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3ds Max 5 Smooth problem.

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Level 10
Sep 14, 2007
Here's three screenshots of model:
1. Model exported from 3ds max 5 smoothed.
2. Model exported from 3ds max 5 without smooth.
3. Model exported from 3ds max 5 without smooth and exported again from milkshape after welded together vertexs.

So, I got problem, How to export model (screenshot 2) from 3ds max to look like in third screenshot ( exported with milkshape). Becouse then i tried to export model with 3ds max smoothing, it looked crapy (screenshot 1).

Sorry for my crapy english :ogre_hurrhurr:


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I don't know what is causing your smooth to mess up in 3ds max, but just to make sure you do it right:

*select all polygons of your model, and click the "add modifier" menu, and select "smooth".

*Choose either to check "auto smooth" (not recommended for characters) or select one of the smoothing groups (all will have the same effect).

*Export the model.

This is how i do it anyways and it always work. Then ofcourse, the smoothing method might be better programmed in milkshape than it is in 3ds max, i dunno.
Level 10
Sep 14, 2007
Ty for your answer ,but it won't helped me. I did exectly what u writed, but in the end, i still get same result.
I don't know mybe it's a bug or what... Becouse then I rotate my model by 90 degree, it becomes very dark (like in first picture).
By the way i'm using 3ds max 5,1 with Art tool.

Mybe it happens becouse i created model extruding? And in milkshape i just use weld toghter to smooth model.


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Last edited:
Level 5
May 14, 2007
perhaps u changed any lightning stuff in the mago's model editor? or maybe you changed the model's normals. to see this go to modifiers and select "edit normals" in the model, in 3ds max.

try exporting your model from 3ds max like this:
-turn all meshes to EDITABLE POLY
-weld all vertexes
-dont add any other modifier
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