No, I think you're all wrong. You see, Night Elves, Trolls and everyone evolved from Oozes. Yeah, Oozes were the first creatures that were "created"... Gods used Azeroth as their own toilet and that's where they were shitting. Once the planet got over-filled with their shit, they had to find another planet. That's how Oozes got created on Azeroth. Later the Oozes terraformed the planet, they created water and trees, animals and later they evolved into "smart beings", like humans, gnomes, tauren, trolls etc. The unevolved Oozes that you can see in WoW right now are those Oozes which were shat by the lesser Gods.
Gods used to call Azeroth, "Ass will rot" - which would mean: if you don't take your regular shit once every day or two, your stomach will hurt and you might die.
EDIT: This Ooze theory also explains the randomness of Azeroth's geological areas (cold and snowy Dun Morogh is right next to hot and burning Searing Gorge and Burning Steppes).