• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


  1. Rasamayu

    [Trigger] Wait in a periodic trigger cause a bug or damage in the trigger?

    Greetings hive I am creating a skill that stops time, this skill can only be cast by one unit at a time, which means that simultaneous casts are not allowed. And what I want to do to make it more realistic is to place a Wait, verifying if the ability to stop time is active with a bool, in...
  2. Meatsausage

    [Solved] Is this wait leaking?

    Hey there, i was ondering if this wait is leaking or causing problems? Hence this is a TD map, i was wondering if this will overwrite if it happens on multiple towers simulatenously ? so 1 BladestormUnit is not removed when another unit procs in that 1 second wait? Or does wc3 start this trigger...
  3. HerlySQR

    What is the best way to remake the transmission functions?

    Since the transmission functions uses the infamous TriggerSleepAction and my map is multiplayer (double problem) I think I should remake them, but I'm not sure about to how to do it, I can just use the native functions and timers, but I have to create a function for each dialogue line and also...
  4. NME Ironarrow

    How to fix a long loading screen

    Hello community! I have recently created a map which I heavily work on, however it is starting to get quite heavy and the loading screens are getting longer, do you have any ideas what i should do in the map to make the loading screen any faster? I have something like 70 triggers 150 + custom...
  5. Helheim

    Wait vs Timer: what's better for online?

    Hi! I wonder which function is better for loop triggers in map, if you gonna play it online? (By "better" I mean less desync chance and memory leaks). From what I've learned, "wait" isn't that accurate, especially online. But I'm not sure about how many timers could being running at same time...
  6. BradPittlord


    So its a known thing that waits are bad, Therefore players are advised to use timers or periodic time So why hasn't blizzard released a patch to fix waits yet?
  7. SpiritTauren

    [Trigger] Creating regions: optimization required.

    Context: I'm using either hand-placed (for small maps) or generated regions for TBS gameplay. When I worked with tiny maps, everything was rather easy and done via several loops within loops. However, now I'm working with the largest map (3 500 640 regions) and can't use Wc3 in-built loops...
  8. EarthWormJimmy

    Question with Leaks, bad triggers, and waits

    I can't seem to find the answers to certain questionable triggers in my map or any map for that matter. 1) Is this trigger bad, because there is a wait before it refers to triggering unit? Untitled Trigger 001 Events Unit - A unit enters Hero Spawn <gen> Conditions Actions...
  9. SoooK

    Trigger execution speed

    Let's say I have two trigger: TriggerA fires every x seconds (by its own event) and runs TriggerB. TriggerB does lot's of stuff. So much stuff, that it's just impossible to fully execute all actions of Trigger B before TriggerA wants to fire again. 1. Does TriggerA just fire before all actions...
  10. Mr. Ozil

    [Solved] Long wait causes revival to fail?

    My creep revival system works perfectly with a 30 second wait but not a 300 second wait? Here are the triggers: Revival System Events Map initialization Conditions Actions Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in (Playable map area) owned by Neutral Hostile) and do...
  11. DaneTheBeast

    [vJASS] Replacing TriggerSleepAction with a timer

    function Actions takes nothing returns nothing local unit Attacker = GetAttacker() local integer Loop = 2 //SOME CODE. . . loop exitwhen Loop > 16 if ((IsUnitInGroup(Attacker, udg_ugCreepGroup_Array[Loop]) == true)) then call TriggerSleepAction(0.10)...
  12. Woodenplank

    [Trigger] (Slowly) Expanding Circles

    I've made a trigger that, when a unit instant cast ability, will spawn wave after wave of outwards expanding circles from the point, much like rings formed after dropping something in water... Except with cool fiery explosions. The trigger works without a fault, but to give it the slow...
  13. 13lack_Ro$e

    Is it ok to use ((wait)) trigger in single player game? {{SOLVED}}

    Hi all,as title says , I am creating a single player hero defence and for some hero spells I use ((wait)) trigger (I think I know how to make it MUI but I think that's not necessary since in that map there never will be more than player , so why should I make trouble to myself?). Also I wanted...
  14. deepstrasz

    Brood War StarEdit Wait Trigger Problem (~solved)

    So, every time I load the game the units that are supposed to be created after the Wait trigger, spawn immediately (after I load the map). By loading the map, I mean saving the game first when I start the map and then using the load game option. Does anybody have ideas on how to avoid/fix this...