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LotR Orc Pack

"Down from the hills on either side of the Morannon poured Orcs innumerable. Forces ten times and more than ten times their match would ring them in a sea of enemies. Sauron had taken the proffered bait in jaws of steel."
- J.R.R. Tolkien

This pack includes:
- Orc Archer
- Armoured Orc Archer
- Orc Archer Elite
- Orc Warrior
- Black-orc Warrior
- Orc Captain
- Black-orc Captain

I had intended to release this pack with Prowlers (Fat orcs with greataxes) and Pickets (Skinny orcs with bows and spears) but they were taking too long.

- Fixed greaves on Archer 3
- Fixed material layer error on Warrior 4
- Added in-game Screenshot

Orc Archer 1 (Icon)

Orc Archer 1 (Model)

Orc Archer 2 (Model)

Orc Archer 2 (Icon)

Orc Archer 3 (Icon)

Orc Archer 3 (Model)

Orc Captain 1 (Icon)

Orc Captain 1 (Model)

Orc Captain 2 (Icon)

Orc Captain 2 (Model)

Orc Warrior 1 (Icon)

Orc Warrior 1 (Model)

Orc Warrior 2 (Icon)

Orc Warrior 2 (Model)

Fine set of orcish troops. Changes made. Works in-game. Approved!
Level 4
Nov 29, 2014
Your models are always a treat.

I did notice, and confirmed in game, that some part of the armor at the top of the legs in Orc Archer 3 is moving with the animation of the left hand or he just has some real spiky knee plates.
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Level 66
Dec 23, 2013
You know, when you think about it, are these guys Uruks from Shadows of War?

EDIT: Hey, why do the orc warriors have a sword on their back? Are they intended for an alternate animation?
These are inspired by the Orcs from the Lord of the Rings: Online

There isn't an alternate animation intended for the sword on the back, it's just something to occupy an otherwise empty space, much like the Blademaster's back-flag

Level 66
Dec 23, 2013
Hi HerrDave!

You again the best! I even say "ХОРОШ"!

I see you use icon from LOTR on screenshot. It's your import? Or you can give link resource?

I've been working on a 10v10 map called War in the Ettenmoors, basically DotA on a much bigger scale with capturable forts instead of destructible towers

The icons were extracted from the LotRO Wiki, upscaled with AI and trimmed

Since I got held to the fire a few years ago for uploaded adapted content, I won't be releasing the icons as their own pack; but you can extract anything you'd l like from the map when it's finished :)
Level 6
Jul 5, 2020
I've been working on a 10v10 map called War in the Ettenmoors, basically DotA on a much bigger scale with capturable forts instead of destructible towers

The icons were extracted from the LotRO Wiki, upscaled with AI and trimmed

Since I got held to the fire a few years ago for uploaded adapted content, I won't be releasing the icons as their own pack; but you can extract anything you'd l like from the map when it's finished :)

I was doing something similar map. But in my version it was type RISK. When I saw your screen and mini-map, I start memering how was play in LOTR on russian servers. I love play PvsPM on Ettenmoors. It was cool. Were sad, what Turbine was don't work on PvsPM content, like they work on PvE.
I admire how you carefully approach the recreation of the original source. Fantastic!
In the same time I'm ashamed of my skills in landmaking.
Really bad to hear about your problems with uploaded adapted content... May I ask about it?! Did you have to pay a fine?
And in the end, what percentage is your map completed? (War in the Ettenmoors)