• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!
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  • Hey dude, do you mind if I include you as one of the characters in my "perfect christmas eve" drawing? :)
    Why do you subscribe to a contest thread that has already ended? :p

    Wait for the next one to begin, there will be an announcement. That's the thread you should subscribe to then. :)
    Congratulations for the 3rd place at the Techtree contest... hehe we should talk over skype or something like that heeheh. (the last University points are missing XD)
    Hehe, thank you for the pills! :p
    While the Techtree results are out (congratulations, by the way), I still need bowser499 and Remixer's reviews for the Mini-Mapping one.
    For that, well, it actually depends on how much reputation and posts you have.

    1 - 199 rep -> +1
    200 - 399 rep -> +2
    400 - 599 rep -> +3
    600+ -> +4

    Moderator -> -12 to +12
    Admin -> Infinity :O
    is it? too bad I forgot to tell that mine was born, and not just born, but born with me :)

    EDIT: ops, you are seeing it already ^_^
    Thanks kari, sorry for not answering before I got a little mess up with PMs and forgot to answer the visitor messages.

    hey if you have time I have just connected to the chat to talk.
    Hello Kari,

    Heheh I wanted to joined the Modeling Contest 24, but the chosen theme is so lame for me. eheheh too bad.

    How have you been??
    Hey :)

    I think that it is cool that you're edging the judging for techtree #6 along; but I have already declined the opportunity to judge. But I think if things go as planned we would still have -Kobas- and Vengeancekael as 1st and 2nd judges. (They are both map moderators and awesome btw)

    Good luck with the contest! (you could try bribing the judges with candy or something :crazz:)
    I am in the middle of exams, "no answer came" is because of that, I don't usually just ignore people.

    When I have the time, I will take a look at it. First off, the results must come out.
    Hello, hehehe this weekend have been a very productive one. Check all the models I have created (all aproved now).

    AHH this is the first time in years that I don't have to do absolutely nothing for a whole month... XD
    PS: in 10 minutes I will enter the chat room.. see ya
    Hi, well if you have time lets talk now.

    To enter the chat, just enter it. The link is in the top area of the page. Just above Skins.
    Accept the terms of agrement of the chat ussage and then click on my name. (I should be online)
    I will gladly talk with you about professions. I am studying "Engineering in Mechatronics", and this fall I will start my senior year. (btw I'm from Latinamerica)

    Next time we both are online lets chat, and I will show you some pics of my work XD.
    Well I learn to model at university at Unigrafix, and now NX. Those are software used by FORD, NISSAN and other similar companies.
    They are way different from the models we use in Warcraft III. Unigrafix models CANT be used in games cause they work in a different way.

    About codding, well I can be good at making them at GUI, even doing MUI, but I am just don´t know how to use VJazz. With a good idea for a system I could do the basis of its coding in GUI....
    BTW my semester at university ended a week ago, so I have plenty of time till my summer job begin.
    I am currently learning how to model in Milkshape, and its freaking me out (I know to model but in other kind of software, but in that software models are at least 4mb each, to almost a gb for a complex machine, and there is no way to import to WCIII)
    Same System: a shared system idea for all entries would make judging way more fair and easy to do. But there are several drawbacks here. The big problem with a shared system is that it MUST have several ways of been interpreted and implemented, for instance the Super Unit idea lacks in this aspect.
    For example we have over 12 participants in ever techtree contest can you guaranty 12 different interpretation of super unit?. Also cause that system (super unit) is too specific people that don't like the idea wont join.

    I summary I would like to see a same system theme for the next contest, but the system must be broad enough to have 5 or more interpretations of it. (yet currently I don't have ideas about what that broad same system could be)

    I will stick with the Environmental theme for now.
    Well I will let some more people post in the contest#7 thread before I reply there. Hhehe if not the thread will become a conversation between us.
    Nomad Race: only 1 tier race has been done in the TechTree contest#3 and well the winner entries I have checked were simply lacking. For how melee games work Nomad races won't work properly. (Every non-player goldmine has strong creeps defending and so on).

    The Troll: hehe I don't like trolling so I wouldn't join this style of game. The problem is that to troll you need to be known in the community, also it's not desirable for a formal and serious contest to take themes like (comedy, trolling, or parody).

    Same System: I really would like to something like this to be implemented, cause normally the themes are so broad that judging is too difficult to do. Also having races working in any way possible with no base criteria to judge them make impossible to compare a systems, good aesthetics or even game plays.
    Hello, I have made my input to the next techtree thread.

    I think that the ideas must be developed more before we could start a poll about it. Also more ideas would be good for the sake of the contest.

    PS: also whats your opinion about doing the next techtree contest OPTIONALLY Paired???
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