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Barbarian Uprising 1.0 Beta

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Reactions: Mitchomitch
A group of rebels and barbarians rise up to challenge the might of an Empire in this AoS style game. 3 Unique battlegrounds, side-quests, original heros, triggered abilities and overall exciting gameplay and many more excellent aspects.

Created by niro.

Aeon of Strife

Barbarian Uprising 1.0 Beta (Map)

21:56, 30th Jul 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 3
Jan 11, 2009
Well done Map my friend!

Good Points:
-Unique Heroes
-Nice Triggers as far as I see
-Long and Funny Gameplay

Neutral Points:
-Heroes are a bit unbalanced (Dragon Hunter has 60% evasion! oO)
-Terrain isn't that special but ok

Bad Points:
-Well you have items to combine basic items but you can't. You have no recipe or any manual how to do it. It says: "Look into Quest Menu" but there wasn't anything except the basic tips.
-It's not really bad, but why do you have 90000 lumber by beginning the game? You don't need so many.

My suggestions:
-Make normal item recipes. Everyone will understand it.
-Make lumber a special recource or make it like getting lumber by killing boss creeps or something similar like that. Because now, you spend up to 1000 lumber, but don't need the rest.

My rating: 4/5 because of Fun Gameplay and nice Heroes. Please make recipes^^"
Level 1
Jul 14, 2008
played it a few times and this map has some bugs:

-sometimes the item recipes dont work for the rest of the game(maybe it happens due to leavers? i dont know =/)

-troll trapper is EXTREMELY imballanced. 60% evasion+curse spell of those caster units of the horde and hes impossible to hit with normal attacks. also his ensnare trap at max lvl can be used to perma snare a hero, making it impossible to do anything for the victim. i suggest to highly increase the CD of that trap or double the manacosts.

-imho i think curse is much stronger than inner fire. maybe change the spell on a side so they both share the same spell to make it more ballanced.

-the terrain is slightly imballanced for ranged heroes, since some alliance bases are on higher ground while some horde bases arent. make either both of them on the ground or on a hill/mountain/whatever, but not like it is now.

if ive forgot something, ill edit this post.

P.S. i know i listed lots of bugs etc. but let me tell you that your map has indeed potential and i would like to see more ballanced versions in the future :)
3/5 for now, 4/5 if the bugs are fixed and the map's ballanced.