_USE_HASH_TABLE to true or fix timer leaks.")
                        return null
                    if (GetHandleId(tT[0])-OFFSET<0) or (GetHandleId(tT[0])-OFFSET>=ARRAY_SIZE) then
                        //all right, couldn't fix it
                        call BJDebugMsg("NewTimer: Unable to allocate a timer, you should probably set TimerUtils_USE_HASH_TABLE to true or fix timer leaks.")
                        return null
            set tN=tN-1
        call SetTimerData(tT[tN],0)
     return tT[tN]

    function ReleaseTimer takes timer t returns nothing
        if(t==null) then
            debug call BJDebugMsg("Warning: attempt to release a null timer")
        if (tN==ARRAY_SIZE) then
            debug call BJDebugMsg("Warning: Timer stack is full, destroying timer!!")

            //stack is full, the map already has much more troubles than the chance of bug
            call DestroyTimer(t)
            call PauseTimer(t)
            if(GetTimerData(t)==HELD) then
                debug call BJDebugMsg("Warning: ReleaseTimer: Double free!")
            call SetTimerData(t,HELD)
            set tT[tN]=t
            set tN=tN+1

    private function init takes nothing returns nothing
     local integer i=0
     local integer o=-1
     local boolean oops = false
        static if( USE_HASH_TABLE ) then
            set ht = InitHashtable()
                set tT[i]=CreateTimer()
                call SetTimerData(tT[i], HELD)
                set i=i+1
            set tN = QUANTITY
                set i=0
                    exitwhen (i==QUANTITY)
                    set tT[i] = CreateTimer()
                    if(i==0) then
                        set VOFFSET = GetHandleId(tT[i])
                        static if(USE_FLEXIBLE_OFFSET) then
                            set o=VOFFSET
                            set o=OFFSET
                    if (GetHandleId(tT[i])-o>=ARRAY_SIZE) then
                        exitwhen true
                    if (GetHandleId(tT[i])-o>=0)  then
                        set i=i+1
                set tN = i
                exitwhen(tN == QUANTITY)
                set oops = true
                exitwhen not USE_FLEXIBLE_OFFSET
                debug call BJDebugMsg("TimerUtils_init: Failed a initialization attempt, will try again")               
            if(oops) then
                static if ( USE_FLEXIBLE_OFFSET) then
                    debug call BJDebugMsg("The problem has been fixed.")
                    //If this message doesn't appear then there is so much
                    //handle id fragmentation that it was impossible to preload
                    //so many timers and the thread crashed! Therefore this
                    //debug message is useful.
                elseif(DEBUG_MODE) then
                    call BJDebugMsg("There were problems and the new timer limit is "+I2S(i))
                    call BJDebugMsg("This is a rare ocurrence, if the timer limit is too low:")
                    call BJDebugMsg("a) Change USE_FLEXIBLE_OFFSET to true (reduces performance a little)")
                    call BJDebugMsg("b) or try changing OFFSET to "+I2S(VOFFSET) )



//* Smooth movement script 2.0 By Moyack. 2009.
//* ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
//* If you use this script, please be nice and give me credits.
//* This library has been designed to simulate movement defined by kinematic parameters.
//* You only need to define the Projectile unit, the position and velocity vectors, 
//* and the time the Projectile will fly. The rest is managed, controlled and destroyed
//* automatically by the library.
//* Additionally, you can define custom "events" when the Projectile starts, moves and ends, 
//* very convenient to set and control the Projectile behaviour.
//* How to use:
//* ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
//* This library has two data types, the vector and the Projectile structs.
//*  Vector Struct: This struct allows you to group data in the way (X, Y, Z). The vector
//*  type allows the following methods:
//*   - create( real x, real y, real z) returns vector
//*   - setdata(real x, real y, real z) returns nothing
//*   - destroy() returns nothing
//*  The first method allocates a new vector variable and sets at the same time data on it.
//*  The second method allows you to change the data of the vector. The third method destroys
//*  the vector. Example:
//*  function VecStuff takes nothing returns nothing
//*      local vector v = vector.create(0., 10., 20.) // creates a vector [0, 10, 20]
//*      call v.setdata(15., 20., -10.) // changes the values in the vector v to [15, 20, -10]
//*      call v.destroy() // destroys the vector, freeing the memory used.
//*  endfunction
//*  Projectile Struct: This one is the one in charge to do the nice things. This structs
//*  allows the following methods:
//* Aknowledges:
//* ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
//*  - Mad[Lion] because he proposed the problem that inspire me to make this library.
//*  - Pipedream because he had the same apporach, but opposite :) and for the idea of 
//*    partial factoring.
//*  - Vexorian, PitzerMike and all the people involved in the development of vJASS.
//*    without this tool, this idea would be still just that: an idea.

library SmoothMovSys
//* Configuration globals
    private constant real dt = 0.022 // sets the timer value
//* End configuration globals
    private unit       LastProj    = null // Stores temporally the last Projectile created / destroyed
    private vector     StartPos           // Stores the start position of the Projectile.
    private vector     StartVel           // Stores the start velocity of the Projectile.
    private vector     LastPos            // Stores the last position of the Projectile.
    private vector     LastVel            // Stores the last velocity of the Projectile.
    private Projectile MovingProj         // Stores the evaluating Projectile. Only for use when 
endglobals                                // it's called on the CodeMove function

struct vector // struct used to manage vectors LOL!!!
    real x = 0.
    real y = 0.
    real z = 0.
    static method create takes real x, real y, real z returns vector
        local vector v = vector.allocate()
        set v.x = x
        set v.y = y
        set v.z = z
        return v
    method setdata takes real x, real y, real z returns nothing
        set .x = x
        set .y = y
        set .z = z

private function GetA takes real x0, real x1, real v0, real v1, real tf returns real
    return (tf * (v1-v0) - 2 * (x1 - x0 - v0*tf)) / (tf*tf*tf)

private function GetB takes real x0, real x1, real v0, real v1, real tf returns real
    return (3 * (x1 - x0 - v0*tf) - tf * (v1 - v0)) / (tf*tf)

private function GetX takes real t, real A, real B, real C, real D returns real
    return D + t*(C + t*(B + t*A)) // thanks Pipedream for the idea :)

private function GetV takes real t, real A, real B, real C returns real
    return (3*A*t + 2*B)*t + C // thanks Pipedream for the idea :)

struct Projectile
    private static region reg = null
    private static trigger TRG = CreateTrigger()
    static group ProjGroup = CreateGroup()
    private static integer counter = 0
    private static Projectile array Projectiles
    private integer i
    unit p       // Projectile unit
    vector pi    // initial and final position coordinates
    vector pf
    vector vi    // initial and final velocity coordinates
    vector vf
    real tf = 0. // time that the Projectile will take to reach the final point
    vector vp    // variable position and velocity vars
    vector vv
    real t = 0.
    vector A     // Constant Values used for calculation stuff
    vector B
    // Miscelaneous data
    boolean DV // this flag indicates if the Projectile is destroyed with the input vectors
    boolean pU // this flag indicates if the unit used as projectile will be paused or not  
    trigger CodeMove //Stores the function name that will be evaluated every time any Projectile is moving
    trigger CodeEnd  //Stores the function name used when the Projectile dies.
    method SetData takes unit p, vector pi, vector pf, vector vi, vector vf, real t, boolean DV, boolean pU returns nothing
        local real Ax = GetA(pi.x, pf.x, vi.x, vf.x, t)
        local real Ay = GetA(pi.y, pf.y, vi.y, vf.y, t)
        local real Az = GetA(pi.z, pf.z, vi.z, vf.z, t)
        local real Bx = GetB(pi.x, pf.x, vi.x, vf.x, t)
        local real By = GetB(pi.y, pf.y, vi.y, vf.y, t)
        local real Bz = GetB(pi.z, pf.z, vi.z, vf.z, t)
        set .p = p
        call UnitAddAbility(p, 'Amrf')
        call UnitRemoveAbility(p, 'Amrf')
        call GroupAddUnit(Projectile.ProjGroup, p)
        if pU then
            call PauseUnit(p, true)
        set .pi = pi
        set .pf = pf
        set .vi = vi
        set .vf = vf
        set .A = vector.create(Ax, Ay, Az)
        set .B = vector.create(Bx, By, Bz)
        set .vp = vector.create(0., 0., 0.)
        set .vv = vector.create(0., 0., 0.)
        if t <= 0. then
            set .tf = dt
            set .tf = t
        set .DV = DV
        set .pU = pU
    private method update takes nothing returns nothing
        local real x
        local real y
        local real z
        if .CodeMove != null then
            set MovingProj = this
            call TriggerExecute(.CodeMove)
        set .t = .t + dt
        set x = GetX(.t, .A.x, .B.x, .vi.x, .pi.x)
        set y = GetX(.t, .A.y, .B.y, .vi.y, .pi.y)
        set z = GetX(.t, .A.z, .B.z, .vi.z, .pi.z)
        call .vp.setdata(x, y, z)
        set x = GetV(.t, .A.x, .B.x, .vi.x)
        set y = GetV(.t, .A.y, .B.y, .vi.y)
        set z = GetV(.t, .A.z, .B.z, .vi.z)
        call .vv.setdata(x, y, z)
    method SetStartCode takes code start returns nothing
        if start != null then
            call TriggerClearActions(Projectile.TRG)
            set LastProj = .p
            call StartPos.setdata(.pi.x, .pi.y, .pi.z)
            call StartVel.setdata(.vi.x, .vi.y, .vi.z)
            call LastPos.setdata(.pf.x, .pf.y, .pf.z)
            call LastVel.setdata(.vf.x, .vf.y, .vf.z)
            call TriggerAddAction(Projectile.TRG, start)
            call TriggerExecute(Projectile.TRG)
    method SetMoveCode takes code move returns nothing
        if .CodeMove == null then
            set .CodeMove = CreateTrigger()
            call TriggerClearActions(.CodeMove)
        call TriggerAddAction(.CodeMove, move)
    method SetEndCode takes code end returns nothing
        if .CodeEnd == null then
            set .CodeEnd = CreateTrigger()
            call TriggerClearActions(.CodeEnd)
        call TriggerAddAction(.CodeEnd, end)
    method GetVelocity takes nothing returns vector
        local vector v = vector.create(0,0,0)
        local real x = GetV(.t, .A.x, .B.x, .vi.x)
        local real y = GetV(.t, .A.y, .B.y, .vi.y)
        local real z = GetV(.t, .A.z, .B.z, .vi.z)
        call v.setdata(x, y, z)
        return v
    method GetPosition takes nothing returns vector
        return vector.create(GetUnitX(.p), GetUnitY(.p), GetUnitFlyHeight(.p))
    private method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
        call GroupRemoveUnit(Projectile.ProjGroup, .p)
        if .pU then
            call PauseUnit(.p, false)
        set LastProj = .p
        set .p = null
        call StartPos.setdata(.pi.x, .pi.y, .pi.z)
        call StartVel.setdata(.vi.x, .vi.y, .vi.z)
        call LastPos.setdata(.pf.x, .pf.y, .pf.z)
        call LastVel.setdata(.vf.x, .vf.y, .vf.z)
        if .DV then
            call .pi.destroy()
            call .pf.destroy()
            call .vi.destroy()
            call .vf.destroy()
        call .A.destroy()
        call .B.destroy()
        call .vp.destroy()
        call .vv.destroy()
        if .CodeEnd != null then
            call TriggerExecute(.CodeEnd)
        set Projectile.counter = Projectile.counter - 1
        set Projectile.Projectiles[Projectile.counter].i = .i
        set Projectile.Projectiles[.i] = Projectile.Projectiles[Projectile.counter]

    private static method Loop takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = 0
            exitwhen i >= Projectile.counter
            call Projectile.Projectiles[i].update()
            if Projectile.Projectiles[i].t > Projectile.Projectiles[i].tf or not IsPointInRegion(Projectile.reg, Projectile.Projectiles[i].vp.x, Projectile.Projectiles[i].vp.y) then
                // destroys the Projectile data if it finished its time or if it's going to leave the playable map area
                call Projectile.Projectiles[i].destroy()
            else // updates the location and angle facing of the unit
                call SetUnitX(Projectile.Projectiles[i].p, Projectile.Projectiles[i].vp.x)
                call SetUnitY(Projectile.Projectiles[i].p, Projectile.Projectiles[i].vp.y)
                call SetUnitFlyHeight(Projectile.Projectiles[i].p, Projectile.Projectiles[i].vp.z, 0.)
            set i = i + 1
    static method create takes unit p, vector pi, vector pf, vector vi, vector vf, real t, boolean DestroyVectors, boolean pauseUnit returns Projectile
        local Projectile pr = Projectile.allocate()
        call pr.SetData(p, pi, pf, vi, vf, t, DestroyVectors, pauseUnit)
        set pr.i = Projectile.counter
        set Projectile.Projectiles[Projectile.counter] = integer(pr)
        set Projectile.counter = Projectile.counter + 1
        return pr
    static method createSpherical takes unit p, vector pi, vector pf, vector vsi, vector vsf, real t, boolean DestroyVectors, boolean pauseUnit returns Projectile
    // this method allows you to define the speed vectors in spherical coordinates [r, t, f]
    // where r is the vector magnitude
    //       t is the angle in XY plane
    //       f is the angle in the plane defined by the vector R and the Z axis
    // ALL the angles are in RADIANS
    // when the Projectile is created, all the entered vectors will be changed to cartesian system
        call vsi.setdata(vsi.x * Cos(vsi.z) * Cos(vsi.y), vsi.x * Cos(vsi.z) * Sin(vsi.y), vsi.x * Sin(vsi.z))
        call vsf.setdata(vsf.x * Cos(vsf.z) * Cos(vsf.y), vsf.x * Cos(vsf.z) * Sin(vsf.y), vsf.x * Sin(vsf.z))
        return Projectile.create(p, pi, pf, vsi, vsf, t, DestroyVectors, pauseUnit)
    private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
        set Projectile.reg = CreateRegion()
        call RegionAddRect(Projectile.reg, bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
        set StartPos = vector.create(0,0,0)
        set StartVel = vector.create(0,0,0)
        set LastPos = vector.create(0,0,0)
        set LastVel = vector.create(0,0,0)
        call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), dt, true, function Projectile.Loop)

// functions used to get the the unit Projectile and the vectors in custom triggers
// those functions are to be used when the unit starts and stops being a Projectile

function GetUnitProjectile takes nothing returns unit
    return LastProj

function GetInitPos takes nothing returns vector
    return vector.create(StartPos.x, StartPos.y, StartPos.z)

function GetInitVel takes nothing returns vector
    return vector.create(StartVel.x, StartVel.y, StartVel.z)

function GetLastPos takes nothing returns vector
    return vector.create(LastPos.x, LastPos.y, LastPos.z)

function GetLastVel takes nothing returns vector
    return vector.create(LastVel.x, LastVel.y, LastVel.z)

function GetMovingProjectile takes nothing returns Projectile
    // only to use when you need to get the projectile data in a CodeMove function
    return MovingProj

function IsUnitProjectile takes unit u returns boolean
    return IsUnitInGroup(u, Projectile.ProjGroup)

library ProjSys initializer InitMovSys requires GroupUtils, SmoothMovSys
//* Configuration globals
    private constant string MovDustFX   = "Objects\\Spawnmodels\\Undead\\ImpaleTargetDust\\ImpaleTargetDust.mdl"
    private constant string MovSplashFX = "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\CrushingWave\\CrushingWaveDamage.mdl"
//* End configuration globals
    private constant rect TreeReg = Rect(0,0,1,1)

private function KillTrees takes nothing returns nothing
    local destructable d = GetEnumDestructable()
    call KillDestructable(d)
    set d = null

private function RemoveTreesInRange takes real x, real y, real r returns nothing
    call SetRect(TreeReg, x-r, y-r, x+r, y+r)
    call EnumDestructablesInRect(TreeReg, BOOLEXPR_TRUE, function KillTrees)

private function MoveKnockBackBasic takes nothing returns nothing
    local Projectile P = GetMovingProjectile()
    local real x = GetUnitX(P.p)
    local real y = GetUnitY(P.p)
    if GetUnitFlyHeight(P.p) <= 0. then
        if not IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY) then
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(MovDustFX, x, y))
        elseif not IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_FLOATABILITY) then
            call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(MovSplashFX, x, y))
        if IsUnitType(P.p, UNIT_TYPE_GROUND) == true and IsTerrainPathable(x, y, PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY) then
            call SetUnitPosition(P.p, x, y)
            call P.destroy()

private function MoveKnockBack takes nothing returns nothing
    local Projectile P = GetMovingProjectile()
    call MoveKnockBackBasic()
    call RemoveTreesInRange(GetUnitX(P.p), GetUnitY(P.p), 100.)

private function MoveMissile takes nothing returns nothing
    local Projectile p = GetMovingProjectile() 
    call SetUnitFacing(p.p, Atan2(p.vv.y, p.vv.x) * bj_RADTODEG)

private function InitMovSys takes nothing returns nothing
    call Preload(MovDustFX)
    call Preload(MovSplashFX)

private function ParabolicA takes real h, real d returns real
    // returns the coeficient A in the parabolic function
    // h, d, and x are in the same units of distance in WC3, which is more comfortable to use :)
    if d > 0. then
        return -4 * h / (d * d)
        return 0.

private function ParabolicB takes real h, real d returns real
    // returns the coeficient B in the parabolic function
    // h, d, and x are in the same units of distance in WC3, which is more comfortable to use :)
    if d > 0. then
        return 4 * h / d
        return 0.

//* public usage functions
function Atan3 takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real
    local real a = Atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1)
    if a >= 0. then
        return a
        return 2 * bj_PI + a

function Dist takes real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2 returns real
    local real dx = x2 - x1
    local real dy = y2 - y1
    return SquareRoot( dx * dx + dy * dy )

function GetParabolicAngle takes real h, real d returns real
    return Atan(ParabolicB(h, d))

function GetUnitsAngle takes unit a, unit b returns real
    return Atan3(GetUnitX(a), GetUnitY(a), GetUnitX(b), GetUnitY(b))

function GetUnitsDist takes unit a, unit b returns real
    return Dist(GetUnitX(a), GetUnitY(a), GetUnitX(b), GetUnitY(b))

function GetUnitProjPoint takes unit u, real angle, real dist returns location
    local real x = GetUnitX(u) + dist * Cos(angle)
    local real y = GetUnitY(u) + dist * Sin(angle)
    return Location(x, y)

//* KnockBack Function:
//*   - unit t:      the unit that will become into a projectile
//*   - real dist:   the distance that the projectile will move
//*   - real dir:    the angle in the plane XY which indicates the movemente direction
//*   - real height: the max height that the projectile will fly
//*   - real speed:  the initial projectile speed. If height = 0 then the projectile will change the speed until reach 0
//*   - Code InitCode: the name of the function that will be evaluated when the projectile starts moving
//*   - Code EndCode: the name of the function that will be evaluated when the projectile stops.
//*   - boolean DestroyDestructables: Indicates if the knockbacked units will destroy nearby trees while they move

function KnockBack takes unit t, real dist, real dir, real height, real speed, code InitCode, code EndCode, boolean DestroyDestructables returns nothing
    local real a = GetParabolicAngle(height, dist)
    local real tm = dist / (speed * Cos(a))
    local vector p1 = vector.create(GetUnitX(t), GetUnitY(t), GetUnitFlyHeight(t))
    local vector p2 = vector.create(p1.x + dist * Cos(dir), p1.y + dist * Sin(dir), p1.z)
    local vector vi 
    local vector vf
    local Projectile P
    if height > 0. then
        set vi = vector.create(speed, dir, a)
        set vf = vector.create(vi.x, vi.y, -vi.z)
        set vi = vector.create(speed, dir, 0.)
        set vf = vector.create(0., 0., 0.)
    set P = Projectile.createSpherical(t, p1, p2, vi, vf, tm, true, true)
    call P.SetStartCode(InitCode)
    if DestroyDestructables then
        call P.SetMoveCode(function MoveKnockBack)
        call P.SetMoveCode(function MoveKnockBackBasic)
    call P.SetEndCode(EndCode)

//  Null function; for use with KnockBack's InitCode and EndCode arguments
    function Null takes nothing returns nothing
library GroupUtils initializer Init requires optional xebasic
//* BY: Rising_Dusk
//* This library is a combination of several features relevant to groups. First
//* and foremost, it contains a group stack that you can access dynamic groups
//* from. It also provides means to refresh groups and clear any shadow
//* references within them. The included boolexprs are there for backwards
//* compatibility with maps that happen to use them. Since the 1.24c patch,
//* null boolexprs used in GroupEnumUnits* calls no longer leak, so there is no
//* performance gain to using the BOOLEXPR_TRUE constant.
//* Instead of creating/destroying groups, we have moved on to recycling them.
//* NewGroup pulls a group from the stack and ReleaseGroup adds it back. Always
//* remember to call ReleaseGroup on a group when you are done using it. If you
//* fail to do so enough times, the stack will overflow and no longer work.
//* GroupRefresh cleans a group of any shadow references which may be clogging
//* its hashtable. If you remove a unit from the game who is a member of a unit
//* group, it will 'effectively' remove the unit from the group, but leave a
//* shadow in its place. Calling GroupRefresh on a group will clean up any
//* shadow references that may exist within it. It is only worth doing this on
//* groups that you plan to have around for awhile.
//* Constants that can be used from the library:
//*     [group]    ENUM_GROUP      As you might expect, this group is good for
//*                                when you need a group just for enumeration.
//*     [boolexpr] BOOLEXPR_TRUE   This is a true boolexpr, which is important
//*                                because a 'null' boolexpr in enumeration
//*                                calls results in a leak. Use this instead.
//*     [boolexpr] BOOLEXPR_FALSE  This exists mostly for completeness.
//* This library also includes a simple implementation of a group enumeration
//* call that factors collision of units in a given area of effect. This is
//* particularly useful because GroupEnumUnitsInRange doesn't factor collision.
//* In your map, you can just replace all instances of GroupEnumUnitsInRange
//* with GroupEnumUnitsInArea with identical arguments and your spells will
//* consider all units colliding with the area of effect. After calling this
//* function as you would normally call GroupEnumUnitsInRange, you are free to
//* do anything with the group that you would normally do.
//* If you don't use xebasic in your map, you may edit the MAX_COLLISION_SIZE
//* variable below and the library will use that as the added radius to check.
//* If you use xebasic, however, the script will automatically use xe's
//* collision size variable.
//* You are also able to use GroupUnitsInArea. This function returns all units
//* within the area, no matter what they are, which can be convenient for those
//* instances where you actually want that.
//* Example usage:
//*     local group MyGroup = NewGroup()
//*     call GroupRefresh(MyGroup)
//*     call ReleaseGroup(MyGroup)
//*     call GroupEnumUnitsInArea(ENUM_GROUP, x, y, 350., BOOLEXPR_TRUE)
//*     call GroupUnitsInArea(ENUM_GROUP, x, y, 350.)
    //If you don't have xebasic in your map, this value will be used instead.
    //This value corresponds to the max collision size of a unit in your map.
    private constant real    MAX_COLLISION_SIZE = 197.
    //If you are insane and don't care about any of the protection involved in
    //this library, but want this script to be really fast, set this to true.
    private constant boolean LESS_SAFETY        = false

    //* Constants that are available to the user
    group    ENUM_GROUP     = CreateGroup()
    boolexpr BOOLEXPR_TRUE  = null
    boolexpr BOOLEXPR_FALSE = null

    //* Hashtable for debug purposes
    private hashtable     ht     = InitHashtable()
    //* Temporary references for GroupRefresh
    private boolean       Flag   = false
    private group         Refr   = null
    //* Arrays and counter for the group stack
    private group   array Groups
    private integer       Count  = 0
    //* Variables for use with the GroupUnitsInArea function
    private real          X      = 0.
    private real          Y      = 0.
    private real          R      = 0.
    private hashtable     H      = InitHashtable()

private function HookDestroyGroup takes group g returns nothing
    if g == ENUM_GROUP then
        call BJDebugMsg(SCOPE_PREFIX+"Warning: ENUM_GROUP destroyed")

debug hook DestroyGroup HookDestroyGroup

private function AddEx takes nothing returns nothing
    if Flag then
        call GroupClear(Refr)
        set Flag = false
    call GroupAddUnit(Refr, GetEnumUnit())
function GroupRefresh takes group g returns nothing
    set Flag = true
    set Refr = g
    call ForGroup(Refr, function AddEx)
    if Flag then
        call GroupClear(g)

function NewGroup takes nothing returns group
    if Count == 0 then
        set Groups[0] = CreateGroup()
        set Count = Count - 1
    static if not LESS_SAFETY then
        call SaveInteger(ht, 0, GetHandleId(Groups[Count]), 1)
    return Groups[Count]
function ReleaseGroup takes group g returns boolean
    local integer id = GetHandleId(g)
    static if LESS_SAFETY then
        if g == null then
            debug call BJDebugMsg(SCOPE_PREFIX+"Error: Null groups cannot be released")
            return false
        elseif Count == 8191 then
            debug call BJDebugMsg(SCOPE_PREFIX+"Error: Max groups achieved, destroying group")
            call DestroyGroup(g)
            return false
        if g == null then
            debug call BJDebugMsg(SCOPE_PREFIX+"Error: Null groups cannot be released")
            return false
        elseif not HaveSavedInteger(ht, 0, id) then
            debug call BJDebugMsg(SCOPE_PREFIX+"Error: Group not part of stack")
            return false
        elseif LoadInteger(ht, 0, id) == 2 then
            debug call BJDebugMsg(SCOPE_PREFIX+"Error: Groups cannot be multiply released")
            return false
        elseif Count == 8191 then
            debug call BJDebugMsg(SCOPE_PREFIX+"Error: Max groups achieved, destroying group")
            call DestroyGroup(g)
            return false
        call SaveInteger(ht, 0, id, 2)
    call GroupClear(g)
    set Groups[Count] = g
    set Count         = Count + 1
    return true

private function Filter takes nothing returns boolean
    return IsUnitInRangeXY(GetFilterUnit(), X, Y, R)

private function HookDestroyBoolExpr takes boolexpr b returns nothing
    local integer bid = GetHandleId(b)
    if HaveSavedHandle(H, 0, bid) then
        //Clear the saved boolexpr
        call DestroyBoolExpr(LoadBooleanExprHandle(H, 0, bid))
        call RemoveSavedHandle(H, 0, bid)

hook DestroyBoolExpr HookDestroyBoolExpr

private constant function GetRadius takes real radius returns real
    static if LIBRARY_xebasic then
        return radius+XE_MAX_COLLISION_SIZE
        return radius+MAX_COLLISION_SIZE

function GroupEnumUnitsInArea takes group whichGroup, real x, real y, real radius, boolexpr filter returns nothing
    local real    prevX = X
    local real    prevY = Y
    local real    prevR = R
    local integer bid   = 0
    //Set variables to new values
    set X = x
    set Y = y
    set R = radius
    if filter == null then
        //Adjusts for null boolexprs passed to the function
        set filter = Condition(function Filter)
        //Check for a saved boolexpr
        set bid = GetHandleId(filter) 
        if HaveSavedHandle(H, 0, bid) then
            //Set the filter to use to the saved one
            set filter = LoadBooleanExprHandle(H, 0, bid)
            //Create a new And() boolexpr for this filter
            set filter = And(Condition(function Filter), filter)
            call SaveBooleanExprHandle(H, 0, bid, filter)
    //Enumerate, if they want to use the boolexpr, this lets them
    call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(whichGroup, x, y, GetRadius(radius), filter)
    //Give back original settings so nested enumerations work
    set X = prevX
    set Y = prevY
    set R = prevR

function GroupUnitsInArea takes group whichGroup, real x, real y, real radius returns nothing
    local real prevX = X
    local real prevY = Y
    local real prevR = R
    //Set variables to new values
    set X = x
    set Y = y
    set R = radius
    call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(whichGroup, x, y, GetRadius(radius), Condition(function Filter))
    //Give back original settings so nested enumerations work
    set X = prevX
    set Y = prevY
    set R = prevR

private function True takes nothing returns boolean
    return true
private function False takes nothing returns boolean
    return false
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    set BOOLEXPR_TRUE  = Condition(function True)
    set BOOLEXPR_FALSE = Condition(function False)


  • MagicRace.w3x
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I currently use this knockback system in my map, could I make use of it?

library KBS initializer Init
//**                                                                                   **     
//**    Knockback System (KBS)                                    **By kenny!**        **
//**    v 2.04                                                                         **
//**                                                                                   **
//**    A system I made that can be used for knockback spells in a variety of          **
//**    applications in a map. User defined variables make it easy to give the desired **
//**    effect for any spell.                                                          **
//**                                                                                   **
//**    Requires:                                                                      **
//**        - A vJASS preprocessor (NewGen Pack).                                      **
//**        - No other systems.                                                        **
//**        - A dummy unit. One can be found in this map ('u000')                      **
//**        - The special effects found in the import/export section of this map.      **
//**          They are the "Dust.mdx" and the "SlideWater.mdx". Or you can use your    **
//**          own if you have some.                                                    **
//**                                                                                   **

//**                                                                                   **
//**    Other Information:                                                             **
//**        - Angle is taken in degrees. But can easily be changed if you know how.    **
//**        - Units will be stopped if they hit the map borders.                       **
//**        - Remember to import the special effect into your map if you need them.    **
//**        - There are two functions that can be used in this system.                 **
//**        - NEW FUNCTION: KBS_BeginCommon() is for all the common knockback uses in  **
//**          your map. It only takes 4 parameters, and use global parameters for Area **
//**          AllowMove and CheckPathing. Making it an icredibly easy function to use. **
//**                                                                                   **
//**    Sliding Distances:                                                             **
//**        - This is some general knowledge on the different distances and how to     **
//**          get them.                                                                **
//**        - Sliding distances have changed in this version of the system.            **
//**        - The function call (KBS_Begin/Ex) now takes distance and duration         **
//**          parameters instead of startspeed and deceleration.                       **
//**        - Therefore the parameter 'Distance' will set the length of the knockback  **
//**          while the parameter 'Duration" will set the time it will take.           **
//**                                                                                   **

//**                                                                                   **
//**    Implementation:                                                                **
//**        - First off you need the NewGen world editor. This is a must.              **
//**        - Copy this trigger into your map. Or make a trigger in your map and       **
//**          convert it to custom text. Then copy this text into that trigger.        **
//**        - Now you will either need to export the special effects from this map to  **
//**          your map, or you will need your own. I do not take credit for the        **
//**          special effects found in this map.                                       **
//**        - Once you have the effects in your map. Find the configuration block      **
//**          that is underneath all this green text. Change the WATER_SFX and the     **
//**          DIRT_SFX strings to the ones in your map. These should be the same if    **
//**          you exported the ones from this map.                                     **
//**        - Make sure you have the dummy unit needed. It can be any unit, but i      **
//**          suggest you use the one found in this map, it is labelled 'Dummy Unit'   **
//**          or 'u000'.                                                               **
//**        - Your done! Save your map, make a spell using this system and try it out. **
//**                                                                                   **
//**    NOTE: Please report any bugs to me at thehelper.net via PM. (User name: kenny!)**
//**                                                                                   **
//**                                                                                   **
//**    Usage:                                                                         **
//**                                                                                   **
//**                call KBS_Begin(Target,Distance,Duration,Angle,Area)                **
//**                                       or                                          **
//**call KBS_BeginEx(Target,Distance,Duration,Angle,Effect,Area,AllowMove,CheckPathing)**
//**                                       or                                          **
//**                call KBS_BeginCommon(Target,Distance,Duration,Angle)               **
//**                                                                                   **
//**    - Target        - The unit that will be used in the knockback.                 **
//**    - Distance      - The distance of the knockback (how far the unit will slide). **                 
//**    - Duration      - The duration of the knockback refers to how long the unit    **
//**                      will slide for.                                              **
//**    - Angle         - The angle that the unit will be knocked back at.             **
//**                      THIS MUST BE IN DEGREES. <- Easier for GUI users.            **
//**    - Effect        - This is only used in the extended function. If you do not    **
//**                      want one of the predefined effects, you can choose your own. **
//**                      However, this effect is attached to the unit and removed at  **
//**                      the end, so non-looping or repeating effect wont work.       **
//**    - Area          - This determines whether or not trees will be knocked down.   **
//**                      For trees to be knocked down, a positive number (real) must  **
//**                      be used, such as 150.00, which would give a radius of 150.00 **
//**                      in which trees will be knocked down.                         **
//**                      For trees to not be knocked down, a negative number (real)   **
//**                      must be used, such as -150.00, which would create a radius   **
//**                      that if a tree comes within it, the unit will stop moving.   **
//**                      For none of those effects, the number 0 (0.00) can be used.  **
//**                      This will just cause the units to "bounce" off trees.        **
//**    -Allowmove      - This boolean will decided whether or not you want the unit   **
//**                      to have the ability to move while being knocked back.        **
//**                      "true" will allow them to move, while "false" will not.      **
//**    -CheckPathing   - A boolean that, if true, will check for unpathable terrain   **
//**                      such as a wall or cliff, or where doodads may be. If false   **
//**                      it will ignore these changes and the unit will be pushed     **
//**                      along the wall, cliff or doodad.                             **
//**                                                                                   **
//**       REMEMBER: Positive = trees destroyed, Negative = trees not destroyed.       **
//**                                                                                   **
//**    Example of Usage:                                                              **
//**                                                                                   **
//**  -call KBS_Begin(target,500.00,2.00,270.00,150.00)                                **
//**    or                                                                             **
//**  -call KBS_BeginEx(target,500.00,2.00,270.00,"Effect.mdl",-150.00,true,true)      **
//**                                                                                   **
//**    The first one will cause the target unit of a spell to be knocked back 500.00  **
//**    range over a 2.00 second duration. It will be knocked back at an angle of      **    
//**    270.00, which I'm pretty sure is south, and it will knock down trees within    ** 
//**    a 150.00 radius around the unit.                                               **
//**                                                                                   **
//**    The bottom one of the two will do the exact same as the top, however you are   **
//**    able to choose your own special effect that will be attached to the unit. As   **
//**    you can see, the number for Area (destroying trees) is negative, therefore     **
//**    no trees will be knocked down, and the unit will stop moving if it comes in    **
//**    contact with a tree. There is also an extra boolean nearing end, this is for   **
//**    allowing units to move while sliding. It is true, meaning units are allowed.   **
//**    There is also an added feature that will check for pathable terrain and stop a **
//**    unit if it comes in contact with things such as walls, cliffs or doodads.      **
//**    If true, the unit will stop moving if it comes in direct contact will a wall   **
//**    or cliff.                                                                      **
//**                                                                                   **

//**                                                                                   **
//**    Other functions:                                                               **
//**                                                                                   **
//**    - call KBS_IsUnitSliding(Target)                                               **
//**                                                                                   **
//**    - This function checks if a picked unit is currently sliding using this        **
//**      system. It will return true if it is.                                        **
//**                                                                                   **
//**    - call KBS_StopUnitSliding(Target)                                             **
//**                                                                                   **
//**    - This function will stop a picked unit from sliding (using this system).      **
//**      It also returns true if the unit is stopped.                                 **
//**                                                                                   **
//**    - These functions can be used in conjunction with each other, by checking if a **
//**      unit is sliding then stopping it if it is. The regular Storm Bolt spell in   **
//**      the Test Spells section uses these two function in conjunction with each     **
//**      other as an example.                                                         **
//**                                                                                   **

//**                                                                                   **
//**    Some points on checking for pathable terrain:                                  **
//**                                                                                   **
//**`   - The area specified for destroying trees must be at least 75.00-100.00 range  **
//**      larger than the distance for checking for pathing, which is below in the     **
//**      globals block.                                                               **
//**    - When using KBS_BeginEx() and using either 0.00 or a negative value for the   **
//**      parameter 'Area' (destroying trees) it is better to have CheckPathing as     **
//**      FALSE. This is due to the fact that setting CheckPathing to TRUE will        **
//**      override the 'Area' Parameter and stop a unit if it gets near trees.         **
//**    - Basically what this means is that you cannot get a unit to just 'bounce' off **
//**      trees anymore, it is either destroy trees or get stopped by them.            **
//**                                                                                   **

    private constant integer DUMMY_ID       = 'u001'           // This is the dummy unit.
    private constant real    INTERVAL       = 0.04             // Recommended Interval.
    private constant string  ATTACH_POINT   = "origin"         // Attachment point for effects.
    private constant string  WATER_SFX      = "war3mapImported\\SlideWater.mdx" // Water slide effect.
    private constant string  DIRT_SFX       = "war3mapImported\\Dust.mdx"       // Ground slide effect.
    private constant string  COLLISION_SFX  = "Abilities\\Weapons\\AncientProtectorMissile\\AncientProtectorMissile.mdl" // Collision effect when unit hits a wall/cliff etc.
    private constant boolean SHOW_COLLISION = true             // Whether or not effect will show if a unit collides with a wall/cliff etc.
    // The follow are used when using KBS_BeginCommon() for the common parameters that will be used.
    private constant real    COMMON_AREA          = 150.00  // The area in which trees will be destroyed.
    private constant boolean COMMON_ALLOW_MOVE    = true    // Whether or not to allow units to move.
    private constant boolean COMMON_CHECK_PATHING = true    // Whether or not to check pathing.
    // The following raw codes will probably not need to be changed for most maps.
    private constant integer HARVEST        = 'Ahrl' // Raw code for: Harvest(Ghouls Lumber).
    private constant integer LOCUST         = 'Aloc'  // Raw code for Locust ability.
    // The following value is used for terrain pathability checking.
    private constant real    DISTANCE       = 50.00
    // The above is the distance in front of the unit that terrain pathability
    // will be checked. A value of 40.00-50.00 is recommended. Also make sure
    // that this distance is AT LEAST 75.00-100.00 units less than the ranges set
    // for destroying trees, otherwise it wont work properly.
    // Example: Keep above distance at 50.00, and use 150.00 for knocking down trees.
    //          This seems to work very well.
    private constant real    MAX_RANGE      = 10.00
    // Max range for checking for pathability. I suggest you leave this alone.

//**                                                                                   ** 
//**                                                                                   **

private keyword Data

    private Data     array D
    private boolean  array BA
    private item     array Hidden
    private integer  Hidden_max       = 0
    private integer  Total            = 0
    private real     Game_maxX        = 0.00
    private real     Game_minX        = 0.00
    private real     Game_maxY        = 0.00
    private real     Game_minY        = 0.00
    private rect     Rect1            = null
    private unit     Tree_dummy       = null
    private item     Item             = null
    private timer    Timer            = null
    private boolexpr Tree_filt        = null

private function Filter_items takes nothing returns nothing
    if IsItemVisible(GetEnumItem()) then
        set Hidden[Hidden_max] = GetEnumItem()
        call SetItemVisible(Hidden[Hidden_max],false)
        set Hidden_max = Hidden_max + 1

// Thanks to Vexorian for original concept, and Anitarf for the up-to-date version. (Slightly modified).
private function Check_pathability takes real x1, real y1 returns boolean
    local real x2 = 0.00
    local real y2 = 0.00
    call SetRect(Rect1,0.00,0.00,128.00,128.00)
    call MoveRectTo(Rect1,x1,y1)
    call EnumItemsInRect(Rect1,null,function Filter_items)

    call SetItemPosition(Item,x1,y1)
    set x2 = GetItemX(Item)
    set y2 = GetItemY(Item)
    call SetItemVisible(Item,false)

        exitwhen Hidden_max <= 0
        set Hidden_max = Hidden_max - 1
        call SetItemVisible(Hidden[Hidden_max],true)
        set Hidden[Hidden_max] = null

    return (x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2) < MAX_RANGE * MAX_RANGE

private function Destroy_trees takes nothing returns nothing
    if BA[0] then
        call KillDestructable(GetEnumDestructable()) // Used to destroy destructables.
        set BA[1] = true

// Thanks to PitzerMike for this function. (Modified Slightly).
private function Check_trees takes nothing returns boolean
    local destructable dest   = GetFilterDestructable()
    local boolean      result = false
    if GetDestructableLife(dest) > 0.405 then
        call ShowUnit(Tree_dummy,true)
        call SetUnitX(Tree_dummy,GetWidgetX(dest))
        call SetUnitY(Tree_dummy,GetWidgetY(dest))
        set result = IssueTargetOrder(Tree_dummy,"harvest",dest)
        call IssueImmediateOrder(Tree_dummy,"stop")
        call ShowUnit(Tree_dummy,false)
        set dest = null
        return result
    set dest = null
    return result

// Checks if a point is on the map boundaries.
private function Outside_bounds takes real x, real y returns boolean
    return (x > Game_maxX or y > Game_maxY or x < Game_minX or y < Game_minY)

private struct Data
    unit    targ      = null
    real    speed     = 0.00
    real    decrease  = 0.00
    real    sin       = 0.00
    real    cos       = 0.00
    real    radius    = 0.00
    integer sfxmode   = 0
    effect  sfx       = null
    boolean custom    = false
    boolean allowmove = false
    boolean pathing   = false
    boolean forcestop = false
    // Checking for terrain type.
    method terrain takes nothing returns integer
        local real x = GetUnitX(.targ)
        local real y = GetUnitY(.targ)

        if IsTerrainPathable(x,y,PATHING_TYPE_FLOATABILITY) then
            return 1
        elseif not IsTerrainPathable(x,y,PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY) then
            return 2
        return 0
    static method create takes unit Target, real Distance, real Duration, real Angle, string Effect, real Area, boolean AllowMove, boolean CheckPathing returns Data
        local Data d = Data.allocate()
        // Allocates struct members to user defined variables.
        set d.targ      = Target
        set d.speed     = (2.00 * Distance) / (Duration + 1.00)
        set d.decrease  = d.speed / Duration
        set d.sin       = Sin(Angle)
        set d.cos       = Cos(Angle)
        set d.radius    = Area
        set d.allowmove = AllowMove
        set d.pathing   = CheckPathing
        set d.sfxmode   = d.terrain()
        if Effect != "" and Effect != null then
            set d.custom = true
        // Adding effects to the unit.
        if d.custom then
            set d.sfx = AddSpecialEffectTarget(Effect,d.targ,ATTACH_POINT)
            if d.sfxmode == 1 then
                set d.sfx = AddSpecialEffectTarget(DIRT_SFX,d.targ,ATTACH_POINT)
            elseif d.sfxmode == 2 then
                set d.sfx = AddSpecialEffectTarget(WATER_SFX,d.targ,ATTACH_POINT)
        return d
    private method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
        set .targ = null
        if .sfx != null then
            call DestroyEffect(.sfx) // Destroys effects if needed.
            set .sfx = null
        set BA[0] = false
        set BA[1] = false

private function Update takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer i       = 1
    local integer newmode = 0
    local integer height  = 0
    local Data    d       = 0
    local real    x       = 0.00
    local real    y       = 0.00
    local real    newx    = 0.00
    local real    newy    = 0.00
        exitwhen i > Total
        set d = D[i]
        set newmode = d.sfxmode
        set x = GetUnitX(d.targ)
        set y = GetUnitY(d.targ)
        // Destroys trees if wanted, or stops the unit
        if d.radius != 0.00 then
            set BA[0] = d.radius > 0.00

            call SetRect(Rect1,x - d.radius,y - d.radius,x + d.radius,y + d.radius)
            call EnumDestructablesInRect(Rect1,Tree_filt,function Destroy_trees)
        // Checks for terrain pathability, such as walls and cliffs.
        if d.pathing then
            if Check_pathability(x + DISTANCE * d.cos,y + DISTANCE * d.sin) == false then
                set height = 1
                if SHOW_COLLISION then
                    call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(COLLISION_SFX,x,y))

        if not d.custom then
            set d.sfxmode = d.terrain() // Checks for pathing again.                
            // Adds special effect if terrain changes.
            if d.sfxmode == 1 and newmode == 2 then
                call DestroyEffect(d.sfx)
                set d.sfx = AddSpecialEffectTarget(DIRT_SFX,d.targ,ATTACH_POINT)
            elseif d.sfxmode == 2 and newmode == 1 then
                call DestroyEffect(d.sfx)
                set d.sfx = AddSpecialEffectTarget(WATER_SFX,d.targ,ATTACH_POINT)
        if d.speed <= 0 or Outside_bounds(x,y) or BA[1] or height == 1 or d.forcestop == true then
            call d.destroy() // Finish knockback
            set D[i] = D[Total]
            set Total = Total - 1
            set i = i - 1
            set height = 0
            set newx = x + d.speed * d.cos
            set newy = y + d.speed * d.sin
            // Allows unit to move while sliding, if specified.
            if d.allowmove then
                call SetUnitX(d.targ,newx)
                call SetUnitY(d.targ,newy)
                call SetUnitPosition(d.targ,newx,newy)
            set d.speed = d.speed - d.decrease // Sets new speed.
        set i = i + 1
    if Total <= 0 then
        call PauseTimer(Timer)
        set Total = 0

// Checks if a unit is sliding - returns true if it is.
public function IsUnitSliding takes unit Target returns boolean
    local integer i = 1

        exitwhen i > Total
        if D[i].targ == Target then
            return true
        set i = i + 1
    return false

// Stops a unit from sliding - returns true if a unit is stopped.
public function StopUnitSliding takes unit Target returns boolean
    local integer i = 1

        exitwhen i > Total
        if D[i].targ == Target then
            set D[i].forcestop = true
            return true
        set i = i + 1
    return false

// Extended function - gives the most customisation for a single unit knockback.
public function BeginEx takes unit Target, real Distance, real Duration, real Angle, string Effect, real Area, boolean AllowMove, boolean CheckPathing returns boolean
    local Data d = 0
    if Target == null or Distance <= 0.00 or Duration <= 0.00 then
        debug if Target == null then
        debug call BJDebugMsg( "Error: Target is null" )
        debug elseif Distance <= 0.00 then
        debug call BJDebugMsg( "Error: Distance <= 0.00" )
        debug elseif Duration <= 0.00 then
        debug call BJDebugMsg( "Error: Duration <= 0.00" )
        debug endif
        debug call BJDebugMsg("Error: Invalid input in KBS_Begin(Ex)") // Error message.
        return false
    set d = Data.create(Target,Distance,(Duration/INTERVAL),(Angle * 0.01745328),Effect,Area,AllowMove,CheckPathing)
    set Total = Total + 1
    if Total == 1 then
        call TimerStart(Timer,INTERVAL,true,function Update)
    set D[Total] = d
    return true

// Basic function - Can be used in a wide variety of ways and gives a basic knockback.
public function Begin takes unit Target, real Distance, real Duration, real Angle, real Area returns nothing    
    call BeginEx(Target,Distance,Duration,Angle,"",Area,false,false)

// Common function - For all basic knockback needs, easy to use and simple to remember.
public function BeginCommon takes unit Target, real Distance, real Duration, real Angle returns nothing
    call BeginEx(Target,Distance,Duration,Angle,null,COMMON_AREA,COMMON_ALLOW_MOVE,COMMON_CHECK_PATHING)

// Sets map boundries and sets timer, rect and filter.
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    set Timer     = CreateTimer()
    set Rect1     = Rect(0.00,0.00,1.00,1.00)
    set Tree_filt = Filter(function Check_trees)
    // Map bounds
    set Game_maxX = GetRectMaxX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea) - 64.00
    set Game_maxY = GetRectMaxY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea) - 64.00
    set Game_minX = GetRectMinX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea) + 64.00
    set Game_minY = GetRectMinY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea) + 64.00
    // Boolean values for destroying trees
    set BA[0]     = false
    set BA[1]     = false
    // Creating unit for destroying trees
    set Tree_dummy = CreateUnit(Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE),DUMMY_ID,0.00,0.00,0.00)
    call SetUnitPathing(Tree_dummy,false)
    call ShowUnit(Tree_dummy,false)
    call UnitAddAbility(Tree_dummy,HARVEST)
    call UnitAddAbility(Tree_dummy,LOCUST)
    // Creating item for pathability checking
    set Item = CreateItem('ciri',0.00,0.00)
    call SetItemVisible(Item,false)  

Checking with an item is a bad idea because the item has a
collision size of 16. Most units, like heroes for instance, have
a larger collision size than that (32 is probably the average).

The Infernal has a 48 collision size.

What this means is that it is possible to knock a unit through
an otherwise impassible place using Kenny's Knockback sys,
meaning it is unsafe to use reliably in a map.

In Knockback 2D is the first knockback system I've seen that
actually checks for a myriad of collision sizes.
Level 17
Apr 27, 2008
You've copied/pasted the library SmoothMovSys two times.
And unfortunately it seems that the KnockBack function you are using for the spell, is a part of the library ProjSys which is missing (or at least it isn't inside the versions of the already submitted libraries)


Woot, now that i can see it entirely, the code is really spaghetti and lame, i can't bear it !

i could fix it but really when i see TriggerExecute instead of TriggerEvaluate, TriggerClearActions which doesn't clean up the memory and all, etc ...
Just use a better one, maybe Bribe's one (not checked but it can't be worse than that)

I suppose he will be kind enough to explain how to use it in details (or hurt him hardly)
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