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Human Shaman

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
It was a simple request that I made in a couple minutes. It's a human version of the Orc Shaman.
Maybe it's useful? Idonno.

Added a portrait.

Human Shaman (Model)

Human Shaman Portrait (Model)

General Frank
Although there might be some people that might use the model, the edits to it are kinda small and justify it being in the sub-standard section. Works in-game.
Level 4
Apr 28, 2017
Pefect, been spending weeks on hive searching for this exact edit! Simple, yet very useful! 5/5
Level 4
Apr 28, 2017
The bulping jaw is kinda wierd, isn't it?
It's only shown in model editor, check it in game, works fine. I believe it's coz of "breathing"... not 100% sure. A lot of models have strange "bulping" animations when viewed in model editors
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Well, the request was a humanized Orc Shaman. If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to share.
Eh, that was... Pretty much it. I don't really know what texture you'd use; just that it is something to consider.

(Now that I'm thinking about it, replacing the wolf-head with a Gryphon head might allow for a Wildhammer Dwarven Shaman, which would be totes sweet (though I guess he'd need a beard then too))
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Double post, I know, but it might be possible to circumvent the whole 'beard' issue by manipulating those "fur tassels" the regular Shaman has on either side of the jaw... Maybe by moving then onto his chin, widening them, and reshaping them (maybe copying/multiplying them as well)? Hopefully if done right they would keep their animations...
I think he meant that black line on his head should be teamcolored (it should shown red in model viewer on hive).

Yeah, that.

Blizzard models come with glitches and flaws. This is clearly a flaw on Blizzard's side. You can fix it.
Also, that small edit would make the portrait look more like the main model.

Furthermore, if this is just a request, why even bother uploading it if you don't want to follow a few guidelines anyway, huh?