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  • Hey, I know this is a bit late, but I just finished playing "Rise of the blood elves" and I just wanna say thank you from the bottom of my heart, This was one of the best campaigns I have ever played, The quality and the effort that was put in this campaign exceeds the official campaigns themselves, I wish I could support you with more than that but "Thanks" is all what I have.
    Just saw your new trailer for COTF today by accident, didn't know that you were remastering it again, good one, was just wandering about it a few days ago, when it will be released?
    Check out the first full preview trailer for Curse of the Forsaken Classic on my channel!

    Looking forward to it! I am a Chinese player, and I have played both of your campaigns many times over the past decade. Like storybooks, I think they are even more exciting than official campaigns each time I read them. I look forward to your further updates and more creations, and I hope your life and work go well.
    Thank you!
    Hello. I really liked the "Curse of the Forsaken 3.0". 10/10. The gameplay, plot and landscape are top-notch. As in the "Rise of the Blood Elves 3.0." However, in the RBE, I really didn't like artificial intelligence. It is very inadequate. Only 9/10. Therefore, I cannot give it the highest rating. As far as I understand, no improvements have been made in the field of artificial intelligence compared to previous versions? I only played 3.0.

    Thank you, glad you enjoyed them. Yes, RotBE is slightly outdated and some things were additionally broken with subsequent patches Warcraft 3 received. I have not made any fixes yet, but hopefully I'll get to it in the future.
    The "Rise of the Blood Elves 3.0." for version 1.27? I've played "RBE 3.0" аt 1.26 twice. Perhaps because of this, the artificial intelligence broke down? And in all chapters.
    I played The Curse of the Forsaken in version 1.26. Almost everything is perfect there with artificial intelligence. Except for one chapter.
    But to check, I'll have to play 1.31 later.
    I believe it was one of the patches that came with Reforged that broke the AIs. I don't know for sure which one.
    Hey Tomoraider.
    Hope you doing well.
    Quick question. Will the series continue from what the last 1 left off or will we get some story that happened before the first 2 campaigns you made?
    Hello, Mr. Tomoraider, who made your Blood Elf building model? Can you tell me who made this model? Alternatively, could you tell me where exactly the building model of this Blood Elf was downloaded from? Can you provide a website link? I have no other intention, I just want to get to know this modeler.
    Hi, Mr. Tomoradier, first of all, I really enjoyed your curse of forsaken campaign, so I was wondering if I could make some changes to your unit? Of course, the changes will not be sold or profit, and so on, just as a warcraft enthusiasts to make their own small changes
    Hey Man, will you create a new project again? for new campaign story maybe??
    I have no plans to make anything new
    I also had a question regarding that, I mean, rise of the blood elves, and curse of the forsaken, maybe one for Cataclysm or even Mists of Pandaria in the future?
    Hey Tomoraider can you put the link to 2.0 version of Rise of the Blood Elves please. I don't see it on the download page.
    Hey Tomoraider,
    I recently released a new Forsaken Apothecary model and thought it might interest you for your campaigns, of course I will take no offence if you prefer the current model you use :)

    Hey, looks cool, thanks for sharing. I think I'm more attached to the current model, but this might be useful for something else, I'll consider it
    No worries! I get that way myself with certain resources :)
    Mr. Tomoraider, I would like to ask your permission to translate into Spanish your two majestic campaigns of the blood elves and the renegades, and ask you why once I tried to translate a chapter of the renegades into Spanish and I couldn't, why can it be?
    Hey, sorry for not responding earlier, you can translate into Spanish and you can send me a link once you're done so I can link it here as well
    The first time I played your campaign was in 2015.
    At that time, your two campaigns deeply shocked me, and it was the first time I discovered that Warcraft campaigns could be done so well.
    I played your new version of the campaign again recently, and the improved campaign is even better.
    Your campaign restores the plot of Warcraft very well, and the original plot you designed is also very good.
    And i heard that you have plans for further updates in the near future, is that true?
    • Like
    Reactions: Footman16
    Thanks, glad you enjoy my campaigns! I'm working on a v3.1 for CotF, which would include some system changes (how the AI works and such), compatibility updates for Reforged (with classic graphics) and some minor gameplay changes, techtree updates, and similar. I'd like to do a RotBE v4.0 at some point in the future too.
    Thanks. Can I ask about your plan, if you already have an outline? I'm a little curious.
    Are you ready to add the plot of challenging the Zul'Aman trolls? And the plot where Kil'jaeden cut off the link between Quel'Thalas and Kael'thas?So Kael'thas goes full demoncrazy. And what about the draenei and the blood elves attacking Kael'thas's army together?
    If you don't want to disclose, you don't have to answer, excuse me.
    I have ideas what I'd like to do, but no plan at the moment, I haven't committed to anything yet.
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    Reactions: gxwz
    I play Curse of the Forsaken custom map on WC3 1.26. But when i finished Chapter One and load the Chapter 2, My screen was been black and didn't load any thing. I wait 30 minutes but it didn't better? you can fix that error please?. I haven't played this campaign yet and really want to play this campaign!
    Hi, Tomoraider what version do you need for the entirety of the campaign to work? As I cant play Chapter 2 the Icy Menace.
    hello tomoraider, I just checked in the editor and as I thought in your campaign Rise of the blodd elves (great BTW) you replaced the human musics so the custom ones automatically play. Did you have problems to make it work ?
    For me sometimes the tracks stop playing even if each one seems fine, like I said here. I don't know if it's the length or something in the files or what.

    thanks in advance
    Hey tomoraider. I found the blood knight in RotBE campaign has the wrong model(looking like a Nelf sentry) when playing in 1.31.1 is there any chance you can make a small bug fix on that? Or if there is a quick fix in the editor can you help me change it myself? Everything else is perfect but I my ocd just can't handle it anymore :cry:
    Hi tomoraider
    I want to apologize in advance for my mediocre English. I recently passed your campaign "Rise of the Blood Elves". I would like to express my gratitude for the work you have done. The quality of detail, the colorfulness of the landscape and the atmosphere itself are simply amazing! All the cinematics and dialogues are just fantastic!. I hope that you will continue to delight me with your masterpieces :)
    Hey tomoraider!

    I recently just finished your Rise of the Blood Elves campaign. I was hoping to play Curse of the Forsaken. However, the campaign requires patch 1.30.2. With Warcraft 3 in it's current state, I cannot find access to just this patch. I can't get it through Blizzard as the setup will just take me to Reforged. Is there any way to get this patch just by itself? Thanks!
    Use a previous version of the campaign maybe?
    Curse of the Forsaken v3.0 -- I cannot play Chapter 2 - Icy Menace. I get a permanent black screen that I can only exit out of by closing the client. Any solution??
    Why not post that question in the thread?
    That happened to me too, what is ur version of warcraft 3?
    Hi, as long as i and a bunch of folks loved your campagin, I wonder if you would agree to convert your campaign into a reforged-playable campagin, there would be no change, just convertion.

    On your 'Curse of the Forsaken' thread, someone has posted a link to what is presumably v3.0 from June 10, 2018

    Because you do not officially make this specific version available yourself, I do not know if this upload is kosher.

    For the record and in case you have a list of digests to compare with, its SHA-1 is 3838020662E6740463AA6B567BFA3ADCDD42F76A
    Hello, I come from China. My English is not good .I like your Curse of the Forsaken very much. Can I change the Curse of the Forsaken into a multiplayer campaign ?For example: Chapter 11 The Fall of the Lich King, I hope to change it into a map of 6 people, so that players can play together.thank you!
    Hi is there a new campaign on the horizon? it wants something new from the world wow for example the battle of azeroth
    Hello, Can you make a melee map using your rise of the blood elves tech tree?? If I would suggest, you just do a little polishing, update and improvement to it. Looking forward for it. Thanks!
    Hi. I found a nice and clean way to use the "Unit dies, another one replaces it" system and since I know the Forsaken archers use it, I thought maybe I could share it with you. Not only is it trigger free, it also keeps the replaced unit in a selected group and the shortcut groups (you know, these ones where you click "1" and the unit gets selected)

    The secret is to use the Fenix rebirth ability, while setting the duration time to zero.
    That never occured to me. Thanks, maybe I'll end up using it in the future!
    Reputation (+4):
    (Post) Hey good to see a fellow Campaign makers back! I too am itching for them to re-add custom campaigns, hope you're doing alright.
    Reputation (+4):
    (Post) Looking forward to future versions being saved on 1.32+. Right now, no-one knows what version of Wc3 to use, and it is trouble getting everyone streamlined together on the same version.
    Hey there! Sorry for this informal approach but we couldn't find your e-mail anywhere. We're a World of Warcraft machinima channel and would like to tell the story you've so beautifully made in to a WC3 campaign--in machinima form. We've already done this with another custom campaign--Chasing the Dawn which you can find it on our channel on YouTube. We'd be extremely glad if you give us the go ahead on this.

    Of course we will give credits to you and direct people to play the campaign and experience the story as it was meant to. We just want to both celebrate and put some shine on this campaign that we all enjoyed very much.

    Hope you return us with a reply. Thank you!
    I am sorry for getting back to you just now! Yes, you can absolutely use my campaign for the machinimas. I would love to see it if you end up doing it!
    Talecraft: Legacy
    Talecraft: Legacy
    That's wonderful to hear! We would like to wait for the new face customization options that are coming to WoW, also some time is required to get the voice actors on board but I'll be sure to notify you when the first episode is completed. We wouldn't dare release it without your approval haha! Thank you so much!
    Hello is there a way to get Curse of the Forsaken v3.0? I really wanna play with the CGI cinematics.
    Hey, Tomoraider. I'm playing your Rise of the Blood Elves campaign and I just wanted to tell you that I'm having a blast playing it. I'm looking forward to playing your Forsaken campaign too.
    Hello, i would like to start creating a custom campaign but i don't know right now how much of it is a dream and how much it ain't. The only resource right now is time. For a campaign like this one, how many years did it took you to get the first version released? how many hours have you worked usually on the map?
    Happy New Year Tomo, hope you have a great year! Waiting for seeing work of yours in the near future ;D
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