†-Revellion-†'s Goblin Alchemist

A model made on request.

Feel free to edit this model, but remember to credit me.

Fixed death & dissipate anims.
A sound object was left Unnamed, and will cause the same problems as the lack of a custom skin, extra geoset animations or Materials. I would advise any other modellers to reload their saved models and check the sound objects for this glitch, as sometimes they will cause an animation to go blank, or simply refues to be assigned.

Goblin, Alchemist, Hero, Lol

Vermillion Edict's Goblin Alchemist (Model)

12:08, 11th Jul 2009 Cavman: What anarchianbedlam said. Fix the death an dissipate anims, which can be easily done in Magos, and change the internal name to GoblinAlchemist. Ok, I see that the animations are fixed and the name changed, but I've...




12:08, 11th Jul 2009
What anarchianbedlam said. Fix the death an dissipate anims, which can be easily done in Magos, and change the internal name to GoblinAlchemist. Ok, I see that the animations are fixed and the name changed, but I've found a bigger problem. Upon importing it into Warcarft 3 it wont work. Shows up as a green and black checked box which normaly happens when you import a model and forget to import a custom skin. This model uses no custom skins, so I'm not quite sure what is causing this. If it doesn't get fixed though, it can't be accepted.

Fixed. Though I would suggest adding some Team Glow and a portrait model, those are not required. So, approved.
Level 26
Apr 13, 2008
Surprisingly good model, Mr.Goblin will love it. Only 2 problems
-change model name from "Goblin cyberslayer" to "goblin alchemist or something
-when he dies he dives at the ground and sinks into it. his body is half stuck in the dirt.

otherwise seems fine

*also if he has a dissipate animation, he should probably have a hero glow for other people to use it.
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
Christmass came early this year!
Heh, nice model, but i still give it a 4/5 = recommended.
The idea is kinda used before a few times...
God damn.. well I guess it's too late... didn't got your profile message... anyway it,s not the same model just the same base as the goblin Alchemist model you made for me.

Altought, I would really like you to tell it's based on 1 of my concept.

Not to remove anything from you, it's just being professional to give credit. When it's included.
Level 3
Oct 1, 2009
Nice model, it would better with more attack animations, the size is awesome, 4/5.