First of all, greetings to all of you! My first post! ^^ I Really enjoy the map and want to say Big Thanks to Cloud and the whole team!
Now, ontopic : I too noticed that you can't use orbs when the inventory is full ( and thought of that " invisible space " for them ) and moreover, you can become immortal if your inventory is full! What I mean is - when you try to get a Revive you drop it like you drop orbs but it still gives you +1 Revive;D So I got 101 revives lol.. =)
I found some item typos but Dionysus made a Very good job mentioning all of them ^^
I've started reading all the threads but I'm still far from over xD so sorry If I mention something already mentioned/etc... Anyways, I'll write a couple more bugs I've found here.. no need of a new thread I guess^^``
- Like Dionysus said in another thread " Whenever you load a save of the map and open the full screen inventory, the game crashes (The screen turns blue and when you press ESC again you get an error) " I've found that this problem occurs after a Boss Cinematic battle. I may be wrong but I think you can't enter your inventory when you're in battle? When you load a game after fighting with such a boss, the Battle music is still on and whenever I try to exit the inventory the game crashes, because of the music, I think. It's really annoying if you trigger it right before the Skeleton King since you can't use new potions or equipment since you can't enter your inv :S Anyways with that problem I found about orbs and infinite lives ^^`
-I have found that " Voodoo Heal, Fire Bomb, Swarm " ability text do not show all their lvls, for example Voodoo Heal shows only 4 from 5 and Fire Bomb even 3 from 5!
-I remember a thread about Skeleton King being buggy in SP, I'm not sure if it's the same bug but in 1.18 when I solo it, I've found that Inferno damages the Skeleton Archers/warriors and even the King, also I think Spectral Wrath ( or however the sorcery was named ) may damage really hard the King, he kind of suicides himself after 2 infernos and a Wrath
-Another bug was found for the big " butcher " boss, when I runaway from the door ghouls come from he didn't roar and I fought no ghouls at all through the whole battle, I don't know if the roar is triggered by exact amount of health or position, or both.. =)
-when I put on the Undead robes from the Crypt Skeleton boss a cinematic with blue bricks came for a second and disappeared immediately, was that the Archivist cinematic? or are there more cinematics with him? After killing the Shadow Creature with a Barb and going through the tunnel I triggered the Archivist cinematic ( really funny

) but I didn't saw bricks in the begining ( there are 6 small spaces in the upper right corner of the map? ;] ) anyways, that's what I found ^^
I hope I've helped a bit!
Best regards, Raggnarokh ^^
edit : omg, I forgot! Is there a place where I can download all the previous versions of the map? I've played only 1.17 and 1.18 and I'd really like to see its previours versions! ^^ Also.. are there secret areas in 1.18? I found the Tyriel one ( if you can say it was a secret one ) in 1.17 but couldn't find the others.. T_T Are they mentioned somewhere? ;s