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Elemental Clash 1.07

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Reactions: Niqui2000
General Info:
-This map is protected-
A Capture the Flag game featuring up to 12 players.
As of version 1.07, there are 18 heroes to choose from in the game.
As of version 1.07, there are 3 gamestyles implemented:
Normal - Capture the flag 3 times to win.
Quick - Instantly spawn at level 20, 1 flag capture required to win. Map fully visible.
Assault - Resist incoming waves of creeps, while defending your flag. Last survivor wins.

Gameplay Info:
The normal and quick gameplay modes feature a hero-arena style gameplay, and the capture the flag mode is a mix of King of the Hill and traditional Capture the flag.
What this means is that once a player picks a hero, he or she must do their best to defeat the enemy heroes, and coordinate with teammates to capture the flag, bring it to base, and hold it there a predetermined amount of time to be able to score. These two game modes can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 45 minutes.

The assault gameplay mode features more of a defensive style, in which the player must pick a hero, and then coordinate with teammates to defend the flag, which is readily located in their base, while attempting to sabotage the enemy flag. This game mode can take up to an hour.

Development Info:
The latest patch notes can be viewed at http://war3.incgamers.com/?p=mod&m=11103
(Patch notes are generally very long)

Development for version 1.07 took about 2 months.
Development for version 1.06 took about 15 minutes.
Development for version 1.05 took about 8 months.
Development for the map, overall, took about 2 years.

Credits are located in the map's F9 menu (There are too many credits to list them here. The map draws alot of influences, but strictly artistically. The gameplay is created 100%, top to bottom, by me and it is my personal work. Heroes were also created by me, but I also had consentual help in designing them.)

Any general feedback and bug reports would be greatly apreciated.
We hope you enjoy playing The Elemental Clash as much as we enjoyed developing it.

Elemental, War, CTF, Capture The Flag, Dragons.

Elemental Clash 1.07 (Map)

04:22, 27th Dec 2009 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 7
Dec 28, 2009
Nice Map here is a reivew.

Awesome map :p it should be higher rating.

Although It is not perfect so... let me rate this map!

First method of rating:

1) Terrain - okay (3.5)
The terrain is awesome, it is very good texture. To get a better rating for this add a few more custom doodads round the place and it will be awesome.

2) Fun factor/gameplay - Good (4)
The game-play of the game is pretty good although there is room for improvement. You start out choosing the game type, then you choose a hero. Depending on what game type you chose depends on what you do 2 capture the flag game plays and 1 protect the flag. I can't really think of what is missing here, but there is something.

3) Single player - Bad (1)
Single player is really bad because there is no AI support.

4) AI support - Horrible (0)
There is no AI support :( that part gets a 0

5) Originality - Average (4.5)
This map is very original and unique as it is a one of a kind capture the flag with a twist. Plus the Assault/defend the flag is uniquely done too.

6) File Size - Reasonable (3)
File size is a bit on the small side (This means you have alot of room for improvement) But overall, the file size is reasonable.

7) Internet/LAN Friendly - Excellent (5)
Works very well over LAN and Internet, as it does not crash for random reasons.

8) Balancing - Excellent (3)
You balance this game excellently. As mentioned above, the idea is choose a hero (from what i saw there all balanced) and capture the flag. Although the creeps in the ASSAULT mode are way stronger than your hero which brings the balance rating down to 3.

9) Credits - Excellent (5)
You list the credits very well and list all the people good job.

10) Theme - Excellent (5)
Capture the flag and protect the flag - 2 awesome themes.

11) Description/Information/Detail - Average (3.5)
add some pictures/youtube video to the description to make it good and maybe a upcoming update log.

12) Hiveworkshop rules & regulation - Good (5)
Fits all Hiveworkshop Rules!

Overall top rating (42.5/60)

Second method of rating:

Game-play [4/5]:

The game-play of the game is pretty good although there is room for improvement. You start out choosing the game type, then you choose a hero. Depending on what game type you chose depends on what you do 2 capture the flag game plays and 1 protect the flag. I can't really think of what is missing here, but there is something.

Balance [4.5/5]:
You balance this game excellently. As mentioned above, the idea is choose a hero (from what i saw there all balanced) and capture the flag. Although the creeps in the ASSAULT mode are way stronger than your hero which brings the balance rating down to 3.

Visuals [4/5]:
The visuals of the game, the look and feel is just great and here is why. You have some unique models for heroes (get custom models for creeps/ buildings) The terrain is awesome, it is very good texture. To get a better rating for this add a few more custom doodads round the place and it will be awesome.

Usefulness of the map [4/5]:
Other then a couple of tweaks and fixes, I would share this game to anyone who enjoys a slow type of capture the flag/protect the flag map. IF you work out a few more tweaks, I am sure you will get a higher grade. This map is very useful/fun.

Other Points [3/5]:
While the idea of the game is very good and suits the map well, although it still has alot of things that could be done to make it look, feel and even be more enjoyable all over. Although on a good point there are no bugs within the game that I have actually found. Overall the game is working, has no bugs and just a few customization issues in need to make it a 5/5 star map.

Stuff to add in future (-2):
  • Add AI support
  • Add More doodads to the terrain
  • Add creeps around the map to the Capture the flag
  • Add more items (health stones, cloaks, rings etc)
  • Add more pillars to get gold.

19.5/25 (from above)
minus 2 for the stuff you need to add to make it better
Overall Bottom Rating(17.5/25)


Overall with a few tweaks this will be an awesome map,
Lag_Reviews :p

PS: Nice loading screen, custom models for heroes, custom spells and the custom gameplay. Keep up the good work and i'm sure this map will become huge!
Last edited:
Level 6
Mar 18, 2005
Me and my team deeply apreciate your review, and have taken everything you pointed out to heart. First of all, I'm glad you enjoyed it. All the hard work me and my team have invested has finally shown off.

Now, I will touch upon some of the things you pointed out:

1) Terrain will be improved. Each version I add tweaks and small changes to the overall design to make it fit each individual team. The big problem is with the player bases, which I was short on ideas for how to decorate. However, adding doodads in some spaces would be counter-productive, as players need room to manuever. This will be touched upon.

2) Ai. This one's a bit more tricky to pull off, even harder to actually make it worth the time it would take to implement. But I will strive to add Ai support at some point in the future.

3) File size. This... there's nothing I can do about this unfortunately. All models, textures and icons have been compressed, recompressed, and then ran over by a bulldozer. There is nowhere for the map size to go now but up.

4) Balancing. Alot of time and effort has gone into this to make sure the map holds no favourites, and is easy and fun to play. I can also assure you that the difficulty of Assault mode is intended. Assault mode is not meant to be finished, rather be survived. It has singleplayer capabilities, in that it allows players to play against waves of creeps and play around with the heroes, but Assault's true purpose lies in multiplayer, where the last surviving team wins.

5) Description. This will also be improved over time. The concept of adding youtube videos hadn't crossed my mind, this will definetly be added for future versions.

6) Creeps in Capture the Flag mode. The CTF mode was designed around heroes vs heroes. I have no intention of adding creeps to this game mode. If it draws my overall score down, so be it.

7) More items. Ironically, the next version is to include a new item system, that's much more intuitive, and allows for many, and much more interesting combos. If you check back in about a month or two, you will get to see it in action.

8) The amount of Pillars, I believe, is optimal. After intense testing in 3v3v3 matches, the competitive nature of fighting over the Pillars, while attempting to capture the flag, was most of the time a rush. The income of the Pillars was also, at times, even too much. I was actually thinking of reducing the overall gold gained from them, but you have swayed me to leave them as they are.

That's about it for the parts that need improving. As I said, me and my team have taken this to heart and will strive to make the map as perfect as possible, given our time, talents and willpower.

I thank you once again for the review, and I hope you will check back once the new version will be released. Have a Happy New Year!