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3rd Storm of Chaos 1.2a

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Since my description gets erased when updating the map i decided to write that down here:

Warhammer the 3rd Storm of Chaos, is an warhammer based AoS map. To differ it from all the AoS maps out there we addet some unusual gameplay-elements.

For testing in singleplayer use type in "-devmode".
if you want to test heroes from team 2 use "-iamhost" or switch to team 2.

Gamemodes: -ap -ar -fcm

What is -fcm mode? this mode changes player blue and pink to forcecommanders. That means they cant choose heros, but they can build units and cast magic all over the map, to support theyr team.

Gameplay: first everyone gets a hero, with wich you have to fight your way to the portal, to get to the pvp-zone, to defeat the enemy team.
To protect your base while you are fighting to the portal, you can upgrade your towers in the pvp-zone.

To switch the team, type in -switchon and after that -switch (playernumber you whant to switch with)

-19 heros
-5 unique abilitys per hero = 95 abilitys
-2 lores of magic with each 5 spells for the forcecommander
-27 different recipies
-9 different runes
-in total about 100 custom items
-324 triggers and 275 variables

other things includet:
-2 switchsystems
-custom herorevive system
-socket system
-some more things i forgot

Bugs: we know there are some bugs, but most of them are hard to locate or replicate. the abilitys themself do not leak or cause bugs, but combined there can occure bugs. we accept all help we can get to locate and fix bugs.

im gonna add some more screens and a video here soon


Warhammer, Fantasy, Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer 3rd Storm of Chaos, Storm of Chaos, Chaos, Storm, Göddy, Godslayer, G0dslay3r, Isharioth, AoS, Aeon

3rd Storm of Chaos 1.2a (Map)

06:44, 4th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 9
Jun 3, 2007
Since my description gets erased when updating the map i decided to write that down here:

Warhammer the 3rd Storom of Chaos, is an warhammer based AoS map. To differ it from all the AoS maps out there we addet some unusual gameplay-elements.

For testing in singleplayer use type in "-devmode".
if you want to test heroes from team 2 use "-iamhost" or switch to team 2.

Gamemodes: -ap -ar -fcm

What is -fcm mode? this mode changes player blue and pink to forcecommanders. That means they cant choose heros, but they can build units and cast magic all over the map, to support theyr team.

Gameplay: first everyone gets a hero, with wich you have to fight your way to the portal, to get to the pvp-zone, to defeat the enemy team.
To protect your base while you are fighting to the portal, you can upgrade your towers in the pvp-zone.

To switch the team, type in -switchon and after that -switch (playernumber you whant to switch with)

-19 heros
-5 unique abilitys per hero = 95 abilitys
-2 lores of magic with each 5 spells for the forcecommander
-27 different recipies
-9 different runes
-in total about 100 custom items
-324 triggers and 275 variables

other things includet:
-2 switchsystems
-custom herorevive system
-socket system
-some more things i forgot

Bugs: we know there are some bugs, but most of them are hard to locate or replicate. the abilitys themself do not leak or cause bugs, but combined there can occure bugs. we accept all help we can get to locate and fix bugs.

im gonna add some more screens and a video here soon


  • stormofchaos.JPG
    237.3 KB · Views: 3,270
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Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
Barathrum's Review (Mini Moderator)

Description (Includes THW description, map description and Loading Screen):"

THW Description: Well writen, long and colored description (+4)
Map Description: Also contains information, long enough (+3)
Loading Screen: A loading screen i haven't seen in a long time (very good +3)


Very good terrain, exept that it is a bit to flat, and that you have too many dodats. (+9)


You have multiboard, hints, quest menu, but there are tool tip missing in the game.
Has some modes to pick from. (+8)

Quest menu, Hints:

Quest menu: Contins a good quest menu (+5)
Hints: There are several hints in map (+5)

Aditional Information:

Contains a multiboard. (+10)

Score Board:

0%-49% = 1/5 vote for rejection
50%-60% = 2/5 but i vote for reviewed
61%-70% = 2/5 but i vote for Aproval
71%-80% = 3/5 vote for aproval
81%-92% = 4/5 vote for aproval
93%-100% = 5/5 vote for aproval

Total: 47/50
= 94%

Vote for Aproval?= Yes
Vote for Rejection?= No
Vote for Reviewed?= No

Level 16
Jan 5, 2008

Barathrum's Review (Mini Moderator)

Description (Includes THW description, map description and Loading Screen):"

THW Description: Well writen, long and colored description (+4)
Map Description: Also contains information, long enough (+3)
Loading Screen: A loading screen i haven't seen in a long time (very good +3)


Very good terrain, exept that it is a bit to flat, and that you have too many dodats. (+9)


You have multiboard, hints, quest menu, but there are tool tip missing in the game.
Has some modes to pick from. (+8)

Quest menu, Hints:

Quest menu: Contins a good quest menu (+5)
Hints: There are several hints in map (+5)

Aditional Information:

Contains a multiboard. (+10)

Score Board:

0%-49% = 1/5 vote for rejection
50%-60% = 2/5 but i vote for reviewed
61%-70% = 2/5 but i vote for Aproval
71%-80% = 3/5 vote for aproval
81%-92% = 4/5 vote for aproval
93%-100% = 5/5 vote for aproval

Total: 47/50
= 94%

Vote for Aproval?= Yes
Vote for Rejection?= No
Vote for Reviewed?= No

Do you know much about terraining? I don't see any problems with too many doodads, in fact, it's good. It's a lot doodads in reality if you look at a forest for example, a map shall have many doodads that are placed right, and it will look really good. I think you should remove that thing with too many doodads.

And Godslayer, you should remove all flat places. well... They are OK in cities. But not in forests and such.
Level 1
Jul 14, 2008
-ap doesnt work properly
u cant take any heroes of the other team.
and please work on a host detection.
the ingame message say "the host decides now which mode blahblah.." but if the host is on team 2, the red player has to vote >_>

o and about that yin-yang hero... it seems hes a bit bugged.
his aoe skill(the first one) sometimes just doesnt do the effect it should do at the specific daytime. its night effect currently appeared when i used the skill in the middle of the day =/
Level 9
Jun 3, 2007
-ap doesnt work properly
u cant take any heroes of the other team.
and please work on a host detection.
the ingame message say "the host decides now which mode blahblah.." but if the host is on team 2, the red player has to vote >_>

o and about that yin-yang hero... it seems hes a bit bugged.
his aoe skill(the first one) sometimes just doesnt do the effect it should do at the specific daytime. its night effect currently appeared when i used the skill in the middle of the day =/

thats all known, looks like i have to explain:
1. u cant take the heroes of the other team, because the balancing and so on is made for the good team only having good heroes and the evil team only evil heroes.

2. if you are on team 2 simply type in "-iamhost", and you will be able to choose a game mode. (this works well, and we do not include host detection because it may cause desync)

3. this spell is not final, but for now it does actualy work; in daytime you will cast the nightversion, but automaticly stop after 1 second, and add the shields to the units in the aoe.
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Level 1
Jul 14, 2008
thats all known, looks like i have to explain:
1. u cant take the heroes of the other team, because the balancing and so on is made for the good team only having good heroes and the evil team only evil heroes.
then dont call it -ap =O
ap means being able to pick heroes from all teams

2. if you are on team 2 simply type in "-iamhost", and you will be able to choose a game mode. (this works well, and we do not include host detection because it may cause desync)
well if another one knows this command and types it before you... you're screwed. sry to say that but thats a stupid idea.

3. this spell is not final, but for now it does actualy work; in daytime you will cast the nightversion, but automaticly stop after 1 second, and add the shields to the units in the aoe.
hm k
Level 9
Jun 3, 2007
then dont call it -ap =O
ap means being able to pick heroes from all teams

well if another one knows this command and types it before you... you're screwed. sry to say that but thats a stupid idea.

hm k

you seem to have actually no idea of mapmaking or warcraft:
ap = all pick ("all" means every player, not every hero, like "all random" means that every player gets a random hero)

well and if your new to keyboards it might be hard for you to type in "-ap" in one or 2 seconds, but it should be easy to type in "-ap" faster then someone can type in "-iamhost" (also its written nowhere in the map, only here on hive)
also there even if someone types that in and picks a mode... that wont be the end of the world.
Level 1
Jul 14, 2008
you seem to have actually no idea of mapmaking or warcraft:
ap = all pick ("all" means every player, not every hero, like "all random" means that every player gets a random hero)
why just not waiting like 15 secs instead of making a kinda senseless command?
every aos with -ap renders everyone to be able to pick from all taverns/tiers(whatever)

well and if your new to keyboards it might be hard for you to type in "-ap" in one or 2 seconds, but it should be easy to type in "-ap" faster then someone can type in "-iamhost" (also its written nowhere in the map, only here on hive)
also there even if someone types that in and picks a mode... that wont be the end of the world.
u misunderstood me >_> it was for the situation if the host isnt in the 1st player slot.
Level 9
Jun 3, 2007
why just not waiting like 15 secs instead of making a kinda senseless command?
every aos with -ap renders everyone to be able to pick from all taverns/tiers(whatever)

u misunderstood me >_> it was for the situation if the host isnt in the 1st player slot.

ah i understand...
well that would work if there wouldnt be the -ar and the -fcm mode... so some1 has to pick the mode.

and the host should be able to get himself to position 1/7 before the game starts.
Level 1
Jul 14, 2008
ah i understand...
well that would work if there wouldnt be the -ar and the -fcm mode... so some1 has to pick the mode.
it works also with -ar etc...
just give them 15 secs to choose a mode(-ar or -fcm), if no mode has been chosen its automatically -ap

and the host should be able to get himself to position 1/7 before the game starts.

i tested it on player 7 and u cant choose a mode without "-amhost"
Level 9
Jun 3, 2007
man there are pms for that plz stop posting comments in here.
and it looks like u dont understand that aos dont have to be all the same... and if u still didnt get it.
-iamhost is for identifieying that you are the host, and i dont use a script for finding the host, cause it may cause desync (no good aos map uses a script like this)
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
great map one of the problems i have though is the melee heroes seem to be underpowered. when they attack they seem to get swarmed by units and die every time make them a little stronger maybe?

And frozen be nice lol!
Level 6
Oct 10, 2009
Mass Purging Template Version 4.0

Reason for not approving:
To be honest, you seem like somebody who I'll have to fight with so I'll put more detail into this than I need.
Terraining is bad. There aren't many environmental doodads.
The brick and stuff right next to grass (the way you have it) would never happen in life.

Triggers are horrible.
You leak quite a bit, even your jassing leaks.
You have triggers that run on the same event, causing inefficiency.
You have way too many in general.

Obj work is meh. Not horrible.

Spells are fine.

Gameplay is repetitive.

The Difference between this and DotA is that DotA is well made, even though I hate to say it.
So many people have worked on it, that it's triggers these days are amazing.
