2 bugs! OMFG!

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Level 6
May 3, 2009
i found the camera glitch too but for the other glitch they can do nothing i think cause its a warcraft 3 related glitch. whenever you pick something it need to go in your inventory first.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
You can also check if the pickup order is given to a unit. It's part of the "smart"order used in wc3. When the smartorder si called, the game decides which order will fit the curretn action best. F.e. right click on a tree => start harvest and so on. Right click on an item => pick up. So you can put the item into inventory before it is stored in the standard wc3inventory.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Yes, but they might consider changing it, so there's a special spot, which you cannot see, but doesn't gets filled up. Would work

That is exactly how i made the system to work but it seems like when CloudWolf implented the system for the standard inventory, he made it four slots insted of five with one invisible. :O
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Level 6
May 3, 2009
That is exactly how i made the system to work but it seems like when CloudWolf implented the system for the standard inventory, he made it four slots insted of five with one invisible. :O

Bad cloudwolf :p Meh i guess its easily fixable then.
Level 6
May 3, 2009
Yepp, and i will try to shut my mouth from now one, just noticed that im kind of telling everyone how the system works. xD

who cares lol just die and go top right you got another idea of how the system works...
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
From what ive seen during tests, the camera seems to get out of sync whenever a player experiences low FPS or minimises the game :S

I'm not entirely sure what causes it, but we'll work it out, even if we have to make a new cam system from scratch :)

I think we will have to do that CW.
Becouse noone can solve the low FPS problem and that is a huge problem.
It even happened for me once and my computer is very good.
But when i and RM played, the game lagged for like 1 sec and yey, i was out of sync, my camera could be moved under ground and everything :S
Level 3
Aug 4, 2009
First of all, greetings to all of you! My first post! ^^ I Really enjoy the map and want to say Big Thanks to Cloud and the whole team!


Now, ontopic : I too noticed that you can't use orbs when the inventory is full ( and thought of that " invisible space " for them ) and moreover, you can become immortal if your inventory is full! What I mean is - when you try to get a Revive you drop it like you drop orbs but it still gives you +1 Revive;D So I got 101 revives lol.. =)

I found some item typos but Dionysus made a Very good job mentioning all of them ^^

I've started reading all the threads but I'm still far from over xD so sorry If I mention something already mentioned/etc... Anyways, I'll write a couple more bugs I've found here.. no need of a new thread I guess^^``

- Like Dionysus said in another thread " Whenever you load a save of the map and open the full screen inventory, the game crashes (The screen turns blue and when you press ESC again you get an error) " I've found that this problem occurs after a Boss Cinematic battle. I may be wrong but I think you can't enter your inventory when you're in battle? When you load a game after fighting with such a boss, the Battle music is still on and whenever I try to exit the inventory the game crashes, because of the music, I think. It's really annoying if you trigger it right before the Skeleton King since you can't use new potions or equipment since you can't enter your inv :S Anyways with that problem I found about orbs and infinite lives ^^`

-I have found that " Voodoo Heal, Fire Bomb, Swarm " ability text do not show all their lvls, for example Voodoo Heal shows only 4 from 5 and Fire Bomb even 3 from 5!

-I remember a thread about Skeleton King being buggy in SP, I'm not sure if it's the same bug but in 1.18 when I solo it, I've found that Inferno damages the Skeleton Archers/warriors and even the King, also I think Spectral Wrath ( or however the sorcery was named ) may damage really hard the King, he kind of suicides himself after 2 infernos and a Wrath o_O

-Another bug was found for the big " butcher " boss, when I runaway from the door ghouls come from he didn't roar and I fought no ghouls at all through the whole battle, I don't know if the roar is triggered by exact amount of health or position, or both.. =)

-when I put on the Undead robes from the Crypt Skeleton boss a cinematic with blue bricks came for a second and disappeared immediately, was that the Archivist cinematic? or are there more cinematics with him? After killing the Shadow Creature with a Barb and going through the tunnel I triggered the Archivist cinematic ( really funny:D ) but I didn't saw bricks in the begining ( there are 6 small spaces in the upper right corner of the map? ;] ) anyways, that's what I found ^^

I hope I've helped a bit!
Best regards, Raggnarokh ^^

edit : omg, I forgot! Is there a place where I can download all the previous versions of the map? I've played only 1.17 and 1.18 and I'd really like to see its previours versions! ^^ Also.. are there secret areas in 1.18? I found the Tyriel one ( if you can say it was a secret one ) in 1.17 but couldn't find the others.. T_T Are they mentioned somewhere? ;s
Level 3
Aug 4, 2009
^ grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :pgrin:

Did anyone actually see this post? It's months ago and with so much feedback, nobody said a thing, as if you didn't see it. And since in the forums page you saw this thread having LTGH's post for last, you may have indeed not seen it. :/
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